XVI // Quiet

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The guys hurried, rushing to fix themselves while having a headache at the same time. I rushed down to the hotel lobby and asked if they had any medicine for headaches.

I felt really bad for them, I could see how aching they looked as the struggled to get done.

I rushed back up once I got the medicine, and opened the hotel door.

"I can't believe we forgot about the show!" I hear Luke scream from the other room.

"Guys, come over here, I have some medicine to kill the pain."

They all rushed over to me, grabbed the medicine, and took it with water.

I was already changed, and I was just now fixing my hair. I didn't have to rush, but it's easier arriving with the boys instead of me getting there alone.

I didn't do much with my hair since Luke needed to fix his, also. And lets just say, his hair was much worse than mine.

"The uber is here, already! Lets go!" I heard Ashton call as I quickly grabbed my phone and speeded out the hotel room.

Luke, Calum, and Michael followed behind.

Walking out of the hotel was a little bit of a struggle. The fans saw that we were in a rush though, so some let us be.

We got into the uber and he started to rush out and make it to the freeway. Of course, the worst had to come to us and it had to be traffic.


"How are your guys' headaches?" I ask them as we hurried into the building, Cal grabbing my hand as we did so.

"I'm holding up alright." I heard Luke say in front of me.

"It's slowly fading away." Ashton called behind me.

I didn't hear Michael.


I walked back and saw that he was struggling to walk. He was holding his head as he was stumbling and tripping over his own feet.

"Oh god." I rushed over to him, taking his right arm and putting it around my shoulder.

"I don't feel too well."

"Yup, I could tell." I chuckled as I kept leading him.

"No, stop."


He took his arm off of my shoulder and hurried over to a corner. He bent down, and without even seeing it, I knew he was throwing up.

When he stopped, I grabbed him again and started to rush him inside.

He took a seat onto the couch while I looked over to where the food table was and I grabbed a napkin and a water bottle.

I quickly made my way back to him and gave him the items.

"Angel, you're up for soundcheck. Go ahead, I'll take care of Mike."


The show was alright. I kept worrying about Michael when he was performing. He looked way too sick to be out on stage, but he killed it anyways.

They plopped onto the couches once they were back.

"How you feeling?" I asked him as I sat beside him and Calum.

"Alright. My stomach still hurts a bit, though."

"How much did you have to drink, yesterday?"

I swear if this boy says more than 15.

"I don't know, actually." He let out a light chuckle as he did.

Damn it, that's even worse.

"Oh god, Mikey." I heard Luke from across the room.

I looked at Calum. He hadn't talked a lot today, and it was scaring me. Usually he was in a happy, but tired mood after the shows.

I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "How about you, are you alright?"

He looked up at me and his eyes seemed to have brighten up a bit.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I didn't want to question it, so I gently put my head on his shoulder.

Sooner or later, we were all talking and laughing like we usually do.

"Why do the fans call me a breadstick? It's sad." Luke had exclaimed while looking down at his phone and, I'm assuming, looking through mentions.

"Breadsticks are long and tall, like you. Common sense, man!" Ash exclaimed.

"Long?" Michael had came in while smirking.

"Clean your mind, boy." I lightly laughed and hit the back of his head.

He put his hand where I hit it and pretended to be hurt.

"What do you know, Ash? Didn't you work at kfc? I'm pretty sure they didn't sell breadsticks." Luke said whilst sticking his tongue out at him.

"Yeah, they don't. But I like spaghetti, and the best spaghetti is in an Italian restaurant, and Italian restaurants serve breadsticks! Again, Luke, common sense!" He explained with no hesitation.

Calum didn't say anything, he was just lightly laughing at the whole situation.

Was he okay? Usually he would come into the conversation at this point.

Luke was biting his bottom lip, trying not to laugh but it was obviously showing.

"Don't worry, Lukey. All of them give us nicknames. Apparently, I'm a kitten, Calum's a puppy, and Ashton is just some kfc worker."

"Really, now? Some kfc worker? I'm more than that." He crossed his arms and looked down with a fake, hurt expression spread across his face.

And somehow, they got into a topic about hair colors, mostly having to do with Michael.

"I liked galaxy haired Mikey." Luke came in, and I agreed with him. It was a nice color.

"Hey, you should color your hair one time, Angelica!" Michael looked towards me with a happy expression. Glad to know that he was doing better. "Maybe you could do it when I change my hair color."

"I don't know Michael, if i'm up for it then maybe I will. Not my whole head, though. I'm not ready for that." I laughed. I probably would just do the ends of my hair, or something.

"I'll be back."

He finally spoke up. He stood up, walking towards the back door and closing it slowly.

"Hey, what's up with him?" Ash asked as he got up and grabbed a banana.

"Don't know. Do you know, Angelica?" Luke asked me after answering Ashton.

"Not at all." I looked at Michael, seeing if he would know, and all he did was shake his head.

"I'll go check up on him." I said, almost becoming a light whisper.

I walked over to the door and slowly pushed it open.




Welp thats what happened
The beginning wasn't that important but if I didn't add those parts it would be confusing so

Anyways, hope you guys are having a nice summer, wherever you are !!!

(lmao because "wherever you are" is one of my fav songs by 5sauce)

-yana xx :-)

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