Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

He Xiong was followed by several men in suits and leather collars and gorgeously dressed women. As soon as they entered, they crowded the originally small ward into an even narrower room.

Wen Wen raised her head and looked at the expressions of the people in the ward. Their faces were either excited or anxious, and they looked like they couldn't wait to see He Jia. Her originally uneasy heart was slightly relieved.

"He Jia?" The man at the front of the crowd walked to the bedside in a few steps and looked at He Jia with some excitement.

He Jia stood up subconsciously and looked at Wen Wen helplessly.

"Mr. He Xiong? Look, there are other people in this ward. If we don't disturb others, why don't we ask the people behind you to go out first." He Xiong looked at the other patients in the ward. There were too many people

. Great, he nodded and said, "You all go out first."

In the end, only his wife, He Jia's grandmother, was left by his side.

By this time they had calmed down, and after greeting Grandpa He Jia, they started talking about their arrangements.

"Ms. Wen, thank you for telling us this news. I was a little worried before I saw He Jia, but after seeing him, most of my doubts disappeared." "From today on,

He Jia and his grandfather's affairs I will arrange for someone to take over, and I will arrange the rest when He Jia is willing to go back with us." "

But there is one more thing, maybe I will arrange another investigation during this time, even though he does look very similar to Xiaokui, But to be on the safe side, I still have to find out, and I hope Jiajia and Grandpa Jiajia won't mind this."

He Jia stood beside Wen Wen and had no reaction, but Grandpa He Jia kept saying hello.

"Okay, okay, these are all things that should be done. In the final analysis, I feel sorry for your family and did not educate my son well, otherwise Jiajia would not have suffered so much. The only thing I am worried about is where Jiajia will go in the future, with you here I feel relieved."

A very relaxed smile appeared on his face, as if he had solved a major issue that was pressing on his heart.

Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin spent the entire afternoon with He Jia, helping him adapt to the sudden arrival of relatives, and had to return home as night fell.

When Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin said goodbye to He Jia and were about to disappear into a familiar alley, He Jia suddenly stopped Wen Wen.

There was a kind of tenacity in his voice, and he said as if he had made up his mind: "Sister Wen Wen, actually you don't have to stay with me all the time. I know you have your own affairs, and you have already helped me find my family. , I can't keep bothering you anymore."

Wen Wen stopped moving forward and turned around, "Jia Jia thinks it's too sudden and can't accept it?"

He Jia's head was still lowered, and his voice was a little light, "No. , In fact, I also hope to see my grandparents whom I have never met before, but I also know that after they come, I have to adapt to many things by myself, and I can't let you waste time with me anymore." "So sister, I will really do it in the future

. No need to come again, I will tell you my story every day like before." He Jia raised his head and looked at Wen Wen.

Wen Wen suddenly remembered that when she and Xie Zhilin were chatting in the afternoon, they talked about the end of her vacation. At that time, the two of them spoke very quietly. When she turned around, she seemed to see He Jia turning his head. She didn't know if it was Then I listened.

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