Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Injured

"Don't mention it, my father's concubine's son is running rampant outside." "

It just so happened that my brother and that concubine's son went out together today. The bullied family may have been bullied too badly and wanted to kill them without thinking about their lives. You idiot, you didn't know you hurt my brother."

"When he was brought back, he was covered in blood. Now the imperial doctor has seen it and found that he had been stabbed twice, one on the arm and one on the thigh. It was a bit serious. He was bandaged and now he is lying on the bed. It's in the palace."

"The imperial doctor said it was a little serious and there would be fever later. If the fever was severe, he said it might be very dangerous. He wasn't sure if there would be anything to do or whether he could survive it. "Oh, I'm not

. Suddenly I remembered that you once talked about a miracle doctor, so I came to find you. "

Speaking of this, Jing Wennan's eyes were a little red.

In recent years, Mr. Hou gradually had the idea of ​​​​righting the concubine's house. Jing Wennan's mother passed away early, leaving the two brothers to depend on each other.

Today's matter Things also happened unexpectedly.

Who knew how the always well-behaved Jing Wenyu would be injured innocently, not to mention that the injury is serious now, and it is not known whether he will be able to survive later. No wonder

Jing Wennan looks so anxious.

"Don't worry, I'll wait. Let's go see Wenyu with you. "Xie Zhilin looked at Jing Wennan and said.

"Actually, I don't know where the miracle doctor has gone now. "

But don't worry, I'll ask someone to find him first, and I will also find another way to make Wenyu well."

Xie Zhilin sighed slightly as he remembered the miracle doctor before.

It is a coincidence that Xie Zhilin and his family went to the temple to worship Buddha together a few days ago and stayed there for a while.

One day, my grandmother suddenly became unable to move, unable to control her body, and even fell into a coma.

At that time, the entire Xie family was in a state of panic. The temple was built on a mountain, and the imperial doctor would not be able to arrive for a while. They were also afraid that the illness would become more serious as it dragged on.

Xie Zhilin went down the mountain first, planning to find a doctor at the foot of the mountain to deal with the emergency and then wait for the imperial doctor to come.

Unexpectedly, just after taking the doctor back to the mountain from the foot of the mountain, my grandmother's illness suddenly recovered.

Only after carefully questioning the people in Xie's house later did they find out that just when he was coming down the mountain, a strange old man came to the temple. He looked at them in a hurry and squeezed in.

He said he could be cured, but he just wanted money.

Xie Mansion doesn't care about money, as long as the old lady can be cured.

There was no other way. Xie Zhilin went down the mountain to look for the doctor, but he couldn't come up for a while.

In the end, it was Xie Zhilin, the head of the Xie Mansion, and his father, Xie Wei, who spoke out and asked for treatment first.

As a result, he was very lucky, and this weird old man was really a miracle doctor.

After a few injections, my grandmother Li's condition improved.

Before leaving, I prescribed some medicines, and Li's condition got better and better after that.

At that time, when they saw Li's improvement, the Xie family knew that this old man was not a real person.

Not only that, he even surpassed the level of imperial doctors and could cure diseases with just a few injections.

For fear of neglecting the miracle doctor, he added a lot of gold to the original agreement. When the miracle doctor was about to leave, he asked carefully where to go and where to find him.

But he refused to say anything, only saying that we could see each other again if we were destined.

The Xie family members were also afraid that something would happen to the miracle doctor if they were forced to do so, so they sent him away respectfully without asking any more questions.

So now Xie Zhilin doesn't know where to find the miracle doctor.

I don't know if the miracle doctor's statement about being destined to meet again is just perfunctory or if he really has the ability to discover this fate.

With no other option, Xie Zhilin asked Xie Yi to lead people to find traces of the miracle doctor first.

"Take someone to find the miracle doctor who was in the temple last time and try to find him."

Looking back, he saw Jing Wennan looking hopeless. It must have been a shock to him from what he just said.

"What are you thinking about? Don't look like you are dying. Take me to see Wenyu."

After Xie Zhilin finished speaking, he took a step out of the main hall.

Anxious and disappointed, Jing Wennan suppressed his emotions and followed Xie Zhilin out of Xie's mansion.

Not seeing Jing Wenyu's condition yet, Xie Zhilin couldn't comfort Jing Wennan.

The carriage was quiet for a while, and neither of them spoke.

Soon we arrived at the Hou Mansion. The servants in the house were in a hurry, and many people were walking to the backyard.

"Fortunately, my father's concubine's son was seriously injured this time. I'm afraid Daluo Immortal won't come over this time. He should only have one breath left now." "Let's go to

Wenyu's yard Here, I'll take you over to take a look."

After saying that, he walked up to the front, with Xie Zhilin following behind.

There is a maid preparing medicine in Jing Wenyu's yard.

The bandaged Jing Wenyu was lying on the bed, her young face a little pale, and she was sleeping peacefully.

Most of the people in the house must have gone to the concubine's son's yard. Jing Wennan was a little angry, and anger suddenly welled up in his heart.

Seeing him getting angry and about to rush out to argue with the Marquis, Xie Zhilin stopped him.

"This is not the first time that the Marquis has done this, isn't it? Let's find the imperial doctor first, and I'll ask the imperial doctor, and then we'll find a way to make Wenyu get better together." Listening to Xie Zhilin's words, Jing Wennan gradually calmed down and

shouted I asked a boy to call the imperial doctor over.

Not long after, the boy ran back in a panic.

When Jing Wennan saw that there was no one behind him, he knew that his father's concubine, Aunt Liu, must be causing trouble. It must be that the yard refused to let him go.

Xie Zhilin obviously saw this situation, so he didn't have to call that imperial doctor.

But Jing Wenyu was the imperial doctor from the moment he was injured to the time he was bandaged.

Now, if you suddenly call a new imperial doctor, you may not understand the situation clearly.

Jing Wennan also understood this truth, so he was even more angry now and wanted to go to that person's yard and grab him immediately.

Today, more than one imperial doctor came to treat him.

The one who treated Aunt Liu's son Jing Li earlier was not the same one who was treated by Jing Wenyu.

She must have been relying on her power, wishing that no imperial doctor would come to treat Jing Wenyu so that her son could be given a place when his condition worsened.

Thinking of this, Jing Wennan couldn't hold back his anger and strode towards Jingli's yard.

Looking at Jing Wennan's angry back, Xie Zhilin didn't stop him this time.

Firstly, it is because the initial imperial doctor really needs to explain the situation first so that he can be treated by another imperial doctor later. Secondly, it is also necessary to let Jing Wennan and his father Jingwei know not to pamper his concubine too much.

Xie Zhilin followed Jing Wennan to Jingli's courtyard.

Compared with the people in Jing Wenyu's courtyard, there were many more people in Jingli's courtyard.

Several imperial doctors were discussing together, and maids and servants were coming in and out.

Jing Wennan rushed to Jingwei's room. At this time, Jingli was lying unconscious on the bed, with Jingwei and the annoying Aunt Liu sitting beside the bed.

Their expressions were full of worry, as if they were a family.

Compared with the deserted look in Jing Wenyu's courtyard, everything here seems to really exist, and Jing Wei seems to have forgotten the existence of a son.

Jing Wennan snorted coldly.

"Have you forgotten that you have another son who suffered a disaster? Now you feel more sorry for the son who caused the trouble?"

After Jingwei heard this, he quickly changed his worried look and said with some anger: "Why are you and the son who caused the trouble even more?" Let me speak, not to mention that Yu'er's injury is not that serious, I will first see what's wrong with Li'er,"

Jing Wennan laughed angrily, unable to hide the ridicule towards Jing Wei between his lips and teeth.

"No, Yu'er doesn't need you as his father to visit him. Give me the imperial physician who treated Yu'er before!" "There are

so many of you here, there won't be a shortage of an imperial physician, right? Or is it that Aunt Liu wants me to Die for your innocent brother who was hurt."

Jing Wennan looked hard at Aunt Liu.

Maybe it was because Jing Wennan was embarrassing him in front of so many people, or maybe the accusations had an effect, or maybe he didn't dare to offend his son, who was increasingly favored by the Holy One.

Rarely, Jingwei looked down at Aunt Liu.

"What's going on? Why don't you ask the imperial doctor to follow Wen Nan?"

Aunt Liu was worried, and she was yelled at by Jingwei, and her aggrieved look immediately appeared.

The imperial doctor said that Jing Li was seriously injured this time, and he didn't know whether he would survive.

If I don't have the protection of my son in the future, I don't dare to think about that scenario.

Although she was aggrieved and angry, she did not dare to talk back to Jingwei.

She had to suppress her aggrieved look, but still acted like she was being bullied, as if everyone felt sorry for her.

"I don't know, Mr. Hou, I have watched Yu'er grow up. How could I deliberately let people not go?" "

Some maid must have pulled her over just looking at the imperial doctor."

"Xiaoyi, go and get her. Invite the imperial doctor who treats Yu'er. You can send him to Yu'er's courtyard and ask a few more maids to follow him."

Seeing Aunt Liu's hypocritical look, Jing Wennan felt a little nauseous.

"No need, I only need that one imperial doctor, and leave the rest to treat your son who is causing trouble everywhere."

After saying that, Jing Wennan left the courtyard.

Xie Zhilin, who was watching the farce, was also preparing to leave.

Who knew that Jingwei had stopped Xie Zhilin.

"Xie Zhangyuan, I made you laugh. I was just impatient and wanted to see Li'er first. I am not a concubine. I only care about him. Yu'er is also my child." It is not difficult for Xie Zhilin to think of why he went out of his way to explain in front of him

. .

The Xie family has been valued by the Emperor for generations. Especially after he began to serve in politics recently, the Emperor favored him even more. People outside said that he was a popular person around the Emperor.

They don't know what the actual situation is, they just want to see what they want to see, but Xie Zhilin's right to speak in front of the emperor is also very important.

The reason why Jingwei stopped him specifically to explain was simply because he was afraid that he would not intend to accuse the Lord of doting on his concubine and even not caring about his own son.

With no expression on his face, Xie Zhilin looked at Jingwei indifferently, his eyes slightly narrowed, and a hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes.

He curled his lips and said coldly: "Xie is not a person who likes to smack his tongue. You can rest assured, Mr. Hou. I just don't know how Yu'er will react if he knows that you are defending someone who harms him." He didn't read it after he finished speaking

. , not interested in looking at Jingwei's expression, turned around and left Jingli's yard.

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Is anyone watching? (?^?)

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