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He talked to me like I was a damn dog, but I decided to keep my mouth shut, it's better that way. His breath lingered on me for a little while before he pulled away, looking at me like he was thinking about what else he could do to me. I glared at him, all I wanted to do was fucking smash his head against the wall but I was tied up to a chain, not very original if you ask me.

He started chuckling, I don't know why tho. I looked at him with a puzzled expression, he just turned around and left, shut the door behind him. Maybe he was schizophrenic, or maybe he was just a fucking creep..

I looked down, trying to see the wound but it was too high up. I looked back up but I felt dizzy, I panicked a little but then I thought it was my low iron acting up. My vision started getting blurrier with each second passing by until my head fell to the side a little and I was too exhausted to lift it back up, my eyelids got heavy again and I closed my eyes.

Toms POV

"Wait." Bill said, gripping my shoulder harder. "I can't wait, that fucker could do anything to her in this moment. Are you coming or not?!" I screamed at him, I didn't mean to tho, I was just angry and..scared I guess. Bill looked over at Gustav and Georg and nodded his head towards the door.

We got out of the house and got into our cars. We didn't have a plan, we didn't talk this trough but there wasn't any time to waste. His big ass mansion was maybe a two hour drive away. I started my car and exited on the highway, the other three were behind me. I pressed down on the accelerator and sped down the highway, going way past the speed limit. I nearly crashed into 3 cars on the way but we finally arrived.

We parked a little further away from the actual house and got out.

"What's the plan?" Gustav asked, "We don't need a plan. We just go in, shoot anybody that's in the way and we find her." I said. "Are you crazy? The moment we enter that house we're dead if we don't have a plan." Bill said with a frown. I sighed, he was right. "Well what do you suggest?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest. "We take the back entrance, and we start from the basement and work our way up. Everybody should be upstairs if you think about it." Bill said as he looked over at the mansion. I nodded my head and we carefully made our way to the house.

We went to the back and found the door. I placed my hand on the doorknob and tried twisting it, it was fucking locked. I wiggled the doorknob hoping to force it open but it was useless. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my gun, to shoot the door but Georg stoped me. "What are you doing? Are you trying to let everyone know somebody's trying to break in?!" he whisper-shouted at me. I shrugged my shoulders, everyone will eventually know we're here so..

"What are we doing now?" Gustav asked, "We gotta go trough the front." Bill said as he looked around, paranoid about everything that moved, I didn't blame him tho, we were on dangerous ground here, if we didn't play our cards right we'll be dead before we even enter the house. I started walking around the house, going to the front door. They followed me close behind, making as little noise as possible.

We got to the front door, nobody was there. I slowly pressed down on the doorknob and it was unlocked, idiots. We walked in and looked around. I turned to the others "You two check upstairs, meet us back outside in 10." I whispered as me and Bill made our way to the basement.

We walked down the stairs, pointing out guns forward just in case. There was a long hallway, full of rooms on each side. I took the right side and Bill took the left. We opened every door, hoping to find her but all we found were rooms full of liquor bottles. We got to the last door, in the back of the hallway. I looked at Bill who was beside me and opened the door.

My heart sank to my feet when I saw Katherine, tied up to a chair, her eyes closed. I rushed over to her and kneeled down, cutting the ropes from her ankles and her wrists. She was still breathing but very slowly, I saw the cut above her collarbone bone which made my blood boil. Bill ran over to us and looked down at her shocked. "Take her to the car.Now!" I screamed as I got up. He picked her up and walked out the door, I got in front of him, holding my gun out in case anyone came. We got upstairs and I saw Georg and Gustav running out and 2 big guys after them. I looked to my side and saw Anthony, looking amused. "Bill
go!" I screamed at him and he ran out, carrying Kathie in his arms.

I turned to Anthony, rage flowing trough my veins. "You fucking bitch!" I screamed at him. He laughed in my face which only made me angrier. "Look at you, so brave now.Coming here to save your little girlfriend, you've gone soft." he chuckled. "Shut up." I pointed my gun at his head, "Go ahead, shoot me. Shoot the man who took you off the streets and put a roof over your head, the man who taught you everything you know." he said as he got closer. "You did nothing but torture me!" I said, my hand slightly trembling.

guys this is NOT the end!!! there are still some chapters left and maybe ill make a sequel.
but anyway😜 hope u like it
love yall 🤞🩷❤️😘😜🧚🏻‍♀️

My Feared Husband-Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now