Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

He looked at Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin, two strangers who had nothing to do with this matter, and asked them to avoid it, "Mr. Ye, do you think this is our family matter? Should we let this person go away?" Can you two avoid it?"

Ye Yi's father did not speak. He turned to look at Ye Yi and asked for her opinion.

"Uncle Wen, don't worry. These two know more than you. Don't worry about them going out and talking nonsense. Today, everything that should be known and shouldn't be known will be known." "And mine

. There is absolutely no reason for guests to avoid it."

Ye Yi's words were very firm. Wen Ting's father knew that he was at a disadvantage now and would not make it too ugly. In the end, he did not continue to talk about the things that Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin should avoid.

The Zhou family father and son on the side did not dare to say a word when they heard this conversation, but lowered their heads in silence. Zhou Congeng felt as if he had overlooked something, and looked at Wen Ting's father with some doubts in his eyes.

Sure enough, it was exactly what Wen Ting's mother said.

Ye Yi curled her lips, breaking the deadlock, and began to introduce the Wen family to the Zhou family and his son.

"Zhou Congeng, what's the matter? Don't you know your future father-in-law? Although the Wen family has just arrived from the north, no matter what you say, my Ye family must be respectful." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Congeng's face was clearly filled with emotion

. A sense of unwillingness and consternation emerged. After a brief panic, he quickly recovered his emotions. Even the anger and guilt at being hit by Wen Ting at the banquet disappeared, replaced by confident self-confidence.

Ye Yi sneered silently in her heart.


My mind goes back to some time ago.

Zhou Congeng came to the door before, and Ye Yi was very confused after hearing his words. After talking to Wen Wen, a few days after that, Wen Ting's mother also came to the door.

At first, the maid said that she was a little surprised when Mrs. Wen came to her, thinking that a high-sounding person came to her door to persuade Wen Wen to compromise. However, she did not expect that not only did she not want her to compromise, but she also wanted to join forces with her to teach Zhou Congeng a lesson. .

"You mean Zhou Congeng doesn't know the specifics of Wen Ting's family background? But he clearly told me before that Wen Ting's family background is so great that it can even fight against my family. I found out that this is indeed the case." Ye Yi picked up the black tea in his hand and took a sip

. After taking a sip, he looked at the gorgeously dressed lady in front of him and said.

"Wen Ting is an illegitimate daughter."

Ye Yi paused slightly while serving the coffee and looked at her in surprise.

Mrs. Wen smiled and continued: "Wen Ting was brought home when she was about eight or nine years old, and she was only an adopted daughter in name. Under such circumstances, she did not want or dare to tell Zhou Congeng her true identity. "

I have been investigating the matter of Wen Ting and Zhou Congeng for a long time. As far as I know, Wen Ting has not been able to tell her true identity, and due to my deliberate arrangement, Zhou Congeng has not been able to investigate Wen Ting's family background at all."

"As for what he said about Wen Ting's family background being great and being able to fight against your family, I think it was an excuse he made at random, but he certainly didn't expect that what he casually compiled was actually like this." Ye Yi frowned unconsciously

. Browsing, she looked at the woman in front of her with suspicion.

Seeing her look like this, Mrs. Wen laughed softly again, and then said: "Don't be too nervous. Judging from what I just talked to you and what I have been investigating, I already have a general understanding. "

When Zhou Conggeng's business dropped sharply, he was forced by his father to apologize to you and beg for your forgiveness." "He was in a

wealthy family and you, who had no clue about his family background, thought he was from a small family." Tingzhong still chose the party that was most beneficial to him, which was you, even at the cost of abandoning the child in Wen Ting's belly." "And

when he asked for forgiveness from you, he found an excuse to put all the blame on Wen Ting. , the editor used the excuse that Wen Ting had a rich family background and was forced to do so."

"Coupled with what he said about the child, you will be entangled after this, that is, you now."

What Mrs. Wen said is completely true. Yes, Ye Yi had to believe her, but she still had one last question in her mind, "What about the kidnapping?" "

I'm sorry about this. My negligence may have hurt you. This matter was indeed used by Wen Ting." Originally, I wanted to cover up the things done by the Wen family's forces, but I was afraid that Zhou Congeng was not smart, so I had to give him an idea so that he could blame Wen Ting for the matter. So I revealed to the outside that it was a distant member of the Wen family. My cousin did it."

Ye Yi was really confused about Mrs. Wen's purpose, "So what is the purpose of your coming?" "

Zhou Congeng could only find out that it was a man from the Wen family who did it, but you can find out that it was Wen Ting. I did it because I was afraid that by some mistake, you would really believe his words and forgive him." "

This should not be your purpose." Although there was some questioning, what Ye Yi said was very decisive.

Mrs. Wen laughed out loud, and the brief smile quickly turned into a very serious look, "Whether you believe it or not, I regard Wen Ting as my biological daughter. I don't care about family property or illegitimate daughter, but I care very much." Her."

"I won't explain the various reasons to you, but I did this so that she could find her way back." "

Our family came here from the north, on the one hand, it was due to industry issues, and also On the one hand, it is because of Wen Ting, this is not the first time she has been deceived by a man."

Through what Mrs. Wen said, Ye Yi probably understood the affairs of the Wen family clearly.

Wen Ting was brought back to the Wen family when she was eight or nine years old. When everyone thought she would be despised, Mrs. Wen and Mrs. Wen's eldest daughter paid special attention to Wen Ting. However, Wen Ting was already sensitive, and after listening to Since then, Mrs. Wen has been distrustful of many of the heretical things she said. She even tried every means to find someone to rely on so that she could feel proud of the Wen family.

But such a mood was too urgent, and she was soon deceived by a man after leaving Mrs. Wen's protection. Moreover, the more Mrs. Wen tried to persuade her, the more she demeaned herself. At this time, everyone was exhausted mentally and physically.

Just as the property was about to be transferred to the south, the family moved there again. I thought Wen Ting would calm down for a while, but she didn't expect that she would be deceived by the smooth-talking Zhou Conggeng again in the blink of an eye.

Mrs. Wen, who had learned from the past, stopped persuading her directly, fearing that she would confront her and instead believe in Zhou Congeng even more, and would give birth to the child directly if they disagreed, so she could only find a way to get Zhou Congeng to say these hurtful words to her, so that she could wake up on her own. come over.

Ye Yi didn't know how to describe this feeling. She just felt that it was very complicated. It seemed that the fault was with Zhou Congeng, it seemed that the fault was with Wen Ting, but it seemed that the fault was with Wen Ting's original family.

But the matter is already here. If Wen Ting can know his true face on the basis of teaching Zhou Congeng a lesson, it will be a good thing to return from the lost way.

After a long silence, Ye Yi finally spoke, "What do you want me to do?"

Mrs. Wen came to her side and slowly talked about the plan.

As her thoughts gradually returned, Ye Yi broke away from the scene of talking to Mrs. Wen in her mind and looked at what was happening in front of her.

Ye Yi turned to look at Zhou Congeng. He still thought that Wen Ting would move towards him, but he still looked confident, as if he would leave the Ye family and become the son-in-law of the Wen family in the next second.

Before his smile was fully formed, he was interrupted by Wen Ting's father, who was sitting on the side. "As long as I am here, I will never admit Zhou Congeng as my son-in-law." His words were very heavy and struck him hard

. The expression on Zhou Congeng's face didn't have time to change, and it looked a little ferocious.

Wen Ting's father didn't seem to want to hear more about the love story between his daughter and the married man in front of him. He didn't ask for details at all, and he felt like he wanted to leave immediately.

"I, Wen Hu, would like to apologize to the entire Ye family, especially Ye Yi. It was my faulty goddaughter who allowed them to do such harmful things to good morals and hurt Ye Yi. But now that Wen Ting is pregnant with this scumbag's child, it is I taught her a lesson. Whatever the Ye family wants to do here today, I will bear it for her first. When she is better, I will take her to accept the punishment. After Ye Yi forgives me, I will send Wen Ting away. I promise not to Appear again within the sight of the Ye family."

Wen Hu said it very sincerely, but Ye Yi felt nothing in her heart. It was too late to reflect on her own problems now, whether it was before Wen Ting was born or after she was born. He's all responsible.

But now that he has said this, the Ye family can't really do anything to him. They can only ask him to leave with Wen Ting with a few polite words.

Wen Ting, who was led out of Ye's house, was still confused. She looked at her father who had always ignored him in disbelief. She really didn't expect that he would temporarily defend her, and she suddenly felt guilty.

Then she turned around and looked at her mother and sister, who had been restraining her since she was a child. Thinking of what her mother had said at the dinner table and what had happened in the past period of time, after sorting it out, she finally discovered the key. It turned out that she had been Her mother was always protecting herself, but this time she didn't stop her because she wanted to wait for her to realize the truth.

She broke free from her clenched wrist and ran to Ye Yi in a few steps. With a muffled thud, she knelt down. At this time, her face no longer showed the provocation before, but a stubbornness after she suddenly woke up. With tears in her eyes and a sincere voice, she apologized to Ye Yi.

"I'm sorry, Ye Yi, I really don't know why I did this. I'm a complete scumbag. I disturbed your life and showed off my power to you. I really don't know how I dared." "

I I'm wrong. I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I hope you can live a better life in the future. I won't let Zhou Congeng go, and you shouldn't believe his words anymore." After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Ye Yi's answer

. He kowtowed several times, wiped his tears fiercely, and left the Ye family with a red mark on his face.

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