64: Late Night and Bonding

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I'm still recovering from my cold, I couldn't sleep and decided to cook something. The sting of the pan was loud and soon I heard two people walking in. I look over to See Ghost and König.


"3 in the morning." Ghost folds his arm as König takes a seat at the table.

"It's still morning," Ghost sighs and leans against the door, arms folded.

"What are you making, Maus?" König stakes.

"Those are large—"

"And? I'm hungry." The two shake their head.

"Besides knowing Charlie he's gonna open the fridge eyes widen and fight of Gaz and Soap for the leftovers." König chuckles and shake his head.

"Causing trouble?"

"I'm just stating facts." I look over sticking my tongue out.

"How many are you making?"

"I don't know you want some?" I ask.

"Sure," König agrees. I look over to see Ghost who sighs and nods. Ghost moves and sits down at the table.

"You seem very bubbly." Ghost spoke up, and I shrugged.

"I feel normal—"

"You're far from normal," König spoke up, "you're happy." I froze and thought about it.

"I wouldn't say I'm happy but..."


"... this might be a manic episode." Ghost gives König a glance before leaning back in his chair.

"So, you're bipolar or something..."

"Charlie thinks so, apparently my highs are high and my lows and depressing," I giggle.

"We'll I guess win against your parents' help," Ghost offers. I nod fast and look over to him.

"I've dreamed about fucking them over and over again. I've dreamt about ruining them and their careers. My anarchist heart beats with joy." I walk over handing their steak to them. They waited for me or more like they rather not eat in front of each other.

"You're an anarchic?" König looks over completely enraptured by my words.

"I like to be, I don't like the word governments and their corruption. I hate my own country and like to move to New Zealand, but they hand autistic people," I learned.

"What?" Ghost looks over.

"They don't want autistics in their country, they see it as... I don't know a disease... a disability they don't want it's like Down syndrome, nobody outside of the US accepts it. It's like a curse." They nod never considering it.

"Australia is the same as... I thought Canada but my Pookie is native, and they aren't nice to their native so... I'm fucked." I sigh and join them at the table.

"You could always move to Europe," I dropped my fork mouth felt open, and I looked at them with horror. I gagged so badly and began to dry heave.

"I will kill myself Ghost if I was ever British! 1776!" I melted into my seat.

"You're so dramatic."

"There only one thing worse than being British," I whisper as if o seen the trenches in World War 1.

"What?" König asks amused.

"Being French!" Trey burst out laughing, "No no! You don't understand me Charlie would love me if I was a worm, a flee, hell even a rock, but being British that's a conversation, being French! That's a no-go! I'd be destitute!" They continue to laugh.

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