Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

None of the children at home went to school today. It was a difficult day off. When they heard that Third Uncle asked them to go, everyone couldn't help but think of the delicious food that Third Uncle brought them before.

"Brother, hurry, hurry, let's go!" Xie Wei'an was the most active person in the big room.

The two of them were playing with crickets, but after hearing what the maid said, Xie Weian quickly put down the grass in his hand, pulled Xie Weijin and ran away.

"Be careful, young master." The maid pulled Xie Weijin out of the yard without paying attention to Xie Wei'an. Seeing this, she quickly followed after him.

Except for Xie Zhiwu and Xie Zhiwen, who had important matters at the martial arts training ground and in the palace, many people in the family were originally in Xie Zhilin's yard because Xie Zhilin was leaving. Now that the children were called, almost everyone in the family came.

"Uncle Third, An'er is here. Do you have anything for me to eat? I'll eat it all!" Xie Wei'an's voice came in even before he arrived.

At this time, the courtyard was full of people. After hearing Xie Weian's words, there was a burst of laughter in the courtyard.

Xie Weijin, who was walking behind, came in, greeted everyone in the courtyard one by one, and then stood next to his mother.

Seeing everyone laughing, Xie Weian didn't care. He smiled and stood quietly.

Only then did he see the things on the floor clearly, "What are these, Third Uncle? Are you giving them to An'er?"

Xie Zhilin looked at him with some humor, "Yes, yes, they are for you."

After that, He winked at Xie Yi.

Xie Yi first took out the calcium tablets, vitamins and liver protection tablets so that Xie Zhilin could introduce them.

"I bought these from a merchant a few days ago. These calcium tablets can prevent osteoporosis. Grandma and An'er both need to take supplements. Everyone in the second and third bedrooms has a copy." "This is a vitamin, relatively good

. It is suitable for the women in the family to take, it can whiten and delay aging, and can also protect the heart."

When it comes to calcium tablets, everyone is fine, but when it comes to vitamins, the women in the family get excited.

"Really, third brother?" The second sister-in-law was always off guard and couldn't help but ask.

"You can try it first. You are all in good health, and there is no harm in

taking it in moderation." "There is also a few bottles of this liver protection tablet for the eldest brother and the second brother."

After Xie Zhilin finished speaking, Xie Yi took the boys in the courtyard to The things he just mentioned were divided among each person and handed over to the maid he brought.

"What about our third uncle?"

Xie Wei'an saw that the adults had something, but the children didn't have anything yet. He felt a little depressed and stared up at Xie Zhilin with his eyes wide open.

"Don't worry, An'er."

He touched Xie Weian's head to comfort him.

Xie Yi happened to have finished distributing those things, and looked at Xie Zhilin when he heard what he said.

Xie Zhilin nodded, and Xie Yi unpacked the bicycle and remote-controlled car and placed them on the ground in the yard.

The children were a little excited when they saw the bicycles and remote control cars that were not much taller than themselves.

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