49: Sweet Talk

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"Flaca," I look over to see Charlie walking over with his phone. "You really left your mark." He showed me a quick run view of the base Group Chat. he switched apps to TikTok to find people reacting to me. Most laughed along to my words, a few said I was too rude, but the majority was ready for the messy trial.

"Yeah, my phone has been blowing up all night," I grumble. He looks mildly amused before sitting down and eating.

"We will be returning today," Charlie grumbles, "You think the media will be there?"

"Most likely," Price said. The other came around and sat around us. "Shepard's trial is today too."

"Who?" I ask. Soap snickers at that then Gaz still looks bitter about whatever happened.

"The general," I nod.

Once we were done eating, we gathered our stuff. I look over to see Charlie sitting down surrounded by the Sergeants, I sat across from him... My spot is to the left of his! I glared at Gaz and slightly pouted.

I hate sharing my stuff, my place, what's mine. I look away and down at my phone.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.

I grip my hands, trying to soothe the raging monster. I look to the side to see Ghost looking down at me. I raise a brow at him. I put on my headphones and let my podcast play. I lean back and close my eyes.

"Думы окаянные, Мысли потаенные, Бестолковая любовь, Головка забубённая!" I softly sing, "Всё вы, думы, знаете, Всё вы, думы, помните, До чего ж вы мое сердце Этим огорчаете!" I swing my legs idly and aimlessly.


König looks down at her, she is in a dreamy dream. Her hands dance on her lap. Her tone was slow and drawn out, it sounded rather sinister. It fit her a sinister beauty just like her. Her head tilts from side to side, a sadness in her tone.

She had such a sweet tone. Ghost didn't mind this side of her, quiet and sweet. Maybe if she wasn't so hot-headed, he could vibe with her. She's very funny when she isn't being spiteful. She was playing a random game on her phone mumming along. He wonders what she's listening to. He reached out and pulled on hear headphones.

"Her leg was cut off, at the hips. The passerby thought it was a mannequin. It was a turn out to be a missing 16-year-old girl." Ghost let go of her headphones. She turned to him with a strange yet cutey confused expression.

"Don't do that, you'll traumatize yourself," Charlie said to Ghost.


"Look the shit she listens to is... crazy." He mumbles. Ghost nods.

Hours passed and soon she fell asleep against Ghost. His body stiffened and he was almost tempted to push her off. All the sergeants pulled out their phones and took photos. She subconsciously rests her feet on König's lap, getting very comfortable.

"Wake up," She grumbles lifting her head off Ghost's shoulder.

"Hm?" She said rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"We're here."

"Where?" She asks innocently like a lost child.


"Yeehaw." She said cutely before giggling. She stumbles to her feet and stumbles off. König turns to Ghost; she is still half asleep, and it is very entertaining and cute.


The flash of the camera snapped me out of my thoughts. I look to see a sea of reporters gazing at me. Cameras flashing and and reporters itching to speak to me. I turn up my headphones and change to music, if I'm going to be shown off, I'll strut! This is a battle of reputation and appearance. One I will win.

Y/N L/N isn't a very intimidating force. That was the collective thought the reporters had, she's an easy target. Yes, she was brash on the BBC, but she's left all alone and anyone will crumble to them. A little rabbit, really.

One reporter boldly walked up to her, she shoulder-checked him and walked on. Her gaze dropped to the reporters, it was a subtle change, a drop of her eyelids, a twitch in her facial muscles, a sneer on her lips. So subtle a single change would not be noticed, but all together she changed. Her once dreamy gaze turned dark and mean. From a wallflower to a Venus Flytrap.

She cocks her head to the side, looking at this with disgust. She cocks a brow taunting them to speak. Behind her to the shock of everyone two behemoths of men. They both seem to zero in on the media. They marched down like two tigers hunting their prey.

I lower my headphones and answer the first and only answer thrown my way. "What is wrong with you?"

"So much, bitch ya can ask my shit father." I fold my arms, "I got receipts, I got witnesses, I got the scars, but does he have the payment history for "everything" they've done to "fix" me?" I cock my head to the side.

"Your personality is vile—"

"I'm not trying to have your pathetic ass like me. Do you think your opinion and thoughts of me are important? think again." Ghost taps me on the shoulder, and I look back at them... Why are they even near me? I follow them away from the upset crowd.

"I'm surprised you didn't bite their heads off," I looked over to see Charlie and the others waiting for us at the trucks. They were practically hiding from the reporters, probably hounded by questions.

"What did you say to them?" Soap asks.

"... That I got proof of the shit I say." I scratch the side of my head.

"Are you making yourself unlikeable?" Charlie chastised me like I'm a sad child.

"I'm not trying to be liked bitch! — Owe!" I smack Charlie's hand away.

"You have been a cunt for a while." he sighs, "Why's that?"

"You want the truth?" I lean in.


"I need a 100-year detox of all of you, my patience is gone, my will to live is gone, and I'm feeling manic."

"You need your medication—"

"Don't we all?" I ask.

"Specifically, you, you're unbearable right now."

"I need a week away from you all." I fold my arms.

"Kinda dramatic—"

"It's not she means it."

"Look I'm about to ruin lives I need to build up my energy so I can resist the stupidity and stupid questions I know will be thrown my way." I state, "Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to become a hermit goodbye, don't die, and surely don't believe what strangers say about me if you haven't heard it from me first!"

I grab my bag and haul ass the golf card pulling up. I threw my bag onto the back, climbed on and the driver drove off.

"So," I look over Zuri looks at me, "Burning all the bridges?"

"You know it."

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