Chapter Twenty-TWO

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     "ALEC!" I yelled as I saw a demon throw him through the air. Then I saw Clary run towards him. Trying to get to them I saw a Ragnor demon start towards them. Clary turned slightly and she tensed. Hearing a hiss behind me I turn quickly and kill it glancing back I see Clary reach for her dagger and she lunged forward. 'What the hell is she doing?' I think as I run towards her as she kills it.

    "Clary, Are you alright?" I ask when I get to her, when she turns I gasp as I step back. Her eyes weren't green they were dark black. "Clary?" I say nervously.

     She glances at me before grabbing my arm, "Stay here. Don't get in my way, angel boy." she snarls before running into the horde of demons. Minutes later Izzy, Simon, and Magnus are running towards me.

    "What the hell was that?" Izzy asks.

    "Yeah that's not Clary." Simon says.

    "I don't know." I say as I watch demon go up in smoke. "Magnus heal Alec." And we all create a  circle around them killing anything that gets to close. When its over I look around and see Clary stalking towards Sebastian.

    "I told you. NEVER. MESS. WITH. MY. FAMILY." Clary says darkly, and I will admit I'm scared. I look at the other and see that they have the same expression I probably have.

  We watch as Clary grabs Sebastian by the neck and pins him to the wall. I watch as he say something with a smirk and then he has a sword sticking through his chest.

    "Clary?" I say scared and she jerks her head towards us. Suddenly she just collapsed and I run towards her, "CLARY!" I shout as I fall to my knees beside her. "Baby, come on. Wake up." I beg as I stare down at her to see if she had any injuries but see none.

     "Here, let me." I glance up at the voice and see Adam and a guy I've never seen before. "I'm not gonna hurt her. I know she didn't kill Dana. I should have realized it sooner." I nod and he bends down and waves his glowing red hands above her. "She's fine, just give her a few minutes."

    I sigh in relieve and just look at her. "Jace, is she ok?" I heard Izzy ask and I nod.

    "Come on, Clarebear. Open your eyes, I love you." I say as I lay my head one her chest hearing her heart beat. "Please." I whisper.


      "Come on, Clarebear. Open your eyes, I love you." I hear someone beg, "Please."

     I open my eyes and glance down, "Get off me Jace. I can't breathe."

     "CLARY! By The Angel. Are you ok? You passed out and..." Jace says and I sit up looking around.

     "Jace, shut up. Tell me what happened here. All I remember is bending down by Alec and hearing a hiss." I cut him off.

    "You... uhh... killed all the demons and... umm... killed Sebastian." Jace says unsure. I look around again and see alot of demon blood and ash, and Sebastian pinned to a wall with a sword stuck in his chest.

    "Oh. Sorry you guys had to see that. I sorta lost control." I mumble as I stand up.

    "Clary?" I heard a voice ask. Turning around I saw Adam. "I'msorryIkidnappedblondieandtryedtokillyoucauseIthoughtyoukilledDana. Canyoupleaseforgiveme?" he says rushed.

     "Slow down, superman. Can you repeat that?" I chuckle.

    "I said, I'm sorry I kidnapped Blondie and tried to kill you cause I thought you killed Dana. Can you forgive me?" Adam repeats looking down. I look at Jace and who I think is Daniel and they just look at me.

     "I think I can, but on one condition." I say and he looks up nodding. "You have to watch Ryder for a whole day, no complains." I say and he pulls me into a hug saying,

  "THANK YOU, THANK YOU. I WON'T COMPLAIN, I PROMISE." I laugh and hug him back.

       Jace suddenly runs towards the others I start after him when Adam says, "Clary, Nathan got away. I almost got him but Daniel needed help and he got away. I don't think he will stop."

     I look back at him and smile, "I know he won't. Don't worry we'll get him." and I walk towards the others. And get tackled in hugs.

     "You do realize I said I wanted them safe." I say as I find Chris and Mark and they looked away. I rolled my eyes.

     "Ok now that this is over. Can we please go home. I need a shower." Izzy says and everyone starts laughing. And we all head home.


    We were back at the institute, everyone was showered and in their pajama's. "Ok who want's to watch a movie?" Izzy asks. We all agree and decided to order pizza. Thirty minutes later I'm paying for the pizza when I notice a note taped to the door. Setting the pizza on the table I open the note,


      I sigh and throw it in the trash, I will deal with that on another date. Taking the pizza I head back to the living room and listen as they all fight over what movie to watch. In the end I picked the movie 'Maze Runner' Jace, Simon, and Alec complained about watching it again. 

    I keep thinking that things are going to get really bed really soon.


    FYI play this song at the end.

So what do you guys think.

Should I do a sequel or not?

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