♧2 Recorded Figments

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He was probably tired up to a chair being beaten up. Or worse! Please! Please! Please! Don't lose yourself, Charlie!

"Hey, get yourself together we need to make up a plan and go get him," Ghost said softly placing a hand on my shoulder. I tried to bring myself together, but I felt raw and weak. I stand up tears staining my face.

My world was falling apart.


I rather have the entire world fall into World War Three than lose Charlie. Fuck it! I rather be the next Hitler than lose him.

I am so glad Shame died a long ago, my fall into unkempt madness would have killed me. I was a fool and an idiot.

At the best of times, I'm a realist at the worst of times a pessimist here, I was an overthinking person... Well, I was right. I knew he wasn't being held captive by Makarov, by the cartels.

This was the one time I wished I wasn't right. I wish I was wrong, for the first time in my life I wish I was wrong, dead wrong. I pushed my tears away, but they kept coming, it was a little pathetic, but no one judged me for it. I think if someone did Ghost would I punt them across the room...

The plan was simple I had no input I had no idea how to save him. In all, I felt useless. I was asked to stay back with Laswell to protect her... But I knew why... If they found him, they didn't want me to see him dead or broken.

I felt my body shudder as everyone left me and Laswell. My body began to fidget, and I started to pace back and forth waiting for them to come back with him. My hands felt itchy with anticipation, my head clouded with pain as I tried to not focus on my growing migraine.

Charlie might need therapy... or medication.

My mind raced and I turned to Laswell who was typing on her computer, "If they find Charlie... we will probably have to med. Evac him out to the states to keep him away from the cartel and Makarov.

I could feel the sunset. I could sense the world darkening around me. It was nothing but long and agonizing. I stared out the base doors and looked at the tarmac to see a group of men approaching me. I counted, over and over again hoping I read blind and stupid. But the number never increased... It only decreased.

They didn't find Charlie.

I cried all night.

I started to deceive myself into thinking I did die from that neck injury, and this was my punishment for being a bad person. Always hunting for Charlie and never finding him.

By morning I passed out sitting outside staring at the moon.

"Hey," I open my eyes to see Ghost looming over me, I felt like absolute shit and must look like it too.

"I'm up," My voice came out jagged and horse, a clear sign I cried my heart out.


"Another clue?" I ran into the base not waiting for an answer.

I don't need to see Charlie's face to know it is him. I could look at one thousands of strangers' back and can tell who he is from them. I don't need to see his hands to tell who he is by the lines of his hands. I don't need to see him to know that is the sound of his voice screaming.

It was a hysterical, thunderous earsplitting shriek. It was a wail of pain and suffering. I had never heard him scream like that. That was the scream of someone wishing to die.

"Gisele waits!"

I did not waver. I quickly hit play a chill crawling across my skin as a wave of unease settles in my chest. Everything faded and it was just me and the computer. The screen was bright and hard to look at, it made me ill staring at it, but I didn't blink I needed to see everything. I could taste the anticipation in my mouth it was that thick.

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