Chapter Twelve

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      "Jace where have you been? You missed training again." Alec says as I walk in the door. "This is the sixth time in two weeks. Whats up you never miss training."

     I smile at him as I walk towards the kitchen. "Guys dinner will be ready in ten." Izzy says as I grab a water out of the fridge.

    "Already ate." I says as I head back towards the door but Alec blocks it.

   "Where have you been?" Alec demands and Izzy turns towards us.

    "Nowhere. I'm sorry ok. If you want to train now lets go if not I'm gonna shower." I say as I shove past him only to walk into Magnus.  

    "Jace Wayland/Lightwood! You have never missed any trainings. Now for the past two weeks you have missed it six times. WHAT IS GOING ON?" Alec yells. "Yeah." Izzy chimes in walking into the hall.

   "Nothings going on. I've just been hanging out with Ryder and Clary." I say unamused picking at the wrapper on my water.

  "Your all ways complaining that..." Izzy says before realizing what I said. "WHAT? YOUR BACK WITH CLARY!" She says shocked and Alec just looks confused and well he's Magnus.

   "Yes for the past two weeks I've been hanging out with Clary and Ryder. We have been training together, too." I say as I turn back around. "No. I'm not back with her yet. I'm working on getting her to trust me again."

    "This conversation is not over. Get back here." Alec demands.

    "Nope." I reply as I run up the stairs and into my room. After I shower I pull on some sweats and face plant my bed.

⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅THE NEXT MORING⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅⛅

  "ALEC! GET YOU LAZY ASS UP!" I yell in Alec's ear. I step back as he jumps up but loses his footing and hit the ground hard. I chuckle as I stand over him, "You say I'm missing training. Well meet me in the training room in ten. I'm gonna kick your little ass my friend." i say as i walk out the door and hear him mumble a few choice words.

   "Jace, its 3'in the morning. Couldn't you wait a few more hours." Alec complains as he walks in.

  "Nope." I say as i grab his arm and flip him to the other side of the room. Ten hours later we stop for the day.

    "Your crazy." Alec says as he lays out in the middle of the floor. I chuckle as i walk out the door and head to the kitchen. I grab an mango and sit at the table. Alec limps in and collapses in a chair. Izzy walks in five minutes later.

     "What happened to you?" Simon asks as he walks on after Izzy.

     "Got woke up at 3'this mooring to train." he grumbles under his breath as he slams his head down on the table. Simon and Izzy just loop at me and I shrug.

    "Don't complain I'm not training." I as my phone rings. I glance at it and I answer it cheerfully,

{Hey, what's up.} Jace

{Nothing. I was wondering if you would want to watch Ryder tonight.} Clary

{Not at all. Why?} Jace

{I got a show a couple towns over and I need a baby sitter.} Clary

{Oh, I thought you took him with you at all your shows.} Jace

{I normally do, but not this one. Sorry I know its short notice but no one else will take him.} Clary

{Its fine. Just drop him off here at the institute.} Jace

{Angel, thank you Jace. Your a life saver. Don't let that go to your head, dummy." Clary

{No prob. baby. See you soon.} Jace

{K, bye. I need to get ready.} Clary

    I hang up my phone and look up I saw everyone looking at me, "What?" I ask they all look away and I roll my eyes. "I'm going to shower." I say as I head to my room. After my  shower I dress in jeans and white t-shirt and when I got to the bottom I heard voices in the living room.

    "Hey." I said as I walked into the room. Before I know what happened I'm on the ground with Ryder sitting on my stomach jumping up and down, "Hi Jace. I'm gonna stay with you for a few hours. While mama goes to work." he says still bouncing.

    "I know mama called me earlier. So what do you want to do?" I ask him as I stand up pulling him with me and I rest him on my hip.

   "Ryder, I have to go. So be good for Jace." Clary says walking up to us. She hugs Ryder and gives him a kiss and turns away but I grab her arm, "Where's my kiss?" I ask teasingly. Clary rolls her eyes but pecks me on the cheek.

    After she's gone I ask Ryder, "So what do you want to do?"

 "SCOOBY MOVIE!" he yells in my ear.

"Ow. Ok, calm down. Scooby movie it is." I say before turning to the others. "Wanna join?"

  "No sorry. We're going to Simon's apartment to have a scary movie marathon." Izzy says and Simon nods.

"I have plans with Magnus." Alec says.

   "They don't know what their missing. Are they Ryder?" I ask him as I put him back on the ground. He shook his head no before running to his bag. I put the movie in and sit on the couch with Ryder as it starts. Thirty minutes later, I heard Alec yell he was leaving and the door slam shut. "Hey, you hungry?" I ask Ryder halfway through the second movie. Ryder nods and I get up to order pizza from the place down the street.

    Twenty minutes later, I'm standing outside the gate paying the delivery guy.

"Hey, Ryder pause the movie and come eat." I say as I get the napkins. While we eat Ryder was singing the theme song off of the Scooby shows. After we finish I throw our trash away and clean Ryder's face and hands.  In the middle of the third movie Ryder was passed out and I was almost there when I heard a crash in the hall.

  'What the hell was that?' I thought as I shifted Ryder to the side so I could get up. When I got to the hall I saw that a vase had fell over, "Stupid cat probably turned it over." I grumbled under my breath as I bent to pick it up. After putting it back on the table I headed back to the living room only to freeze at what I saw.

   "HEY!" I yelled, "Who are you and what are you doing?"  The guy turned and I saw solid black eyes.

   He looked to the left and I saw another guy and realize that they were demon shadow hunters. The first guy nodded at his companion and he tackled me. 

     Hissing at me he slammed my head into the floor. Snapping out of my daze I start fighting guy number two. Getting my leg between us I kicked him away, rolling to my feet I saw guy number one had picked Ryder up, "Hey, put him down." I said turning my back on guy number two. Walking towards them guy number two hit on the back of the head and I hit the ground. He slammed my head into the ground twice before guy number one walked up and said, "Tell her, If she ever wants to see the boy again come to the place where it all began." then my head was slammed on the floor again and I blacked out.


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