46: Drama, Drama, Crime!

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I look over to Charlie for some reason Laswell rented us both... Professional suits... tailored made. I don't mind the suit, I looked pretty hot in it. I date me in a suit, 10/10 hot as hell... Charlie looked Hella stupid, awkward, and like a professional snitch.

"Gonna gonna pull a 6ix9ine?"

"Fuck off," He grumbles. He looks so fucking ridiculous. I snicker and look back, Price and Ghost wanted to be there. "You know I don't snitch."

"So true... would you sell me for enchiladas?" I ask him he turns to me with a slight glare before smiling.

"Is Gordon Ramsay making it?" I shrug and we both look straight before giggling like gossiping teenagers.

"We look so stupid!" Charlie gasps.

"You think we be memed?"

"I hope so we look fucking dumb!"

"Get a hold of yourself," we look back to Price who had this stern look. We glance at each other before smirking.

We were led to a nice fancy room. Price and Ghost stood behind to the right of the reporters who looked shocked we came with escorts. I think they both came to make sure we weren't hounded by the reporters. We both sat down and crossed our legs in sync. The reporter turned from Charlie a small blush and to me, clearly intimidated.

The moment Charlie entered the room his demeanor changed to a serious, almost calculating expression. He must fit the dark and broody stereotype... I think, to me, he looked conceited, I looked away trying not to cackle at him.

"You must be Y/N." The reporter starts off with her posh accent sounds a rather condescending tone as she was clearly bought into the media frenzy of the US.

"No..." She looks back completely stunned and confused, "Of course I am you daft idiot," I state to which Charlie snickers looking away with a cheeky grin. She looked clearly shocked not expecting me to be so... opinionated.

"Let me state this, my father's IQ is about 101, average, Mine is about 120, higher than average. Unlike my father who had nepotism on his side, my grandfather was an army general, I didn't." I start off strong. "My mother on the other hand is clearly, and I say this as an autistic, retarded as fuck, she cannot see out of Jesus' asshole." I kept my tone even. I could see everyone was taken aback by my tone and my language.

"My mother abandoned me to my father and my father abused me, throughout my childhood. I was beaten until I was black and blue, I was starved too." Charlie turned to me eyes bugging out trying to catch my gaze to have a silent conversation. I put my hand out blocking his face from my viewpoint. "My abusive father also sent me away to a wilderness therapy bullshit place where I was psychologically tortured, physically tortured, and drugged because and I quote: "Beat the Autism out of her." So do pardon my French when I do punch a cunt in the face" I said air quoting. Charlie's mouth opens wide, and he grabs onto my arm.

"Besides that, he also disowned me to try to kill my only friend, so I may or may not have attacked him... I may or may not have a restraining order against me by him." I said glancing down at my nails. "So, let me ask the public do I seem like the fool to forgive a motherfucker? Do I look that pathetic?" I tilt my head to the side innocently. "My mother was not there for me in my life, I think she also is the reason my older brother died, that's my personal accusation and belief," I look straight into the camera.

Diego grabbed my hand and yanked it down, "I thought Charlie died from a car crash."

"That's what the courier said... He left out the 16 shots in his body." Charlie looks over to Price clearly shocked out of his mind.

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