Chapter Four

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*Clary POV*

   Shit. Why did I say that now he'll try to take Ryder from me. I'm screwed now.

  "What did you just say?" Jace asked confused as if he didn't believe me.

  "Nothing. I didn't says anything." I tried to cover. Key word tried.

  "Bullshit. You said he's mine. Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant with my child, Clary." he yelled.

   "Oh. So now its my fault. Because if you've forgotten you cheated on me." I yell at him. Then I turn on my heel and walk toward everyone else. When I get there I sit down with Ryder in my lap. I'm trying to calm down. Tod  touches my arm, "You ok?" he whispers in my ear. I nod my head yes before Ryder catchs my attention.

  "Mommy. Look I a new Scooby movie, Scooby t-shirt, ball, and a poster of the whole Scooby gang. And the shirts match isn't that awesome." He says in a rush. I laugh and say, "More Scooby stuff for your room. Why don't you go play while I put your stuff in the car." I put him down and hand him his new ball and he takes off. I grab a couple of the bags and walk towards my black and blue beetle bug. after I stuff them in the trunk I turn and nearly walk into Alec. "Thanks." I smiles softly as I take the box from him.

    "Hey, Tod can you take Ryder home and put his stuff up. I'm going to walk home." I yell at him as I shove some daggers in my boots. After Tod and Ryder take off in my car I turn around and walk into a wall but when arms wrap around me I look up a see Alec. "Where are you going?" Izzy asks.

    "Hunting. I have a couple hours to my self and I need to let of some steam since someone pissed me off." I says as I glare at Jace . "It was nice seeing you guys again." I walk around Alec and Jace calls out, "Last time we all went hunting together you nearly got killed."

  I gound my teeth together as I spin towards him, "Well Alec, Izzy, and Simon are free to join me if they want. Izzy smiles brightly and skips ahead of everyone and I roll my eyes. After about an hour of walking I stop and realize where we were. "Shit" I mumble under my breath but ALec who was walking beside me heard and says, "What's wrong?"  I was about to answer when  heard  shuffling and looked up. "Simon look out!" I yell before I tackle him. right as an arrow hits the wall where Simons head was a second ago.

     "Well if it isn't little miss shadow hunter and she has a posse of idiots." hissed a voice that I hated.

     "Nathan, What a nice surprise." I spat at the jerk in front of me.

     He cackled at me and smirked, "Oh really. By the way hows the bastard?"

     I growl at him as I throw a dagger at him. "Don't talk about him."


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