25: Urgancy

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To my shock when my period came, I did not have to go to the field. Apparently around the world women getting days off for their period is a thing! America sucks sometimes. I spent most of my first few days bedridden and in pain. Charlie had to go they needed the manpower. I slept for the first 3 days, by the 4th the pain was gone.

By the end of the weak König's group (Horangi, Soap, and Ghost), came back first. They looked tired but an air of excitement was in the air. Soap walked up to me with a smile, "Feeling better?" I nod and study the group of men.

"Did you guys get something?" I ask them.

"Yeah, Makarov is moving to the west again."


"We're not sure." Soap said removing his equipment. "We're hoping Price's team has something." I nod along.

"Can I see the information if you, have it?" Soap nods and hands me over a folder. It was all in Russian, but the map looked familiar.

"That's the Mexican-US border," I tell them. Everyone turned to me in shock. Horangi and König move closer to me looking over my shoulder. Let me pull up a map, that's the Texas-Mexico border."

"How did you know?" König asks with a speculative tone.

"Before I was part of 141, I was based in Texas near the border, I know this fucking line." He nods.

"Which one?" I pull out my phone and begin to find the specific place on the map.

"Here, I think," I said showing him my phone the specific part of the border line.

"Lieutenant," König calls out, "Call your captain we have a place." Ghost nods and makes his way away from the group.

"Well done," König said gazing down at me, "You're not completely useless." I roll my eyes and bite my tongue not to say something snarky back.

"G you're smart!" I smile at Soap and look at the new excitement in the air.

"I just know that fucking line had to guard it many times."

"From what?"

"Helpless Immigrants, you know the State government is an ass," I grumble. "The people are fine but the government— They own you," I warn. He nods understanding it.

"Go take a shower," I tell Soap. He chuckles and walks away.

I look over to see Horangi and König talking quietly. They seem excited and ready to proceed with the mission. I see Ghost storming into the room and the three's energy turn soured. I get up and walk over.


"Price found proof that Makarov has missiles and maybe nuclear weapons." I've grown, that's bad. It kind of dawned on me... We can all fucking die— or World War Three can happen. Either way, I will probably be dying.

I look over to the three men— What am I doing? All three of these motherfuckers have masks! I kept my face neutral not sure what facial expression I should make. GOD! I need Soap to mirror. What do I do?

I step back and away from the group and walk away. I begin to gather my stuff together; I feel the mission dawning on me. The stress is there— nuclear weapons... this could be the end of peace! I found Soap walking from the showers looking content and happy.

"Soap!" I call out. He waves and I gesture to him to come closer to me, "Makarov might have nuclear weapons." His smile drops and he gets all serious.

"Are you sure?" He asks his accent growing thick.

"Yes, Ghost just got back with Price," I state he groans and turns to me. "I guess we're going to be hunting down those weapons." I nod and we make our way back to our HQ.

A few hours later Price's team came back, and we immediately went into a meeting. Laswell jumped into the call.

Price and his team found signs of missiles and nuclear missiles. They are being sent around the world, 4 to be precise. The colonel's team found where Makarov might be located— Somewhere near the Mexican-US border. I look over to Charlie who gives me a warry stern look, he looks stressed and tired.

"Let's split up—"

"Let's find the Missiles first," I interrupted the Colonel, and he glared at me. "We have Alejandro and his team they can check the Mexico lead. We can try to find the missiles, split up, and follow their leads." Soap and Gaz nod along.

"Who's Alejandro?" Horangi asks.

"An Allie," Price steps in giving an explanation.

"There's a final outpost in the deep forest of the countryside," Price spoke up.


A few days passed as we prepared ourselves to go for a long ass hike, Price and König walk into the comment room. Price clears his throat, "The Russian army will help us find it. We think there is a missile there. Hopefully, we'll find more clues to where the others are."

"Get your things we leave in 30," the Colonel said.

I grab my stuff putting on my uniform and my field socks— socks that are comfy and ones I'm willing to wear for a long time. I won't like I don't like socks and prefer to wear my (inside) crocs around the base. It's easier for me.

I was one of the last to be ready, I had to make sure my guns were working. I put everything in the right place— can't have misplaced items in places I don't know. I stand next to Charlie who looks down at me with a smirk. I smack him in the arm.

The truck ride was mostly silent as we were all mentally preparing ourselves... Well, I was listening to a crime podcast as tradition entails, I do. I have routines not like I must do this every single day but more like if I'm eating or putting things together I do it in the same order every time. I have if I don't then I didn't do it successfully and I'm tilted.

I gaze out the window, it's pretty chilly out, and I'm wearing a nice fleece sweater. I can see other trucks appearing— Russia's army was gathering around. A few trucks full of soldiers. Well drive in as far as possible set up camp and the next few days scout out the area.

There were too many people. I stick close to Charlie as we get off the truck. Charlie helps create a buffer between me and the crowd it's nice having a mini giant to guard you. We created our HQ, and the leader of the Russian Army joined us to talk about the strategic layout of the ultranationalist's hideout.

The Russian Army did a small recon mission to get the rough layout of the enemy's base. We will need to do a more in-depth look out of their base.

I step forward mainly to get away from a lot of people— they aren't my people... not a safe place. Soap and Gaz will be joining us, while Ghost and Horangi watch from afar. As a smaller person, I won't be noticed as much.

The night was chilly and downright miserable as light rain fell. I look through my night scope and watch the procession of the guard memorizing the movement and times they changed. On the other hand, the other two were moving around the sides of the base to see what was going on there.

I'm tired, but it's too cold to sleep.

Author note:

Just saw MW3.... hella sad... Anyway, my story plot is canon.  (Please no spoilers just mourn in silence thank you.)

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