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Katherines POV:

As I woke up the sun shined down, lightning up the room trough the curtains. Toms hand was wrapped around my waist, my head on his chest. He was still sleeping. The pain in my arm was still there but I somehow got used to it so it didn't hurt as bad as yesterday. I didn't want to move because I would wake Tom so I stayed in that position and I closed my eyes, trying to fall back asleep.

Suddenly I heard the door crack open slowly. I turned my head to see Bill smiling slightly. He nodded his head, signaling me to go with him. I got out of bed slowly and I walked out of the room with Bill. We went downstairs and sat on the couch.

He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed "Is your arm okay?" he asked as he looked at the bandage, "Not really, it hurts a little.." I replied. "I'm sorry." he said as he looked down at his hands and played with his rings, "It's not your fault..I'll be okay." I placed my hand on his and looked at him. He gave me a small smile and sighed "Are you hungry?" he asked, "Not really." I replied. "You have to eat something Katherine, when was the last time you ate?" he said with a concerned look, "I don't know.." I replied, I know it's not healthy but if I ate something I would most likely throw it up after 5 minutes. Bill sighed and got up, I looked at him as he walked towards the kitchen. "Come." he looked back at me. I got up and walked into the kitchen aswell. Bill opened the fridge and looked at me. "You are eating something, you'll die from starvation otherwise." he looked for something to feed me. "Tha-.." I stopped saying what I was about to. I don't know if I can make this types of jokes around them right now. "Uhm..We have nothing besides cereal.." he closed the fridge. "Cereal is fine." I said. He grabbed a bowl and a spoon and made me cereal. I sat down at the table and ate slowly.

Bill sat down across form me. "Do you have any plans for today?" He asked, "What plans would I have?" I asked back. "Oh, yeah..Well we are going to a club tonight, Tom has he needs to sort out.." he said and I looked at him curiously. "What exactly business are you guys doing?" I asked, "I can't tell you that. I don't think Tom will let you stay home alone now..from the previous events.." he said. I nodded my head and I heard a yawn come from the living room.

"Morning" Tom said as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning? It's 3 PM." Bill said with a chuckle, "Shut it." Tom said as he sat down next to me. "How's your arm..?" he asked as he looked down at me. "Not as bad as yesterday.." I replied, "We have to go somewhere tonight." Tom said. "Mhm" I nodded my head and finished eating.

I really didn't want to go but there's no point in arguing about it. I got up and walked upstairs. I  went to the bathroom and unwrapped the bandage from my arm. The wound looked awful and it hurt like hell. I started the shower and washed my hair and my body. I looked and felt awful. I got out from the shower and put on pajamas. I sat on the bed and zooned out, Tom came into the room and sat beside me, he placed his hand on my back and caressed it. I laid my head on his shoulder and we both sat in silence for a while. I wasn't scared of him anymore, I didn't have a reason, if he kills me, he kills me, if he doesn't, he doesn't, I don't really care anymore.

"You should get ready." He said gently as he rubbed my shoulder. "Yeah..Can you help me with the bandage?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure." Tom said. He bandaged my arm again and helped me get dressed. I dried my hair and I didn't put on any makeup, I didn't have the energy. We got into the car and drove to the club, it was around 8 pm so it was pretty dark outside.

We arrived at the club, it was packed, the music was so loud you could hear it from outside and it smelled like cheap weed and alcohol, not a pleasant smell. I entered the club, Tom had his hand around my waist, holding me close, Bill was next to us. They both analyzed the surroundings before we went and sat at the bar. On our way there I saw a man looking at me intensely, he was scanning me like he wanted to eat me but I brushed it off, thinking he was just intoxicated to the point where he didn't know his own name anymore.

We sat down at the bar , Tom and Bill
ordered drinks for themselves, I wasn't in the mood to drink. The music blasted trough the speakers, people were dancing around and enjoying themselves. "We have to go take care of something, stay here and don't talk to anybody, absolutely anybody, understand?" Tom said in a serious tone. I nodded my head as they got up and left, disappearing trough the crowd.

I needed to use the bathroom, I got up and walked towards it. As I was about to open the door a hand grabbed my upper arm and yanked me towards them. I couldn't see who it was but I could smell the alcohol coming from their breath. I tried to get away but it was impossible, it was obviously a man who was twice as strong as me, I tried to scream but he put his hand over my mouth and dragged me out of the club. Tears started pouring down on my face as the cold night air hit my face. He pushed me to the ground and I fell on my back. I could see his face and he was the man from earlier. He was clearly very muscular and very drunk. With a smirk plastered across his face he knelt down and tied my arms, I started kicking my legs, trying to hit him with my heels but it was useless. He grabbed me and pushed me into his car. "Get your dirty hands off me!" I screamed at him. He slapped me across the face and got into the car.
Im back😘😘
Prepare for the worst guys.. I hope you liked this chapter, i'll try to post more but i'm not promising anything😔
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas<3
love you all❤️❤️❤️

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