55: Water Of The Heart

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I avoided Charlie and all the sergeants; they just couldn't let the topic die. I sat in the warehouse hiding from everyone. I had a bottle of Jack with me. I say I don't drink but I should really say I don't drink anymore.


I turn to see the warehouse door creak open as a familiar face appears. "Arabella," I greet her. She looks at me and sighs before walking over. She's a lieutenant.

"Hello Chimp," She nods to me and coaches down across from me. "Drinking your sorrow away?" She takes the bottle and takes a drink.

"I'm building up the will to live and my patience for bullshit." She smirks and pushes a small braid back into her bun.

"Should we call Zuri to make this a party?" Arabella asks.

"Sure, get her to get more alcohol."

"What up bitches!" Zuri shouts as she waltzes in a pack of twelve in one hand and three bottles of Vodka in the other.

"How are you holding up?" She asks plopping down next to us.

"Like shit, gonna get degraded without the payoff of cummings."

"The government is giving you anal right now," She chuckles.

I don't remember how many drinks I had; I think I had 7 shots. By then I was tipsy and nursing my drunkenness with a can of shit beer. The other two were talking away. We don't talk often, a rule we made.

"We should get Audrey here," Zuri hiccups with a wide stupid grin.

We four all meet at Trinity Wilderness Therapy. All around the same time. These three were three of five people who left the place on my side. My mentally ill friends, my ride or die. I don't want Charlie to meet them, I don't need him to look at me differently because of their broken energy.

I'm not a happy drunk... I never was.


Charlie and everyone looked around for Gisele, but she had vanished, "have you seen her?" Charlie said looking at Soap.

"Nah, Mate."

"Oi," They turn to Gaz and Roach judging over to them, "You found her?"


"What are you four idiots doing?" They turn to see Ghost and König walking together papers in their hands.

"You saw G?" Soap asks.


"We saw a soldier walking by Singing how she's gonna meet up with Chimp—"

"Flaca!" Charlie brightens up. He didn't know how she got the name, or where it came from. But it was an old name she didn't like going by. "Where was the woman going?"

"That way," König points.

"What's down there?" Roach's phone asks in its robotic tone.


"You want to join us?" Soap turns to the two.

"Why?" Ghost grunts.

"Aren't you curious about her ex?"

They walk down the warehouses and peek in, looking for her. They walked to the last warehouses where the old and broken things were stored and later moved out to be decommissioned.

"Flaca," Charlie calls out.

"Wha?" She calls out.

I watched as the boys walked in, coughing at all the dust high in the air. Arabella and Zuri snicker at them, being tall doesn't always have its benefits.

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