♧4 Seeing Red

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TW: Gore... like this time actual gore... and murder.

"Oh, you're awake," A girl's voice echoes. Makarov's eyes open and finds a girl eating a clementine. She drops one of the white little things that grow on the outside of the fruit, letting the wind take it. "You should be really careful," she said through bites. As she stepped into the light Makarov couldn't help but smile and laugh.

That little bug finally decided to hunt him.

Y/N looks down at him with little expression, but her eyes burn with hate. "You should be careful, Cartels will betray you," She squats down and lifts his chin so his eyes can meet hers, "Mexico isn't friendly to outsiders like you." She said lowly.

"That was a beautiful funeral you held I even visited his grave site," She froze and looked down. A loud crisp click rings out.

"That has been noted." She said her tone odd and calm. It seems like his taunts wash over her as if she's a diamond rock in a waterfall, nothing could carve through that mask.

"You don't want to make an enemy of me, let me go and I will spare your life," Makarov spoke confidently. Y/N looks down at him pathetically. She looked down at her hands and took another slice and ate it.

"You made an enemy of me," She spoke her head tilting at 'made'.

The More Makarov looked into her she was the key to the team. Whether a lynch pin or the weakest link getting to her was the easiest. But here this girl wasn't that girl in the trial, nor the girl that lost her friend.

This was a thing.

Makarov smile. He had broken her and that was so clear.

"What can you do?" Makarov taunts, "You're just a pathetic barrack bunny 141 took in."


Makarov froze, what was that noise? He looks over to see a little tally clicker in her hand. She looks at it blankly as if she were an alien looking at a strange mystical object.

"You're just a gold digger!"

"I have Onlyfans," she shot back. Makarov stared at her in shock. They could have used that as blackmail. "It's not like that, you would have only found slutty ankles."

"You think you can ransom me off to Milena?" Makarov smirks sitting up.

"Who's Milena?" She asks back, tilting her head. Her eyes wander to the side as if she was thinking. "Who cares, not me." She took another slice of clementines and bit into it.

"I'm going to kill you."

Makarov laughed.

"Cartel style," His smile falters and she see a slight panic in his eyes before he laughs.

"My group—"

"Don't care."

"My Group will fine me and kill you!" She peels another clementine removing the white's growth and lets it fall to the ground. She silently eats not bothered by his words. After finishing the first half she finally spoke up.

"Martín told Price where your little group is. They could find you or prioritize their survival." She spoke calmly through bites of fruit. Makarov looked down at her fingers they were stained orange.

"You think my death will end this?" He shouts back clawing for any part to be superior to him, she smiles and laughs in a fake tone. "The real Russians—"

"Not to be rude, but Russia can suck ass." She waves her hand shaking another white thing off her finger. "Like it ain't about them, their like so not important." She frowns and begins to bite one of her fingernails.

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