Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

"The list of ingredients you gave for making hot pot base was seen by An'er yesterday. I said it was delicious, so he hurriedly asked his mother to help make it." Wen Wen automatically thought of waiting for the hot pot to be ready

. After it was done, Xie Weian tried it and was so hot that he was sweating profusely and couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing her laughing out loud, Xie Zhilin remembered the feeling when he ate spicy hotpot for the first time, with an unnatural blush on his face.

"It's made in the big kitchen. Do you want to go take a look?" Xie Zhilin thought for a while and said, "The smell you smelled just now is probably that the small kitchen in my yard is also making it. The smell in the small kitchen in the past will not be the same." It was passed over, but it's probably because your spicy pot base was too overbearing, and the smell came over."

After a pause, he explained: "The small kitchen may be a bit crowded, so let's go to the big kitchen." "Is that

okay? , then you wait for me to go back and change my clothes." After Wen Wen finished speaking, she quickly went back to change her clothes and returned to Xie Zhilin's study.

The two of them followed the scent and walked forward. On the way, Wen Wen thought of the spices that she had not yet arrived, and asked: "Do you have all the things on the list? I also bought all the spices I needed, but I haven't bought them yet. I haven't given it to you since the goods arrived."

"I really don't know this very well. You can ask my sister-in-law later."

Wen Wen nodded and continued walking forward. I don't know what the people in the Xie Mansion said. Wen Wen Wen felt that everyone in the Xie family knew about her this time. The maids and servants she met along the way would salute and say hello to Miss Wen.

Wen Wen looked at Xie Zhilin with some curiosity, and Xie Zhilin smiled and said, "For the time being, I am telling people in the house that you are a distant relative from my grandmother's side." When walking in

Xie's house, even if he doesn't tell them, he will make guesses first, so it's better to be casual. Find an identity and say it, Wen Wen accepted.

After walking for a while through the corridor, we finally arrived at the big kitchen. Xie Wei'an, who was standing in the yard outside the big kitchen, ran over as soon as he saw Wen Wen, "Hello, sister Wen, I'm supervising the work. Third uncle said this is It's delicious. I want to eat it as soon as it's ready."

The tip of Xie Wei'an's nose was red. It looked like he had rubbed it after being choked. Wen Wen looked at his tearful eyes and quickly took him out. The yard.

"An'an, if you feel choked, just go back first, otherwise you won't be able to bear it here." Wen Wen spoke to him softly, and Xie Wei'an nodded obediently after listening, "Sister, what about you? Come back to my yard with me and I'll show you around."

"Don't you want to eat this delicious-smelling and choking thing? My sister has to watch over it for you. You go back and have a nap. Maybe you can eat it tonight. Oh."

Seeing Xie Wei'an nodding obediently, Xie Zhilin called the mother-in-law who took care of him to take him back.

When she saw Xie Weian's figure gradually disappearing, Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin entered the courtyard where the big kitchen was located.

Xie Zhilin shouldn't be able to eat spicy food very well. Wen Wen remembered the way he was spicy food last time and stopped at the door of the big kitchen. "Why don't you go in? I'll go in and take a look and come out." She thought

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