31: Darken Sleep

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We began to walk back, but the hill killed me. I wait walking up steep hills. As we stand at the very top of the hill, I turn back to see only five Russian troops following us. I look at them through my scope. They were the five "special force" Operators. I looked closer a strange thing caught my eye it was a blue patch with a white-headed bird.

Why does that look familiar?

I frown pull out my phone type and wait for Ghost and König to walk closer to me, I turn around to them,' They keep dwindling,' the two men stare at my phone, and they turn to each other a silent question between them. They turned around and I could practically see the gears in their head turn. They too notice the small numbers of soldiers.

"Let's move," Ghost stares firmly leading the way. We begin to move this scene was too... strange. There is something fishy about that scene. Shouldn't the special force stay behind? why are they leaving? My mind raced but all I knew; my intuition was correct.

As we walked through the forest, something felt odd. I feel prying eyes lingering on my figure, like hungry wolves gazing at a bunny. I know this look; the look men give me when they think they can overpower me. My senses were hyper-vigilant. Every noise got my attention. I turn to the forest, something is looking at me, I guarantee.

The feeling is too overpowering to be wrong. I know when someone is looking at me. I grabbed the nearest person— König by his forearm. He looked down at me confusion in his gaze. I point to the forest. Ghost looked over and stopped and stared at the forest. I know someone is there, I can feel their eyes on me.

"Nobody's there—"

My eyes caught onto someone, and I drew my gun shooting at the eyes that peeked from the shadows. The person darts off surprising the group. He raced after them before they could alert the others.

König was able to catch up with the man and wrestle him down, stabbing him to death. We were far closer to the base. Ghost over to me, his eyes show slight approval.

"Good job," he grunts out.

I looked around, and we all did. We didn't think when we ran after this person.

Ghosts continue to lead us. My eyes drop down, to the ground. There is a healthy layer of dead leaves on the ground from the fall. The leaves that haven't been trample into dirt.

My eyes roam forward, and I stop walking. It was a slight slope down, but something felt off. I looked carefully and I could tell there was a foxhole there. The ghillie cover seems a little too fake to me. I could see the mesh of the fabric.

I stared at it for a second. Was someone in there? Do I tell the others? Of course, I do! Why there? Why on the side of a hill? That position felt wrong. I kept my eyes on it. I was practically staring at it.

I didn't move until Ghost almost stepped above the entrance. I grabbed him by his vest yanking him back. He turned to me with a confused angered expression l. I picked up a well-sized rock. Big and heavy enough to fall and break the illusions.


The rock hit the thin layer above the hole and fell through. Inside we could hear slight commotion. If Ghost had walked above the whole, he could have seriously hurt himself or been killed by the men inside.

I put my sniper gun away and pulled out my handguns. I slowly moved around the hole until I had leverage and shot in. Bullets came flying out.

I jump down and shoot in manically. Whoever was in there— how many were in there— they were dead. I squat down and look in— 2 maybe 3 people were inside. They were packed like sardines.

"How did you see that?" König asks. I look up pointing to the edge of the ghillie mesh top.

"You have good eyes, Corporeal." I stop and look up. The colonel addressed me by rank. That's new. Did I win his respect?

That's not saving him from my plan... I am petty and very stubborn he will learn to fear me.

I looked over to Ghost his eyes wide and he stared at the hole. He must be thanking God for his luck. His gaze fell down to me.

I didn't need to smile or boast. We both know without me he is dead. I look around the hole to see if there is anything inside, we could use, maybe a map of other foxholes. Something caught my eye it was a small symbol of a bird with a white head and a black body. The blood on my face drained and I felt myself grow pale.

"It's a trap!" I muster out. König turns to me so does Ghost they look startled by my voice.

I jump up. The Colonel moves forward, my body slams into him, a force throwing me forward. I blinked a few times, I saw my reflection in his eyes, his startled eyes. I didn't feel the pain, but the warmth of my blood stuck to my clothes and skin.

I was shot.

My body stumbled before my head jerked again as a second shot hit me. It was a moment of pure shock before the pain seared to life. I felt my mouth fill with blood. I grip onto his biceps and try to keep myself standing.

I looked down— it was so red. The blood is so red. It looked fake— so fake.

König grabbed me, his hand around my neck stopping the blood flow with his hand. My vision started to fade as I passed out. I could hear voices shouting. I see Ghost drawing his gun and shooting at the approaching men.

"Let's go!" König shouts picking me up and running back to base. I could hear König voice through the radio calling for help for me.

Is this how I die?

Everything went dark.

I didn't tell Charlie I said goodbye...... Charlie.

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