Chapter Five

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*Clary POV*

     "Maybe will stop calling him that if you would join us. Because you are one of us, sweetheart." Nathan says smugly.

   "Screw you. I will never join you or my crazy ass brother. As for being like you, dumbass. I try and fight it." I growl at him. Suddenly he yells something in Russian and his crew charges. "SON OF A BITCH!" I yell as I dodge a knife. I snap the guys neck I look aroud for Nathan when I saw Simon fighting four demon shadow hunters. I run up and stab one in the chest and snap another ones neck. As he kills the other two. "thanks" he says as he runs off to help Izzy. I turn around when something hits me in the chest and I fly through a brick wall of the abandoned building. I look up and see Nathan walk towards me. When he goes to tackle me I roll away as I come to my feet.

     We circle each other looking for an opening, he goes to punch me and I grab his wrist. Suddenly I'm pinned to the ground by him. "As much as I like this position I have to go meet your brother. Next time I will have you." he says  and jumps off me and runs through a portal. I go to run after him when I heard a groan of pain, I look over and see Jace pinned to the ground by a demon about to kill him. I throw a dagger at it and the demon dies after bursting into flames after Jace crawls out from under it.

    After making sure everyone was ok I walk over and go through his pocket but don't find anything helpful. Suddenly my phone goes off and everyone jumps I laugh as I grab my phone.

 {Yes.} Clary say giggling.

  {Where the heck are you. Ryder is going crazy because your not here. You said you would be here thirty minutes ago.} Tod yells.

   {Ok hold your pants a sec. I'm fine. I was just attacked by Nathan and I'm on my way home give fifteen, k.} Clary says hanging up.

   As I shove my phone in my back pocket I look at Alec, Izzy, Simon and Jace. "You guys can get cleaned up at my apartment. I have some clothes you can wear." I say the last part looking at Alec knowing he'll object.

  *Alec POV*

    Damn she's gotten good. Last time we trained she couldn't even hold a dagger now she's freaking badass.

    "You guys can get cleaned up at my apartment. I have some cloths you guys can wear." Clary say while looking at me. She walks off as she calls back over her shoulder, "Alec, you can call Magnus and invite him to my apartment if you want." I smile and text Magnus the address.

   When we get there we hear yelling. "NO! Aunt Sabwina tell him to wait for mommy." Clary laughs, "Awww did you wait for me your the best." we all laugh as her kid goes to hug but stop wrinkling his nose up, "You stink mommy." Clary sticks her tongue  out at him then turns toward us. "I'm gonna shower first. Yo can figure out who's next." she says as she down the hall way, "Tod can you get the other pillow and blanket, please." she says to the blonde headed boy we tried to kill earlier. He groans and says, "The things I do for you."

We just stand there not knowing what to do as I look around there a tug on my jeans. I look down and see her kid. "Hi, what's your name? Mines Rwyder." He kinda looks like Jace. "I'm Alec and this is my sister Izzy." I say as Iz bends down beside me. I look up when the door bell rings. "I'll get it someone else go shower. There are some clothes on my bed." Izzy goes to shower. "Hey baby." Magnus says as he comes to stand beside me. "Hey." I smile at him as he looks around. "This place is dull it needs some sparkle." he says when suddenly a kitchen knife is stuck in the wall beside Magnus's head. "MAGNUS BANE. If you even think about glittering my apartment I will personally kill you." Clary says darkly be she walks back into the kitchen as Magnus looks really scared.

   Just then Izzy walks in and I head toward the shower when I'm done I found a pair of black sweats and a green t-shirt an the bed. When I walk back into the living room I saw Ryder talking to Magnus so I went to find Clary she was still in the kitchen making what smelled like hot chocolate.

   "Clary, can we talk?" I ask her.

    "Yeah. Whats up?" she says.

   "I was wondering what that guy meant earlier when he said your one of them?" I ask as I sit at the table. She sighed as she turned around.

    "You really want to know." she asked and I nod my head yes. "It happen two months after I left. I was out running when I was hit in the back of my head and I blacked out. When I came to I was in a basement on an old bed and there was a witch sitting beside me. I asked her where I was at she said she didn't know. We talked for a while and I found out her name was Dana and that Nathan, the guy that attacked us earlier, was trying to get her to join him, she was going to. When Nathan came in he started beating her. After a few minutes he turned towards me and said that he couldn't hit me since I was Sebastian's sister so he went back to hitting her. After a couple of hours, I guess, of watching him beat her he left along with his men that were holding me down. Dana died that night but before she died she gave her magic to me. So what he meant was that I'm basically a dark shadow hunter like him because I take the darkness out of other shadow hunters. It builds up in me until it pretty much explodes and I go into a blind rage and I don't stop until someone is dead." When she's done she has tears in her eyes I look behind me when I hear a gasp and see Jace and Izzy standing there. Jace goes to say something when Ryder runs in yelling, "MOMMY IS THE HOT CHOCOLATE DONE. AND THE BIG GLITTERLY MAN IS PUTING GWITTER ON YOUR BLANKET."

    "Yes it's done. Go lay down in your sleeping bag. MAGNUS BANE WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE GLITTER!" she yells.

    After everyone was settled in/under a blanket or sleeping bag Clary plays the movie which I think was Scooby-Doo. Around midnight Clary gets up and takes Ryder to another room when she comes back she grabs all the dirty cups and takes them to the kitchen before turning the TV off and laying back down on the couch.



YAY two updates in one day. please tell me what you think.

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