Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 The hungry family

suddenly remembered something.

Wen Wen went to the bag with potatoes on the kitchen floor and picked up a slightly sprouted potato.

He thought curiously as he returned to the basket with the potatoes.

He tentatively put the potatoes into the basket.

It's amazing, really amazing.

The moment you put it in, the potatoes disappeared.

The basket was still the same basket, but there was nothing in it.

Wen Wen's eyes widened in surprise, and she even suspected that she was hallucinating. This thing was really incredible.

After thinking about it, I got up and went to the kitchen to get another potato. When I passed by the living room, I saw a large bottle of soda that had run out of steam and I was also holding it.

Then it disappeared the moment he put it down. Wen Wen covered her mouth for fear of screaming.

From this point of view, it seems that the things that were put in this basket to be thrown away in the afternoon really disappeared on their own, rather than someone taking them away or taking them out and throwing them away.

"Then where did all these things go?" Wen Wen frowned.

At the same moment, in Nanlinchao, Tiance Village, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and it had not rained for a long time.

Not only that, the temperature is getting higher day by day. Looking from a distance, the land is dry and cracked. Only a few grains and vegetables are still alive in the ground. The water in the wells in the village is also dropping every day. There are some small rivers around the village, and there is also a faint feeling. Bottomed out.

Because of the drought, only a few things planted in the ground can survive, and even the villagers who guard the land find it difficult to have enough to eat.

It's even more torture now. I look at the sky and worry that it will get hotter and drier.

Now not only is there not enough food to eat, but water is becoming more and more precious.

Every household in the village is sallow and thin, especially some poor families who cannot even fill their stomachs.

But the good thing is.

Although the situation is somewhat dangerous now, the water source has not completely dried up, and no one in the village has died because he could not find food.

But that's just because they didn't lose their lives. The family at the foot of Tiance Village was so hungry that they were dizzy.

Some time ago, my mother-in-law was seriously ill. The couple scraped together everything they could sell and borrow, and tried every means to raise money. However, my mother-in-law could not survive and passed away.

No one was rescued, not to mention the foreign debt the family owed and there was almost no food left.

The drought has lasted for days and nothing can grow in the ground, making life increasingly difficult.

Fortunately, my husband found a job in the city. Although he was a little tired, he was able to bring back two extra Wowotou every day, except for the two that could not be brought back to be eaten.

In the past, no one would do this job.

But now everything near their village is in drought, and the city is not much better. Most of them don't have enough to eat.

Even though there are only two extra steamed buns, there are a lot of people rushing to make them.

There is a real shortage of water, and there is very little in cities and villages.

There are people watching every day when collecting water in the village. Each person can only take a small basin. Not to mention washing the body, even drinking water is not enough.

"Mom, I'm so hungry. I'm still thirsty."

The water has become less and less recently. The youngest daughter Zhenzhen has seen all these situations. She is young but very sensible. At this time, she really has no choice but to just think Take a sip of water.

"Mom, I'm not thirsty. Give my sister today's water and let her drink more." The eldest son Lin Tian raised his head and said to his mother.

Juan Niang looked down at the two children. Their lips were a little cracked, and a trace of distress flashed in her eyes.

He walked to a small water tank filled with water next to the big water tank at home, scooped out a bowl of water with a thick bowl, and called the children over, "You all drink some water, each person drinks half a bowl." "

Due to the drought for days, there was little water at home, and the original water tank was a bit deep, so I put the water in a smaller, slightly shallower tank.

Every day when I scoop out water, I can see how much water is left, but I can see the bottom almost every day.

The two children walked to the water tank, picked up the water Juan Niang put on the table and drank it in small sips.

Lin Tian waited for his sister to finish drinking before he drank. He stood next to his sister and whispered to her to drink more.

Juan Niang looked up, and he moved his eyes away uncomfortably and glanced to the side.

"Mom, Mom, there seems to be something in the big water tank here."

Lin Tian knew the situation at home and could see everything at home at a glance.

But just now he caught a glimpse of something he had never seen before in the big water tank, which frightened him for a moment.

He frowned.

Juan Niang thought that her son was so hungry that he was hallucinating.

I know everything about the things at home. The large water tank has been empty since the drought.

Juan Niang walked over and took a look into the big water tank. There was indeed a lot of something, and she didn't know what it was.

When she was hesitating whether to take out these things that suddenly appeared, Juan Niang's husband Dalin, who was working in the city, came home with two steamed buns.

Dalin found it a little strange. His wife, son, and daughter were all gathered around the large water tank that was no longer in use. They were all looking in from the mouth of the tank and would not move even if they just looked at it.

"What are you looking at? Water is coming out of this tank." Dalin asked in a funny tone.

When Juan Niang saw that her husband was back, she quickly walked over and pulled him to the water tank, pointed at the tank and said, "Look! Just now my son said that he suddenly saw these unknown things appearing in the water tank."

"I'm still hesitating whether to take it out and take a look. After all, it's a little scary to appear suddenly, and then you come back. What should we do now?" "What's the big deal? Our

family is bare anyway, and no one can harm us." , and it can suddenly appear under your noses, maybe it is something given to us by the gods."

Dalin shook his head nonchalantly, and bent down to pick up the things from inside.

Looking at the things placed on the table, the whole family was a little stunned.

"Da Lin, what are these? Why are they so strange?"

There were two lumps of soil, and a large green transparent bottle, which contained what looked like water.

"I haven't seen it either. How about we open it and have a look."

With that said, Dalin opened the soda bottle.

There was a popping sound the moment it was opened, which shocked everyone present, but at the same time they also smelled a sweet smell.

"This can't be poison, right? I've never seen water open like this." Juan Niang said in a low voice with a worried look on her face.

"Mom, it smells so sweet."

Zhenzhen's eyes were almost glued to the bottle of sweet water.

"Good boy, wait a moment." Juan Niang poured some water from the bottle. After thinking about it, she became more inclined to believe that the thing that suddenly appeared was not harmful.

Taking the runaway soda, I walked to the only remaining chicken in the house that was dying because there was nothing to feed it, and watched as the chicken pecked into it.

After waiting for a while, the chicken still looked sleepy, but there were no signs of poisoning from drinking the water.

Juan Niang felt relieved, got up and went back to the house.

In the room, Dalin realized that he had never seen such a novel thing in so many years.

It looked like glass but was light and even colored. Dalin subconsciously felt that it was not an extraordinary thing.

"It must be the gods who saw the natural and man-made disasters and couldn't live like this any longer. They must have helped us." Dalin said, staring at the two potatoes and half a bottle of soda on the table.

In the current situation, water cannot be wasted.

There was no other choice. There was no water to wash the potatoes, so one potato was left behind and the other potato was thrown into the stove, waiting for the potato to be roasted.

Then he took out several thick bowls and poured some soda out, pouring four portions, and everyone got a bowl.

Zhenzhen looked longingly into the bowl, and Juan Niang felt a little distressed when she saw this, and quickly told the two children to drink.

Most of the steam in the soda is gone, leaving only a sweet taste.

There was a taste similar to sugar water in the mouth, and the couple looked at each other in disbelief.

After all, it is difficult to drink water now, let alone drink sugar water.

It didn't take long for the potatoes in the stove to be cooked, and the potatoes alone were already exuding a rich aroma.

Break open the potatoes with your hands, and a white smoke rises from the middle of the rustling potatoes.

Using these potatoes with the two steamed buns that Dalin brought home, along with sweet soda, the family had a long-awaited meal.

"Mom, will there be such lumps of earth and sweet water in the future?" After finally

eating, Zhenzhen put down the big thick bowl and looked at Juan Niang with big eyes.

Dalin looked at his children's increasingly thin cheeks and couldn't help but comfort him, "Yes, it will be fine in the future." The

whole family knew that such an adventure was really rare, but in the face of Zhenzhen's longing eyes, they couldn't say it out If so realistic.

Dalin has decided to go to the county tomorrow to see if there are any other ways to earn more food to go home.

After tidying up, they moved the large water tank from outside into the room where the couple lived. As the sky gradually turned dark, the family also fell asleep.

Wen Wen, who was watching the things in the basket disappear and couldn't find the answer for a while, was a little discouraged. It didn't seem to be harmful anyway, but it was just a little strange.

Seeing nothing, he turned around and left the balcony and returned to the room.

The author has something to say:

Objectively speaking, sprouted potatoes cannot be eaten, please do not imitate them!

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