24: Questions

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At this point, I'm in full misery. We've been to 2 different bases. It has been a few weeks, and menstruation problems will soon pop up. In times like these, I like to have a hysterectomy. Please I don't want to be on my period in the field.

We were let onto a Russian base, so I was able to bathe which significantly made me happy. It was a 180 change, sometimes self-care is mental care.

"You know... Why were you so upset?" Soap asks looking at me. I sigh and set my cup down.

"How sugar-coated do you want my answer to be?" I ask. I remember the time I wasn't sugar-coating my words I made someone cry and Charlie had to lecture me to be— "polite" or whatever word he used.

"Be truthful."

"I don't like being dirty, I don't like my uniform being dirty, I don't like having overly oily hair, and I'm very sensitive to B.O.," I say with a candid tone. Soap nods.

"So, you were just miserable."

"Also, low-key freaking out because my period is coming, one of these days."

"Oh," Soap's eyes widened as he grew slightly uncomfortable.

"I also get really bad cramps... Being out in the field with that type of pain— I would have bitten all your heads off." My tone was joking but I wasn't. It's the truth I would have bitten their head off.

Gaz and Charlie walked into the chatting away. They turn to us and join us on the couch. "Charlie," Soap begins, "Did you know she doesn't like being dirty?"

"Yes, why she chose the Marines I will never understand," Charlie chuckles.

"I should have picked the Air Force," I grumble and take another sip of my drink.

"Why did you pick the Marines?"

"Because Charlie would only join if he thought what I was doing was dangerous." They nod and look at Charlie.

"You're a Simp," Gaz said with a smirk.

"When did you learn that word?" Charlie asks with a confused look.

"I'm not that much older than you!" Soon Ghost and Roach appeared, from how much sweat on them they just come back from working out. Roach was immediately captivated by our conversation.

"Then why do you act so old?" I ask him. Gaz turns to me with the most offended expression.

"How dare you!" He stands up outraged. Price walks into the room, going back to the kettle to get his 10th cup of tea for the day.

"I dare," I smirk back at him, he looks to Soap and Charlie to be on his side. They only smiled at him.

"You're very mouthy today," Gaz sits down annoyed.

"Well, when you're mute for a time sometimes you just want to speak."

"How does your mutism work?" Soap asks. I could feel everyone in the room looking at me.

"Psychological, like my echolalia and palilalia. When I'm stressed or exhausted it's more likely to happen, but it also just comes in randomly." I state.

"We haven't heard you repeat yourself."

"If I know it's happening, I shut up, but sometimes I just can't so... I hate those usually lead to me losing my voice." Soap nods and Gaz looks at me.

"You were shutting down earlier, right?"


"I was doing a little research," I said my eyebrow raised in shock. Not every single day a comrade will go out of their way to research your disability. "Would you have a meltdown if we stayed out there any longer?"

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