70: Trifling Second Week

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I was on cleaning duty for an entire week for that comment.

I had to say it.

It was eating me alive.

I stared at the extremely clean bathroom. I don't mind cleaning, it's a tedious task that I could simply blank out on. I listen to my audiobooks of the books I bought because I have an addiction.

"You're far too happy." I look over to see Charlie in cleaning close, male Cinderella. He pulls it off nicely.

"I stand by my comment!"

"You are manic." He sighed and checked out the bathroom, "very manic that's way too clean." He went down with me after being forced to explain that comment... more like letting her say that.

"They have been staring in the face!"

"Where else are they supposed to put their dick?"

"I don't know where they came from! Like they're like a male ballerina, it's staring you in the face—"


"Go clean the dorms make 'em sparkle!" Charlie storms off to the common room.

I walked out of the girl's bathroom and there waiting for me were Arabella, Zuri, Soap, Gaz, and Roach. They all had smirks on their faces. I give them a nod and they follow me.

"So... was it worth it?" I extended my hands and Arabella and Zuri's hands over $500 each.

"Money is always worth it—"

"Was that a bet?" Gaz snaps and shouts at me. I look over and nod. He let out a depressing sigh and looked at me.

"Everything has a price, and you know what their reaction... tasty." Soap burst out laughing and Roach shook his head and pulled out his phone. He replayed the video of their reaction.

Their eyes widened, they went rigid and then turned to me with the strangest look. König left the room and Ghost sat down in silence. A long silence before a shaky tone from Ghost spoke up.

"Cleaning duty for a week, you two Charlie!"

"What can I say," I flip my invisible hair back, "I wish I could see their faces."

"Oh, Ghost was red?" Soap snickers, "I checked his face after he sent you two away."

"You have a picture?" I ask quickly I want to see him blush.

'No,' Roach sadly signs, 'he threw Soap off him and hid his face before I could take a photo.'

"Big sad, I like to see him submissive." Soap and Gaz turn to me with a strange expression.

"Are you a sadist?"

"I'm a pillow princess who likes to dominate people."

"Sure, you are." Zuri laughs and smirks.

"How would you know?" Soap asks.

"I've been with her."

"What is your type?" Gaz asked me.

"Any woman, they are hot. Rugged hot man, old enough to be controversial. No, I have an entire dorm to clean, bye." I left them in silence.


On Thursday my manic episode ended, and cleaning became a full-on chore. It was still easy enough to zone out, but my hands were freaking, and blisters were forming. I still went all out; I was going to keep this impressive streak.

Training was hell too. I worked extra hard, the two officers hounding me on everything I was doing. König didn't like my form in half the things I did even enough I'm pretty sure it was perfect.

Train, clean, eat, sleep. That was the entire second week was liked. It was nice I got a chance to rebuild my energy levels, and by the end of the week, our area was sparkling. Alejandro and Rudy kept the common room clean after our hard work, even Soap was conscious of his trash and things.

König couldn't look me in the eyes. He looks right above me; I know that gaze. I do it all the time, neurotypical expect eye content but not too much, so I end up just staring near them but not at them. I had to train myself to look at people. If I could simply exist, I would not even look at people. Unless it was to establish dominance, then I'm staring.

Ghost could look at me, but his gaze was strange. A mix between slight apprehension and amusement. He was harsh harsher than normal, but I could see his eyes trailing me. It was obvious.

Do they think women don't look at them like their pieces of meat like men do?

"Literally," I mutter, and Charlie looks over, "I might need lotion."

"Oh, it's that bad?" Charlie asks.

"I am dry!"

"But lotion? Don't you hate how it makes you feel like a grease pig?"

I look over to Charlie and smile, "Don't remind me." I grumble and sit down and sigh.

"Don't be lazy—"

"Shut it, Colonel, I'm building my nerves right now." König steps into my line-of-sight curiousness in his eyes.

"And that would be?"

"Putting in lotion." I shudder, my hands felt itchy and dry, but the idea of greasiness made me cringe so badly. I slightly gagged at the thought.

"Don't be dramatic—"

"She's not she doesn't like being greasy," König looks back at Charlie.

"Then shower first then put lotion on it sinks I got the skin better," Gaz walks in flawless as ever.

"Gaz you have a skin care routine," he nods.

"Yeah—" he turns back in realization, "you too?" I nod and he sighs and smiles.

"I guess the others don't."


"Charlie, you got one?" Gaz asks, Charlie looks up from scrubbing the floor.

"I got bullied into it," Charlie confessed, to which Gaz laughed hard.

"You two should be cleaning," Price was in with dirty shoes along with Ghost and everyone else.

"This feels racist," Charlie grumbled glaring at Price and Ghost. Alejandro laughed and Rudy only shook his head.

"How so?" Ghost asks.

"Two colors cleaning the floors of white men? Do you want me to start calling you master? And asking you if you need a back rug?" Charlie grumbles and violently scrubs the grout of the tiles. Soap doubled over laughing.

"Look the bri'ish is colonizing again," I added.

"Diego," Graves walks in with this strange smile, "it was Spain that colonized Mexico, not the British."

"No shit Sherlock," that pissed off Graves who pursed his lips.

"You have white blood in you," Charlie doubled over and began to act like he was melting into a puddle of human goo.

"No! No!"

"Look here twink, don't remind my little wall hopper he got white in him, can't you see it's killing him!" I snap back.

"Wall hopper!" Charlie bolts up.

"Look here—"

And the racist jokes comeback begins.

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