10: Down

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"We've been all over Mexico, being led around like an obedient dog," Charlie grumbles to me. I nod and look out the window.

"Hay más a esto," Charlie grumbles some more.

"We're running around like headless chickens."

"Let's hope this is the last one, I think we've interacted with Every major cartel out here." Charlie sighs and turns the steering wheel. We're in several cares, in different teams.

"Relax you two," Alejandro chucks.

"We're making great progress," Rudy states. The two were sitting in the back, of the car.

We're in three groups, Price and Gaz, Soap and Ghost, and Team Mexican plus Gisele. Alejandro picked my method again to the annoyance of everyone else. We'll probably get there first.

Our mission is to find some documents, Price and Gaz are on sniping duty, and Soap and Ghost will find the boss for interrogation. In all, we're evenly spread out. Rudy and Alejandro are here just in case a firefight breaks out. Where sneaking in.

"Alright, we're here." Charlie parked the car a few miles away from the true location.

We all get out, my mask on and begin to make our way to the fortress of the Cartel. It was half hidden by the jungle and terrane. Another fucking hike, why do I do this to myself?

Price and Gaz, Soap, and Ghost should already be there dropping bodies and being a diversion. Those documents are important, they show the tangible link between Makarov and the Cartels, maybe even Makarov's following movements.

"Gisele, are you going to stay back?" Rudy asks.

"Depends on how many men are in the building," I tell him, it really depends on if I'm going to be sniping or joining the hunt.

I looked through my scope and looked around the base as we stealthily marched up the small hill. I frown, "it looks abandoned."

"It does?" I hand over the scope and Alejandro looks through. It did look abandoned.

"Was our information wrong?" Charlie asked.

"I see movement," Alejandro mutters before handing the scope back to me.

"Alright, let's keep going— get down!" We all drop onto the ground as we hear can't voices in Spanish. They were mumbling about drug manufacturing and distribution. From what I can decipher from the muttering. I look over to see the angry face of Alejandro staring in the direction of the sound.

The drug trade affects everyone, in Mexico and outside of Mexico. We slowly crawl up the hill and notice a small group of men in a makeshift kitchen. They were cooking up meth or cocaine, either way, it doesn't matter, it was drugs.

I look over to see the other three gazing intently at the scene before us. Their eyes held a sense of disgust and excitement. They can bring this operation down.

"On the count of three," Alejandro begins, "one... two..."

"Three!" We all pop up guns pointing at the small cluster of men. They froze and fumbled with their guns. They tried to shoot, and we opened fire on them. They crumble down, dead.

Charlie steps forward and nudges the bodies with his foot. The Kitchen was cooking. Alejandro kicked over the stuff letting them spill onto the forest floor. Rudy kicked out the fire, this was personal for the three. A low hush whisper takes control of my attention.

I let out a sharp whistle regaining their attention, "I think they had company," I softly stated. They all got quiet and intently listened for any hint of living life. In the far distance, they can hear mumbling. They instantly crouch down.

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