69: Freaky First Week

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A/N: 69.... HEHEHEHE

I was several bottles deep into depression and girlie talk. I was enjoying the absolute freedom of not giving a fuck!

Then the bet happened.


I couldn't say no.

"Charlie!" She shouts running down the hall mascara running down her cheek. Everyone was there in the common room turned to me. The room grew quiet, it got tense.

"What happened? Who do I fight?" Charlie asks drink in hand.

"What no! You got to look at my pussy!"

"Hol' up!" Soap said sputtering out eyes wide.


"What?" She hiccups, smiles wide, and innocent. "I got a Brazilian wax you need to see it," Charlie set his drink down and turned to me with the most apathetic look on his poker face. You could see the pure agony in his eyes.

"Flaca, have some decorum—"

"Are you my bestie or are you, my bestie? I need you to gas me up! I need you to complement my smoothness. I did not scream and cry and have my soul ripped by my pubic hair for you to clutch your pearls in front of the boys!" She snaps her cheeks a little flush.

"...Are you drunk?" Charlie asks after a second.

"Are you sure you're not more than friends?" Gaz whispers to Charlie. The young Mexican swatted the Brit's shoulder but kept his attention on her.

"Yes anyway— One of the girlies would do it unless he wants to be replaced as my bestie, he will appreciate the pain I went through, for smooth pussy lips! Besides we both know TMI doesn't exist after you wiped out your dick to show me your dick piercing!" She folds her arms. The problem wasn't seeing it was the fact she asked in front of everyone.

"Charlie!" Price shouts shocked by the new revolution.

"Pendejo! That's not how you get the girl!" Alejandro smacks Charlie in the back of the head.

"I'm disappointed in you amigo," Rudy sighs looking at him with pure disappointment.

"Your dick is pierced?" Soap asks with this wide smirk. He turned to Roach who pulled out his phone typing away.

"He got three piercings." Gisele jumps in digging Charlie's grave deeper.

"Young man," Graves looks at him with a mix of pride and disappointment.

"... Fine I'll see your bare ass pussy," he pushed her to another room. "Why did you have to expose me like that."

"Uh because I'm not gonna be the only weird one here!" He sighs and rubs his face ending with his hands pushing his long hair out of his face. His black hair fell back into place.

He watched with anxiety in his heart, eyes searching the room for anything more interesting. He didn't want to prolong this anymore for the others to make up ideas in their head.

"What do you think?" His eyes dart down and quickly looks away.

"It's a vagina." She glares at him.

"Isn't it nice?" She asks.

"It looks like a vagina."

"Charlie! Gas me up!" She slams her hands down on the table:

"Flaca, I've seen over many pussies in person, and after tenth, they are all the same." She smacked him annoyed he didn't care.

"You're no fun, I'm gonna go to my girlies and show it off they will appreciate it more than you!" She left him in the room.

"God help me..." Charlie walked out of the room praying to God for the strength to not be a pig. Everyone is looking at him.

"So... was it nice?" Graves asks with a smirk; Charlie shoots him a glare and sighs.

"It's just a vagina—"

"Of the woman you like, your strong man—"

"Shut up!" Charlie has his face in his hands, "Sometimes I wish she had more self-awareness and shame."

"You're lucky," König mutters with annoyance. He dies to see it.

Ghost unfurls his brows and lets his arms unfold relaxing. He didn't understand their friendship, it honestly felt like a cruel joke to him.

"Look, I've seen her naked before—"

"Really?" Soap asks with a wide smirk.

"... When she was set on fire, she needed help doing things." Soap deflates and looks annoyed.

"Has she seen you naked?"

"Unfortunately, yes she walked into my room when I was changing. I have never felt so exposed by a girl's gaze. I had to push her out of my room." Soap and Gaz burst out lounging.

"She must've been shell shock." Charlie punched Roach in the shoulder for that comment.

"So those dick piercing... gonna show us?" Soap asks.

"Yeah, I wanna see what's so impressive you had to wipe your dick out to G," Gaz added.

"In my defense I was drunk, and I did ask her if she wanted to see, I didn't just wipe it out. She did say yes." Charlie mumbles trying to save face.

"Yeah yeah," Soap walks closer, " drop your pants let us see."


"Aren't we mates? Bros?" Soap questioned back.

"This a little gay."

"We are in the military it's pretty fucking gay!" Soap shouts.

"Who's actually curious?" Charlie asks. Soap, Gaz, Roach, König, Graves, and Alejandro raised their hands.

"Fine." With a long-pained sigh, he showed everyone.


"Isn't that painful... the tip?" Soap asked.

"I don't remember I was so drunk," Charlie said he could not remember his three piercings from the Ampallang, to the frenum, and the lorum.

"I didn't know what to expect," Gaz said looking with awe.

"I knew you were freaky but damn," Alejandro laughs.

"Damn... your quite large."

"Shut up, soap!"

"Good morning," I walk into the common room. Everyone grew quiet and smirks grew on most of their faces.

"Do you remember..." Rudy slowly begins.

"Oh, showing my pussy to Charlie? Yeah, I wasn't that drunk just tipsy." I reply calmly.

"You're not ashamed?" Graves asks with a strange smile on his face.

"Look that man helped pull out my bloody tampon when I was severely burned, and my body was broken. The shame and pride I did have... if I ever had... died that day when I was seventeen!" price nods which makes sense to him. He wasn't the only one Ghost seemed to understand too.

"So..." Soap begins, "you've seen his dick?"

"He sent me a dick pick of his Ampallang—"


"Hold up!" Charlie yells, "I was so drunk and that was my last piercing. Also, you send an unsolicited tit pic when you got your nipples piercings."

"You didn't have to expose me like that."

"Bitch! You exposed me!"

"You two are freaky," Soap notes.

"We're into body modification and tattoos." I shrug.

"Why?" Ghost asks.

"Mental illness." The room grew quiet, and I walked to get some food. I knew I had to do it now...

"... oh... one more thing, I feel brave and very shameless." I begin with a smile.


"Don't!" Charlie shouts.

"Whose horses are that?" I ask pointing to Ghost and König.


"Wild horses should be rangled up—"

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