♢3 Austria

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I hate airplanes. I wouldn't say I like the crampness and the amount of people but what I hate the most are the stupid people who bring their infants on board. It felt like actual torture like what is to u gonna do in Austria with a baby? If you are going to travel with a baby at least knock them out before the long hours.

I won't lie I clung onto Charlie like a leach following blind and mindless. All I had to do was look pretty but then I knew I looked like shit.

"I want to go home."

"We just got here—"

"And? I like to go home." I grumble as he grabs my bag. Was my bag twice as big as his? Yes. Did I have two bags? Hell yeah. I almost brought my wheelchair with me.

"All that paperwork and doctor appointments for FishTart would go down the drain..." I roll my eyes but silently agree.

As I push one of my bags and pull the other, I follow after Charlie's foot heavy as I clamber after him. My eyes were heavy, my skin dirty, and my body ready to give out I wanted to be home curled up in my bed like a pig in mud. We turned the corner and found a line of people waiting, I always felt like a celebrity when I saw all these people looking my way, even though I knew they didn't care for me.

I looked around and there in the back, like a hulking giant was König. Charlie had no idea what he looked like, but I think he guessed based on height alone.

"You look tired Maus," He speaks to me.

"I want to keel over and die." His brows pinch together, and he gives Charlie a worried glance.

"There was a fucking baby on our plane... I'm so close to beating that mother up." König looks between us worried in his face.

"Well, you two have fun I'm going to my hotel," Charlie turned around and began to walk off, I grabbed him and yanked him back.

"You're not going anywhere," He turns to me and sighs.

"This is going to be a long ride."


The air was crisp and the world around me was stunning. I think I took more pictures of architecture than anything else...



I wanted to die.

"Colonel!" I shout grabbing onto König, he looks back unbothered, relaxed, well rested. "YOU SAID THIS WAS A HILL! THIS IS A MOUNTAIN!" He blinks at me and turns to Charlie who also looks fine besides the annoyed expression.

"This is not a hill... this is a baby mountain."

"Are you really this out of shape?" König asks, If I wasn't out of breath, I be on top of him bashing his ego in.

"I lot my legs! I am allowed to be out of shape!" I shout, I see König turn to Charlie, gaze asking 'What's your excuse?'

"I'm fine," Charlie hums, taking in a deep breath. "But I wouldn't have hiked this with Flaca, she bitches and complains up and down."

"Look, I don't want my break to be physical labor!"

"This isn't labor," König said calmly, confusion laced in his tone.

"It feels like it! I am not the journey is the prize I am the destination is the prize."

"C'mon, we're almost near the top," I groan and grab onto Charlie.

"You know what," I grumble taking off my prosthetic leg and handing it over to Charlie, "You want me to see the top, carry me!"

König looks at me an amused glint in his eyes, he turns to Charlie before letting out a light chuckle. He picked me up as I handed my other prosthetic legs to Charlie.

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