VIII // Vacation

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We were done with the NZ show, and now we were all back at Sydney, packing. Ashton got the plane tickets, and apparently we leave tomorrow. He didn't want to spend only like 2 or 3 days there, so he got pretty early tickets.

We all went straight home after the NZ show yesterday. We get at our houses at like 4 AM, slept a while, then started packing.

Me being a girl, I packed some of my essentials, swim wear, and other clothes that I would be wearing there. Then, the undergarments, makeup, and all of that. I finished packing after about an hour or two.

I called Luke to see if he was done. Surprisingly, he just finished just like I did, and so did Ashton. We texted the other guys and told them to meet us at the frozen yogurt shop we used to always go to when we were younger when they finished packing.

I walked in the see Luke and Ashton talking at a booth.

"Hey guys." I say as I slid into the seat next to him.

"Hey. Calum said that he is almost done, and so is Mikey. So we can just wait for them then get our frozen yogurt." Ashton said.

We talked for what seemed like 20 or 30 minutes, then we saw Calum and Mikey come through the door.

"Lets get our fro yo now, yeah?" Mikey said as he walked up to the booth.

We all got up and got our flavors. We added our toppings, and we paid for ourselves. We do this because we don't like paying for each other, it will create a big fuss.

We sat back down at the booth and started to talk about the trip as we ate our fro yo. I was honestly so excited. I haven't been to Bora Bora yet so this was going to be pretty exciting for me. I think the only one who has been is Mikey, but he was too young to remember.

Time went by quickly, and before you knew it, the sunset was starting. It's weird how our atmosphere is like this. I always love to watch the sky, move or change, its pretty fascinating to me.

"Earth to Angelica!" I heard Ashton say, and when I look in front of me I see a big hand waving in front of my face.

"Sorry, I was watching the sunset."

"So, did you hear what we said?"

"No, sorry. Can you repeat it?" I ask him.

"Well, we said that we would meet tomorrow at like 2:00 PM at Luke's house. Our flight is at like 4:25, but it will be traffic so we will leave pretty early." Ashton repeated for me.

"Okay, thank you. I'll keep that in mind."


It was the next day. Yesterday, I couldn't fall asleep. These time zones are really getting me jet lagged.

I slept at around 4:00 AM, and I woke up to the alarm I set at 9:30.

I ate my breakfast, and afterwards, I went to take a shower and get ready. I had a lot of time left afterwards, it was only about 12:40, and I just checked my bags and saw if I had everything.

I decided to stay in the living room with my mom, since we haven't seen each other in a while, and now that I'm back, I'm leaving again.


My mother drove me to Luke's. I gave her my goodbyes, and promised her that I would see her very soon. I don't even knock, I just walk in. I see Luke and Mikey in the living room. They're luggage was against the wall that the TV laid against.

"Oh, hey Angelica. We're playing Mario Kart. Wanna join?" Mikey asks me as I put my luggage where they put theirs. I shook my head and took a seat next to Luke. I sat and waited and just watched them.

Next thing you know, time came rolling by and Ashton and Calum came. Luke's mom decided to drive us to the airport. We loaded the car and started to go.



We were about to board the flight, they were just letting handicapped in first. Once we got on the plane, Ashton arranged for Luke and Angel to sit by me, and Ashton and Michael in front of us. We weren't those people to go on first class, we didn't feel the need to.

Angel called window seat as I sat in the middle and Luke on the edge. According to the where Ash got the tickets, it was going to be about an 8 hour flight from Sydney to Bora Bora.

We were about to take off as I heard some light profanities coming from Angel's mouth.

"You good?" I giggled as I saw her eyes closed and her fists clenched. I knew that she hated when we take off, it was a fear of hers, but she's trying to get over it.

"I'm trying to." She says with her eyes still closed. I hesitantly took her hand. She intertwined our fingers together and I squeezed it lightly.

"We'll be okay." I tell her as the plane starts to move. I was so surprised that she actually held my hand. I had a feeling she would flinch or something, but she just held onto it tighter.

Throughout the flight, the boys started to drift to sleep. I couldn't sleep, and I didn't know why. I just kept looking out the window and listening to music.

There were some turbulence here and there but it was funny when it woke some of them up, they freaked out a bit, but started to drift back to sleep.

After about an hour of doing nothing, I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and soon enough I was in a deep sleep.


I woke up to a shaking.

"Wake up! We're here!" I heard Luke say as he is starting to stand up from his seat.

I am pretty lazy when I just wake up from a nap or something, so I didn't get up for about 3 minutes.

We were making our way out to go grab out luggage, and afterwards Michael started to grab an uber. It wasn't that hard, because there weren't any fans. They didn't know we would be coming to Bora Bora.

Ashton rented this beach house we were going to be staying at for about 5 days. (picture on top !!)

"Its beautiful." I hear Angel say as we jump out of the car. We paid the uber and went to go look at how the beach house looked like.

There were 2 bathrooms, and 3 bedrooms.

Of course, Ashton got the King sized bed all to himself, he is the oldest one anyways so we just allowed it. The other 2 bedrooms had 2 Queen sized beds. It had only a little furniture in each of the rooms.

I had Mikey as my roommate, as for Luke and Angel staying together in the other room. I wanted to be roommates with Angel, but it probably would get a little awkward.

There was a slightly small kitchen, a lounge area, and a patio.

"You guys want to go check out the beach?" I asked them as they were all getting settled into the beach house.

Next thing you know, we were at the beach splashing each other. Angel didn't stay in the water too long, I think after about 10 minutes she walked over to the patio and sat where the few chairs were at.

"Wanna go for a walk? The sunset looks beautiful right now." I asked her.

"Sure." She said as she started to get up and head inside the beach house. She came back outside with a jacket. We continued to walk further down the beach, just watching the sunset as we did. I look back and realized that I couldn't see the boys no more.


Filler chapter wassuup. I'm trying to update as much as I can since I'm on summer break !!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter I guess, i mean its just about them getting to and arriving to their destination but ya know.

- y :) xx

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