50: Anarchy

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I let Laswell to my private orders, and my service dog, FishTart sat waiting for me. FishTart was a German Shepherd, tan and brown. I took one look at him, and his name simply popped into existence.

"Kate, do you want like all the evidence? Or like me related evidence?" I turn to her. I was asking her between a lifetime of pain and a moment of suffering, both bad by my standards.

"All of it." She stated firmly, I let out a long whistle and reached under my bed, I'll have to go to my apartment pick up my storage keys, and go to my warehouse where I house everything else.

"This is box one like... twenty? You sure you want everything?" I lean close, "What's in those boxes are crimes and pain. The lament of suffering children wishes of the dead, anger of the living. In those boxes hold everything the police, FBI, and politicians want to be hidden. If I give you this, will you promise me, you'll get me justice?" I ask extending the box to her.

She looks at me strangely before nodding, "I do hope you find with child abuse and trauma, you after all want everything." I place my hands into my pockets, "Read over those if you need more, I'll get you the other twenties." She took the box and left my room.

I flop onto my head sinking into the mattress... my makeshift mattress of plushies, it's a nightmare bed for light sleepers and a dream for a heavy sleeper that needs softness.


"Take your medication bitch!" it read. I grab my stupid pills and knock my ass out.


I like being a hermit, having no life, no problems, no worries. I don't think I left my bed on the first day. on the third I was hungry. I shuffled down to the cafeteria headphones on minding my own business.

It was loud, very loud. I noticed a large mass of people and moved to the other side of the wall trying to avoid everyone. Many girls were crowding around the table, I stopped and looked over I recognized 1/3 of the crowd everyone else was completely new.

Walk over there...

Do I have to?



I walked over to see a lot of young girls from the look, phones out recording, and there at the center was Charlie, he looked stressed. All of them were being bombarded with questions.

"Where you from?"

"How old are you?"

"What's your rank?"

"Are you single?"

"How tall are you."

"WHAT IN THE BARRACK BUNNY BULLSHIT IS THIS?" I shout loudly gaining everyone's attention. "Who the fuck are half of you bitches?" I snap taking off my headphone and pushing it to Charlie.

"Who the hell are you?" One replied.

"The owner of the house," I cross my arms holding back the urge to punch her in the face.

"I doubt that I've ever seen you in my life." She sneers and goes back to flirting with Charlie, touching him as he tries to stop her.

"Dude these girls are really bunnies and have been trying to overhaul the system," A girl walks up to me and whispers. I calmly put my phone in my pocket and let out a sigh. "This one has been sleeping with higher-ups and gets out of trouble often." I nod to Domino's words and give her a reassuring smile.

This is my coup... This is my base... These are my girls... Nobody messes with my bitches!

I grabbed her by her balayage brown, blonde hand and slammed her head backward into the ground. "My bad let me introduce myself, I'm Gisele, the owner of this house," I lean down to her with a wide cruel smile.

"Who do you think you are pendejo? Flirting with my team, hurting my girls, stealing my man?" I ask. A few of the crowds, people I know snicker. I knew I'm feeding into the marriage rumor but he's mine and I ain't sharing him!

"You're just a whore!" She spat. I slam her face down with my foot.

"Said the bitch that's actually sleeping around," I turn to everyone else, "He is off limits, for everyone!" I snap pointing to Charlie.

"The sergeants... far game, the others not my responsibility but if I hear a single complaint from them my foot is up your ass!" I announce to the room. "I don't care if you're an officer or a rookie, I own this roost! NOW WALK!" I yell scattering everyone.

I look over at them, "You pathetic not being able to chase them off."

"Dude, she threatened me with sexual assault—"

"WHO?" I ask looking him in the face. "The Balayage bitch?" He nods, my lips purse and I sprinted after the girl ready to beat her ass again.


Red is the color of love...


It's the color of victory.

She sat there at my feet, bloody and beaten. I slip my hands into my pocket. I turned away from her and gave every newbie a cold glare, nearly a year is gone and anarchy reigns. I glare at everyone.

"Thank you, G," One of the guys shouts out.

"Keep up the hard work G!"

"Looks like the she-devil strikes again."

I wave them off and walk over to my table, setting my tray down. I sat down next to Charlie, "Nearly a year and everything goes to shit."

"... How did you just chase them off?" Gaz asks, "We've been trying for hours."

"Because I own this place."

"She has their respect; you don't fight with the corporal in her base without being whooped." Charlie hums pushing his hair back the hint of stress still etched into his face.

"Charlie, did you know she could have ended this all?" Ghost asks.


"Why did you get her?"

"What do you want? your face kicked in? Her wraith or their annoying question?"

"Her wrath," Everyone states.

"So, what happened?" I ask everyone.

Soap, Gaz, and poor Roach were ambushed, and Roach was dragged away from them. They had to sprint after the girl to save him. I look over to Roach who was clinging onto Ghost for dear life. They had pulled his mask off and everything, poor dude was pretty shocked. Most girls didn't dare to approach Ghost but the gravest or the stupidest did.

König scared off mostly everyone except for the horniest girls who tried to pull off his hood. They went wild when he spoke German in anger. Charlie had the most breathing room until the new recruits saw him, and then he was the full-on target being famous and all. In all these girls had no self-respect, and acted feral for what? Truly fatherless behavior.

"A girl asked me to tell her to kill herself because my voice was sexy," Ghost spoke up.

"She's not wrong," I state to the absolute surprise of everyone. "What?"

"Don't say shit like that," Charlie mutters to me. I roll my eyes.

"He got a pretty voice." Charlie's head swiveled to me with a look that said excuse me.

"Can you like... protect us from them?" Soap asks pointing to the girls that were still eyeing them.

"What's in it for me?" I ask resting my chin on my hands.

"Really mate?" Gaz asks annoyed, "We're your team! Save us!"

"Please," Soap adds in softly.

"Fine," I sigh, "You're all my Malewifes now."

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