Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

After the Wen family left, the Zhou family in the hall seemed to have been drained of energy, sitting on the sofa listlessly.

Zhou Congeng's father had even anticipated his own end, and his whole body seemed to be crumbling. If it weren't for Zhou Congeng next to him to support him, he might have fallen to the ground.

Ye Yi glanced at him mockingly, then turned to Zhou Congeng and said with a smile: "Not only do you want to be in two boats, but you also want to maximize your own interests. Zhou Congeng, you will always capsize one day, you see. , it's coming right away."

"I won't say much to you, you should take your father home early to recuperate, I guess you won't be so easy after this, but you have to deal with what happens next. Ah."

"Send off guests." Ye Yi's voice had a distant coldness.

Zhou Congeng kept thinking about everything that had happened during this period amid fear of the future. His thoughts were racing. He thought for a long time. Amidst Ye Yi's rapidly changing emotions and words, he finally woke up.

His voice was full of surprise, "You arranged all this, right? You hated Wen Ting and me from the beginning, so you came up with such a method, which not only turned us against each other, but also made us both Retaliation."

"You wanted to destroy me from the beginning." He kept sneering, with a sarcastic look that saw through everything.

"Don't flatter yourself. At first, I just planned to have no contact with you forever, but you wanted to do more later. Now you brought these results on yourself." "

Also, today's situation Without the help of Wen Ting's mother, your Zhou family will be destroyed in your hands after today."

When the servant next to him heard Ye Yi's words, he immediately came over and prepared to drive Zhou Congeng out, probably thinking of what would happen next. In life, his face was a bit ferocious, revealing a ferocity that was completely inconsistent with his appearance.

"I'm not having a good time, and you can't live either." Zhou Congeng shouted, then put aside the helper's hand with great force, quickly picked up the fruit knife on the table, and stabbed Ye Yi hard.

It happened suddenly. Ye Yi could only see the silver knife being raised high. Her mind went blank for a moment, and she could hear many people's voices in her ears, "Get out of the way, be careful!" Xie

Zhilin Hearing Wen Wen's shout in his ear, he quickly moved his position and kicked Zhou Congeng.

All of a sudden, he fell out on the smooth ground. Just when everyone thought he was grinning and not daring to move anymore, he stabbed the nearest Wen Wen in the leg with his backhand.

Before Wen Wen had time to react, she only heard the sound of cloth being cut, and then blood dripping onto the floor.

But there was no pain in her legs at all. She looked down and saw an arm wrapped in dark blue cloth blocking her legs. At this time, the white jade fingers were clenched into fists and were cut apart by sharp knives. The cloth was wide open, revealing the bleeding arm underneath.

A deep gash was cut into the smooth skin. Wen Wen even felt that she could see the flesh and blood that had turned out. The dark red blood slowly soaked into the dark blue cloth. Although it was not very obvious, for Wen Wen, But it was enough to make her feel distressed.

Xie Zhilin probably didn't expect that he would hurt other people at will after being angry this time. He didn't react in time to kick Zhou Congeng away, so he could only rush over and find a way to block Wen Wen.

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