04: Haunting

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"She's in a tree." Charlie jumps in. He looked up and searched for me.

"I don't see her."

"She sees you." Charlie chuckles.

"Where, is she?"

"Callout to her."

"Rookie," Ghost calls out. I drop down and he quickly points his gun at me. I stare into his eyes; he lowers his gun and stares at me. I head out of the forest and regroup with Price. His team stared at me confusingly. I give them a nod.

"What was the noise?"

"I don't know but she took about a dozen men in the forest," the men turned to surprise and Soap broke into a large grin.

"Good Job Gisele." He fist-pumped my shoulder. I give him a nod.

"Are they up there?" Price, add I nod.

"Good, you'll join us?"

'I'll be on the rooftop drawing them away from you.' I wrote. Price looks down and nods.

I quickly climb up a wall and to a roof. I go to the right and vanish. I let out a blood-curdling scream. The men below me jump and quickly look up. I lay flat in the room hiding from them.

Cartel members began to move to my location. I pulled out my rifle and killed two cartel men with one bullet.


I turn around to see Soap crawling next to me. He looked concerned, and he had a sniper rifle with him.

"What was that scream? Are you ok?" I give him the okay signal and look down. The cartels were looking around trying to spot me.

I took out another person and they dropped. Soap watches on with a slight smile. He begins to help me take out the men, that are discovering that scream.

I got up and moved to the left side of the town. Soap follows as we run on the rooftops. I quickly ran into the forest and up a tree. He joined me in an adjacent tree.

I let out a long high-pitched whistle. Soap tried to stop me, but I continued. Quickly men begin to stream into the forest trying to find the sound. I went dead quiet as they got a few feet from my tree. I moved higher in the tree and began to shoot down at them.

Soap watches on with slight awe, she lured away 10 in the first round and 15 in the second. Price, Ghost, and Gaz must have an easier time sneaking in. Alejandro said she had a "fun fighting style." Is this it?

"Hey, let's go back to the town." Soap quietly states. I look at him and nod. We scrawled our way back to the town. There were fewer people, but the ones left were on high alert.

I pulled out my handgun and rushed to a dead-end alleyway I shot my pistol into the wall and scrambled onto the roof. Men can run in, and I begin to pick them off. Soap from his end begins to help me with the wave of highly alert men. I crawled to the top of the roof and scanned the town; I couldn't see anyone but Soap.

I gave it a few minutes, but no one came along. I got off the roof and made my way back to Soap who had this strange smirk. "Rookie, you're really good at this." He pats me on the head.

"Alright let's find the rest." He walked in front of me and scanned around before walking through the town as he owned. There were signs of a firefight, and bodies of cartel men littering the ground. Price and the rest definitely walk through here.

"Now I know why Alejandro put you up for recommendation," Soap chuckles as we follow the trail of death, "You are a bag of spooky tricks." He smiles looking back at me.

I nod.

"So, was it you who was making those sounds?"

I nod.

"Damn you scared us; we thought you got caught."

I shrug.

"You know kid, I can see you really being an asset to us."

We found the rest in a shoot-out, and Soap crawled up to the front line. I stayed back and searched for snipers and took them out. I stayed back and observed them, they were all good. My heart squeezed as anxiety set in my stomach, I truly have a lot to show them. I let out a long sigh, trying to swallow this new dread in my body.

We descend onto the town square. There we meet up with Charlie and Alejandro. "Hey," Charlie calls out a small smirk on his face. "How many did you take out?" He asked me.

'Like 30.' I sign he let out a long whistle before smiling.

We moved in on a single building the Old High School the Cartels as commandeer. Charlie set up the bomb on the main door and we all stepped back. The explosion rings out in the silence of the night. Ghost and Soap go running in guns blazing.

Bullets flew by us, and one scratched my cheek. I stayed back, Close courter firefights aren't my strong suit. They run through every room clearing them of cartel members. The cartel leader was found in the upstairs girl's bathroom.

"Pendejo!" Alejandro sneers as they shoot at the guard. They would like the leader alive, but if he dies no hard feelings. Alejandro rushed in and tackled the cartel leader down.

The interrogation begins. Alejandro and Charlie went back and forth trying to get anything from the leader. " Eres tan patético, que resultas entrañable." Charlie chuckles running a knife across the man's face.

I get up and leave, this wasn't something I cared for. I step outside and enjoy the cool air. All day hiking and stalking really made me sleepy, I'll probably crash against Charlie on the way back. I sit against the building and watch the silent town.

"Was that too intense for you?" I look over to see Gaz walking outside. I shook my head no; it was just boring.

"You're the quiet type."

I shrug, talking wasn't something I really enjoyed doing. I like complaining, but that usually leads to an echo fit. We sat there silently looking out onto the ruined town.

"We got something, come back." Charlie pops his head out. We both enter the building. The cartel leader is dead.

"Makarov is doing arm deals with Mexican Cartels. It's to create enough problems to draw the focus of the United States eyes so they're less aware of what's going on in Russia." Alejandro explains. I turn to Price and see his stern face stiffen.

"We'll inform Laswell," He firmly states his accent becoming stronger for a few seconds.

"Let's head back to base," Price grunts and picks up his gun. We slowly walk through the town and back to the truck.

"Soap how was the new recruit?" Price asked.

"She's very good, it was her who was making the noise."

"Why?" Ghost spoke up.

"Psychological warfare," both Alejandro and Charlie spoke.

"She likes to create chaos and fear in the hearts of her opponent." Charlie hums as he slightly turns to the sleeping girl. "How she can sleep anywhere will always astonish me."

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