XIV // Signing

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You don't even know how happy I was.

We were now in LA, and we got settled in our hotels, like the usual.

Right after, I made my way to Capitol Records. Calum wanted to come with me, and I couldn't reject. We got an uber, and while we were exiting the hotel, there were a couple of fans, so we stopped to say hello and take pictures.

Once we were finished, they let us be and we entered the uber. Calum took my hand, and smiled at me brightly.

"What?" I asked him with a smile creeping on my face.

"I'm just so excited and happy for you." This boy never fails to amaze me.

We told the uber driver where we were headed, and we were on our way. The drive didn't take as long as I thought it would.

"Thank you, keep the change!" I told the driver as he smiled at me widely while I exited out of the car.

We walked in, hand in hand, going over to the front desk.

We told her that we were scheduled to see someone to sign the papers. (( a/n : again i dont know how this works so ))

The lady led us the way after I told her who we were. We gave her a quick thank you before opening the door that led us to a man, sitting on his laptop, staring at it briefly.

He looked up once we saw him.

"Ahh, nice to meet you, Angelica! And it's good to see you again, Calum." I took his hand that was sticking out for me to shake. He then shook Calum's.

We sat at the chairs in front of his desk. (( a/n : i dont have a name for this guys so make up whatever you want his name to be (-: ))

He took out some papers that were in the drawers of his desk and handed them to me.

"When you sign those papers, of course, you agree to whatever it says on there." He gave me a small smile as he began to speak again. "If you have any questions, just ask Calum or me." He looked at me to assure that I got what he said, and I gave him a nod.

He went back to his laptop, looking at whatever he was looking at before we got in here. He seemed pretty young, around the age of late 20's.

I read all the papers carefully, Calum reading them as well. He has been through this, so its nice to have his company.

I luckily had no questions or problems with anything. There were no strict rules or anything.

I handed him the papers, and once he looked through them, he looked a bit confused. He started to shuffle around them, again.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked him, trying to have a very polite tone.

"Yeah, I just seem to be missing one paper..." He opened his desk drawers and started to shuffle around. "Ah, here it is!"

He handed me the paper and I looked at it, reading it carefully.

"Would you like to be the second opening act of the Five Seconds Of Summer, Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour? Sign if yes."

"Wait, really?" I looked up him and Calum to see that they were smiling.

"Of course! All the fans want you back! You will be performing after our original opening act." (( a/n : you guys can make the opening acts whoever, you could even say "Hey Violet" lolol ))

I looked over the paper and started reading it again.

"By agreeing to this, you will officially be the second act for their tour. You will also start writing your own songs with the boys of Five Seconds Of Summer."

I quickly signed my signature in the boxes. Of course, I wasn't going to turn this down.

"Great, welcome to Capitol Records!" He stood up, ready to shake my hand. Some photographers came in to take our pictures, and to also take my picture so they could put on the website that I am now part of their company.

"I'm so proud of you, Angel!" Calum exclaimed as we exited out of the building. We were on the side of the building, where not many people were at.

"I'm so happy Calum, too happy, oh my gosh." He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up and spun me around. He put me back on the ground, and we properly hugged.

I have my arms around his neck, as he leaned in to kiss me.

I didn't care if there was paparazzi around us. They could take as many photos as they'd like. I didn't care at all on what was posted on social media. Calum was starting to make me the most happiest person ever, again.

I missed this. Missed us. I can't believe I let something so little get to me.

We let go and took a breath.

"I missed this. I don't even care on what people think about us." He told me like we had the same thoughts, with his forehead on mine.

"Promise me you won't leave me for a long time." He told me, holding me tighter like I was going to leave him.

"I promise you. I won't let my trust get the best of me, Calum, not again."

I wasn't sure if I was going to let my trust take over me. But I will try. I will try for Calum.


yayayayyaay shes an official artist!!!
Anyways, filler chapter, I didn't want you guys to miss that she was going to be writing with them and is going to be the second opening act

Is a second opening act even possible? whateVER MAYN.

lots of luvv,

-y xx :)

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