Chapter Six

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      I can't believe I have a son with Clary. Who clearly hates me. I'm going to try and win her back. She is my life. And the way she is with him. It's amazing.

"AHHH!!!" someone starts screaming and I jump up from where I was laying. When the light is turned on I'm blinded for a few minutes. After my eyes adjust I saw Clary thrashing around and screaming.

   "NO! STOP! P-please." she says crying as her voice breaks. I glance at Alec, Izzy, Simon, and Magnus who all look confused on what to do. Izzy goes to say something when Clary yells again. "VALINTINE!" we all freeze as she shot up screaming bloody murder. I touch her shoulder as a form of comfort when she rolls away. Crawling back until she hit the wall she started mumbling, "He's not here. He's not here. He can't get me. He can't get me." and rocking back and forth.

    Fifteen minutes later she slowly stops rocking and looks up. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Clary whispers with tears in her eyes. And I realize how broken she was. "I-I need t-to check on R-ryder." she says standing up while leaning on the wall for support.

   "Clary are you ok?" Simon asks slowly and she gives him a weak smile. Ten minutes later she walks bck into the living room and heads towards the kitchen but before she can walk into the door Alec stops her and gives her a hug. She tenses before hugging him back tightly.

     "Hey we need to get back to the institute. Why don't you come with us?" Alec asks.

"I can't I have a lot to do today but thank you for asking." she says and kisses him on the cheek. Twenty minutes later we have all our stuff and are walking out the door and Clary hugs everyreone bye but when she gets to me she just shakes my hand, "Goodbye Jace."

     After we get back to the institute we went in different directions. As I head toward the training room all I can think about was Clary. seven hours later I'm headed towards my room when Izzy runs into me.  "Get showered and dressed we're going to a club for Alec's b-day. You have thirty minutes." she says before walking away. I rolled my eyes and went into my room.

   An hour and twenty minutes later we were walking into ANGEL/REAPER (a/n not a real club). Alec was complaining about wanting to stay home. When from behind me I heard...



What do you guys think?

Who do you think Jace heard?

Why does Alec and Clary seam really close?

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