Chapter Eighteen

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    I slam the door to the institute, "Damn It" I yell as I walk towards the library. Grabbing the book I need I open it flipping through the pages until I found the page I was looking for,

  {Dana Parker, Ocupation: Witch, Age: 118

Found outside the New York Institute. Severely beaten. Is survived by a younger brother, Adam Parker, and fiancé, Daniel Rodríguez.}

   'That bastard.' I think as I slam the book shut. And stalk out of the library only to walk right into Alec. "What's going on? Why did that kid say you killed his sister?" he asks and I sigh.

   "Do you remember the night all of you stayed at my apartment?" I ask and he nods his head, "I told you about how I was kidnapped and I watched Nathan beat and kill a witch. Well that girl was Adam's big sister. I think Nathan told Adam I was the one that killed her." I walk around him.

  "Well get him back." Alec says running to catch up with me.

  "I know. But I have to go talk to someone and I want to see my son." I say as I head to the front door.

   "Do you mind if I tag along?" Alec asks following to my car I shake my head and he climbs in. Thirty minutes later we pull up to a little shop. Getting out Alec asks, "What is this place?"

   "Dark Magic, it a little demon shop." I say as I get out of the car, "Come on. Don't touch anything."

  "Madam Alexandria." I call out as we walk up to the counter. I heard shuffling and walks out of the back room.

   "What do you want?"  she asks looking at us carefully.

   "I need the stuff I order six months ago." I say and she just looks at me. "I know you have them."

  "Yes, why do you need it?" she asks walking into the back room and coming out with a box.

  "A friend of mine was took by a demon and I really want to find him." I say as I pay for the box of oils and powders. "Come on, Alec." When I put the box in the back I get in the front and drive towards Chris's.

  "What is in there?" Alec asks and I shake my 'no'.

   "MOMMY!" Ryder yells as I step out of the car. I get tackled in a hug, "Mommy, did you take care of the bad man that took me?"

   "Not yet. But I will soon." I tell him as I stand up with him clinging to me like a monkey. "Hey, tiger. Why don't you go play I need to talk with the guys, ok?" he nod and runs off.

  "I have a plan but I'm going to need everyone's help." I say s we walk into the battle room.


     "Wake Up." someone yells as they slap me. I groan as I open my eyes and look around. I'm tied to a chair in the middle of a giant room, "Oh, good you with us." I in front of me and realize that it was the guy, Nathan, "Now what should I do to you?"

    "Your going to do nothing. We need him to bring Clarissa to us." Sebastian says walking inro the room. "Hello Jace. Good to see you again."

    "Hardly." I say watching them. I notice Adam leaning against the wall and I remember that he helped take me. "Knew I didn't like that guy." I mumbled under my breath.

   "She will be here soon along with the others." I heard Nathan say. "She will do what ever it takes to save him, even join us." After that they left.

   I look over at Adam, "Why are you doing this?" I ask. "Why kidnap me and work for them?"

    "Because she killed my sister. Nathan said I could kill her." Adam said.

   I chuckled, "Do you think they will just let her die? Not going to happen. They want her to join them. Hell they kidnapped a child."

   "What she's a killer. She killed Dana. My big sister. Nathan was the one to tell me that." he said mad.

  "Really how long have you been around her group of friends? Have you ever seen her hurt anything that wasn't a demon?" I say sarcastically.

   "No." Adam said unsure. "But that doesn't mean she doesn't when we're not around."

   "Really. She hangs out with werewolves, vampires, fairies, and warlocks. Downworlders like you. Why would she hang out with them if she killed them?" I tell him and he left the room.

  'Damn now how am I supposed to get out of here.' I think as I try to loosen the ropes around my wrist.


   What he said was true. Why would she hang out with downworlders if she was going to kill us.

   "So are you going to let him kill her?" I heard Sebastian says as I passed the office door.

   "Of course not. When she shows up he'll go after her and then I'll kill him. Just like his sister." Nathan replied and I realized that I was lied to. I run down the hall and outside.

    "Shit. Blondie was right." I say as I portal to my apartment. "I have to do something. But what?" I glance at the picture on the coffee table and realize what I have to do. I just really hope he will help. I pick up the phone and call him.

   "Come on pick up." I say as I hold the phone to my ear,

   "What Adam?" he growls into the phone.

    "I need to talk to you." I say surprised he picked up.

    "Fine. Meet me at GRIMM'S DINER(a/n not a real diner) at 10:00 tomorrow morning." he sighed and hung up.

     I look at my phone then the picture of the three of us, "Maybe he doesn't completely hate me, Dana." I say as I lay down on the couch. 


So what do you guys think now.

Adam was lied to and now he's not sure about anything.

What do you think he should do?

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