V // Park

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"We're Five Seconds Of Summer, and this is our last song, thank you for coming out, we love you!!" I hear Luke scream as they start to play "What I Like About You."

As they finished, they ran back. "That was a pretty hype show, right guys?" Michael says as he flops on the couch.

"It really was, Manchester was awesome!" Ashton says, making his way to the food table like he usually does.

"Come with me." I hear a cold whisper.

I frantically jump and turn around as I see Calum standing pretty close behind me.

Without letting me answer, he grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers together. He pulled me over to the back door, opened it and it revealed the beautiful night sky, with buildings towering over us.

He started to run, which also caused me to run since he was holding onto me.

"Where are we going? What about the guys?"

"Don't worry about that."

I didn't know if he meant not to worry about the guys, or where we're going, but sometimes you gotta act a little reckless, so I just let it be.

I swear we ran like half a mile until we reached a little park. "Why didn't we just walk?" I ask the boy that now had beads of sweat running down his forehead. I was nighttime, but it was pretty hot.

"If we walked, it would've taken a long time, some fans might've seen us, too." He told me as he was panting for breath.

We walked in, and all I saw was a big area of grass, a playground, and a little pond on the side.

He was still holding onto my hand, I don't think he realized, but it was a great feeling.

He walked me over to the playground, and to my surprise, there we're still some kids hanging around. I wonder why some people would be here this late.

He walked over to the swings, and he sat down on one of them. He finally let go of my hand so I could sit in the swing beside him.

We started swinging when I started to talk again. "So, whats the purpose of you bringing me here?"

"I kinda just wanted to spend time with you, not with the guys around and stuff.." He said, barely audible for me to hear, but i heard it anyways, and I'm glad I did. I saw that a light shade of pink started to form on his face, I guess from me staring at him with a wide smile on my face.

I got off the swing, as I saw that he has stopped swinging, and i got up and hugged him. It took him a while to actually just process what was going on, but he hesitantly hugged me back.

"What was that for? I mean, its not that I didn't like that, I would hug you longer and I know you still aren't that great with me bu-"

I just pulled him into another hug.

Yes, its true that we weren't that great. But that was for one reason: the past.

We had, I guess this big fight, and it really messed up our whole friendship. I never really trusted him after that, and he knew it. We only became friends again because of the boys. But I don't know if things will be the same after what happened.

He hugged me much more tighter than before, and as I pulled away I still held onto my waist as we looked each other in the eye. Before our "fight", we used to always be this touchy, and it never really seemed to matter. But we seem to be getting much more careful with each other.

"I really hope you're starting to trust me." He said, more of in a whisper then his actual tone of voice.

"You know thats hard for me."

"Well I hope it will get easier along the way. I want to start hanging out again, you know, the way we used to. We were the best of friends, Angel. Please, never forget that."

I never did. And I never will.

As if he read my mind, he had a little smile appear on his face. I hear my phone buzz in my back pocket and I quickly brought it out to see what the notification was. But apparently there wasn't only one notification, but about 10.

I clicked on it, and it led to the group chat I had with the 4 guys that I'm on tour with.

Lukey : s2g you guys don't just run off like that what if you're killed rn

Ash 💃🏽: fr where are you guys, we saw you run out we aren't blind

Lukey : what if they actually died ohmyg

Mikey 🍆 : Maybe they died from fans, damn it guys ! whos gonna play the bass in the band
now ?

I watched as they keep continuing to send messages. Apparently, Cal was still sitting on the swings and I was on his lap, with his arms lazily wrapped around my waist. He was watching my phone go off, too. I heard a lil chuckle from Calum when Mikey asked who's going to play the bass for them now.

Ash 💃🏽: but guys fr answer us were gonna get in trouble you weren't suppose to just run out like that :((

Ash 💃🏽: answer us plezzzz

Mikey 🍆 : guys were gonna have a search party if you don't reply

And that was the time that I started to reply.

Angel 😇 : 1) we do not need a search party wtf
2) were seriously at the park you need chill
3) we were about to head back so you could stop worrying :)


Lukey : TOOK YOU LONG enoUGH !!!

Once we got back, we found the 3 guys on the little sofa on their phones waiting.

"Finally! Now we can get over to the hotel in Leeds." Ash said, as he stood up and started to walk out.

We had a couple of shows in the UK, and unfortunately the last UK show was in Leeds.

We all got our things and headed to the car that was taking us to the hotel. I felt someone sling their arm around me, and I see Luke, walking pretty fast paced.

"So, what went on with you and Calummmm." He said, extending out the "m" in his name.

"Nothing, we just went to the park and talked for a while."

"Well did it involve hugging and sitting on his lap?"

how'd he know

I saw a bright screen appear in front of my face. It showed 2 pictures; Calum and I hugging, and one of them of me on his lap.

Fans, I bet there were fans.

Usually I wouldn't really care, but this has been a touchy subject for me, since I then start to get hate about it, but usually I'm able to handle it.

When we got to the hotel, I was left sharing a room with Luke, like usual, Calum with Michael, and Ashton in his own room.

We dropped our stuff and fell into the 2 beds that lay beside each other. I guess we just claimed who's bed is who's.

"So," I hear Luke say. I look over to see him shifting to the side so he could see my face.

"Tell me what happened on that little 'park date'"


hihihihihihihihi !!!! i dunno who's POV i will do in the next chapter, maybe Cal's but we don't know till we see :))

anyways, thanks for reading !! im actually getting reads and i didn't know that would actually happen but mkay

- y xx :)

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