60: Guardian

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Charlie was waiting for me, hands outstretched. I took it blood coating his hands. His hands are warm and welcoming, rough with love.

"How dare you turn your back on us!" My mother screamed. Charlie looked back then down at me and smiled.

"I'm proud of you—"

"Don't be cheesy it was time I burned those bridges." He laughs. The courtroom doors open, and reporters rush us, like normal I fall back letting Charlie take the brunt. He was a peacock of a man, love the camera. Good thing he's attractive enough not to be yelled at to move.

"No questions." He said as if he were my personal bodyguard. He looks over his shoulder, what a nice jawline, androgynous, "once we leave the courtroom you will be bombarded with people."

"I know."

"Not gonna hide?"

"I'm not a child anymore," he smiles, the skin around his eyes crinkling warmly.

The main door opened and there in front of the courtroom were more reporters, and behind them to my surprise were people, everyday people. It was lightly raining outside.

I felt like a tiger in a zoo, paraded around like a piece of meat. We descended the stairs. I'm glad the police were there, holding everyone back. The reporters shout random questions at me, asking for a clue.

"Were they always this greedy?" Charlie mumbles.

"They are as useless as they are useful, this is a career I wouldn't mind Ai taking over," Charlie chuckles.

"Y/N!" I froze that high-pitched squeaky voice, triggering my flight button. If it wasn't for the fact, I was holding Charlie's hand I would have run for it. My hands clamped tight on his blood ooze from our hand.

He looked down at me.

I saw the boogeyman incarnated. Piper Lynch. Her dark mop of hair and those burning furious eyes. For an eternity I felt my life flash before me, my days in camp, all those horrors I thought I worked through came out strong.



Thick gelatinous blood lands on me, soaking my hair, suit, and shoes. The gasps of the crowd were like a sharp shriek, like boiling water. I felt my heart sink before the rage boiled out.

For blood!


Blood for the blood god!

"You Whore!" Her shrill voice screeches. "You murderer!" She begins to chant, ' Murderer Murderer Murderer."


"She killed my father!" Piper screams.

He turns to me his face serious. The crowd turns to me seriously. I felt trapped, small... little. A microphone is shoved into my face, blood drops from my face and down my cheek, and I can see it clinging to my eyelashes.

"Did you kill her father?" The reporter asks.

"I did and I do it again he was a pedophile! And she knew! nineteen and gave her twelve-year-old friend to her father knowing she'd be raped!" I shouted for the world to hear. I felt little rage in front of my parents but here I felt the rage I could never swallow.

"She's the reason why I have a Medusa tattoo on my thigh! She's the reason so many little girls were raped!"

"You're a slut," she pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. I spread my arms out.

"Shoot cunt!" I shout back. Before she could do anything, the police tackled her to the ground. I stared at her a thin sheet of blood dripped off my head into my mouth, I spat it out.


"You ruined my life!" She shouts, "You're the full reason why Dixon is dead!" My eyes dart over, and I see the look on Diego's face. His jaw set, the muscle twitching, his eyes darken, and I see that hateful look, the same look four years ago.

I felt scared.

Not for myself. But for him. I grabbed his hand, his body completely rigid and tense. He looks down at me asking for permission to bunch her to get in her face.

"Let's go," I turn to Charlie, "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

I grabbed Charlie and walked off, leaving a trail of blood in my wake. We walked in silence as we walked towards his car. He stopped in front of his car and turned to me, stepping so close to the tip of our feet touching, I could sleep with his cologne, and it felt comforting.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go."

"Hey breath, calm down." I tried but I couldn't stop echoing.

'Tell me everything.'

'I'm going to get blood in your car.' he grabbed me by the chin lifting my face to look at him.

"I don't give a shit." I knew he didn't care but... where do I begin. I looked away.

'It's a long story.'

"We have a long car ride."



The first few hours were quiet, I sat in my bloody suit, and we stopped by a hotel so I could change, and he could get his car cleaned out. We didn't really speak that entire time, I was trying to collect those memories I have clearly forgotten.

"It started back at Trinity Wilderness Therapy..." I stare through the front windshield looking at the road ahead, not sparing him a glance.

"Ok." He said his eyes never leaving the road.

"Piper was one of the first friends I met. I was shy... but I got Dixon's attention and she got jealous. She tricked me... gaslit me and... it happened. I just remember being so angry." His hands touched my thigh it was warm and comforting, and the pressure was laughable, but I felt ticklish... my skin crawled. I pushed his hand off.

"From then on I picked fights with everyone, adults, kids, anyone. I was so hurt, and I didn't want anyone else to be hurt. I was everyone's guardian... Beau... He was the heart of the team. He was the King, and I was the Queen. When he died everyone turned on me except for like five people." He nods I see his eyes flickering to me.

"I'm sorry."

"... My last Straw was after Beau drowned; I heard a little eleven-year-old being dragged to Lynch... I picked up a pickaxe and I hit him in the left eye... I ran grabbed a shovel and decapitated him." I pursed my lips. My voice came out shaky, I'm not ashamed of what I've done but it still hurts.

"That was the final straw for many families, my father included... I called the police and turned myself in, I was fourteen."

"You didn't go to jail?"

"My father swept it under the rug; besides it was self-defense or something."

"Where's that tattoo?"

"Left thigh."

"Will you show me?"

"Of course."

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