Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Wen Wen felt that there was no need and refused repeatedly, but was interrupted forcefully by Xue Yiyun, "No, I can't take advantage of you in vain." After saying that, Xue Yiyun wanted to take out something like paper from his sleeve, Wen Wen Wen guessed that maybe what she was writing was what she just said, so she quickly held her hand.

"I only want 20% profit. Let's just say it like this. There is no need to write it down in black and white."

Seeing Wen Wen's stubborn expression, Xue Yiyun still accepted it. She put the paper back, "Then it's settled. 20% profit. From now on, I will have someone send the money to me when settling the monthly settlement..."

Seeing her confused look, Wen Wen quickly answered, "No, no, then at the end of each month, I'll get it myself."

Seeing Xue Yiyun nodding, Wen Wen wanted to get up and leave, but as if she thought of something again, she turned back and said: "How do you plan to place the sales place then? In fact, you can use glass... In fact, you can place a small Put a strip of white paper under each lipstick, and put the color of the lipstick on the paper, so that they can see it more clearly. You can also make a batch of trial packs, and take out the trial packs individually for them to try. People can put it on, or make a batch of smaller trial sizes for sale."

Wen Wen just wanted to say to use glass to store these things, but suddenly remembered that there seemed to be no glass here, so she quickly stopped talking and changed the subject. Said something else.

Hearing Wen Wen's words, Xue Yiyun had a thoughtful expression on his face, "Good idea, I will write it down. I will think about it carefully during this period and set up a new area to sell these. When the new one is released, you can be sure I want to come."

"Okay." Wen Wen agreed readily, nodded, turned around and left Lianyunge with Xie Zhilin.

Getting on the carriage back home, it was quiet all the way because Wen Wen was thinking about something. Xie Zhilin just heard what Wen Wen wanted to say, but he was stuck for a moment, and then changed the topic. He looked at Wen Wen, who was in a daze, slowly said, "Wenwen, did you mean to say glass just now?"

Wen Wen came back from her thoughts and looked at Xie Zhilin. She paused and said, "Yes, I just said I thought it might be more appropriate to put it in a glass cabinet, but I just suddenly remembered that you don't seem to have it here." "Actually,

there are similar kinds of colored glaze, but not much. Our place is indeed not as clean, transparent and of good quality as yours. Glass."

Hearing his words, Wen Wen's eyes lit up. No wonder she didn't see them here very often. It turns out that the output is small, and the second reason is that they are probably used to make containers such as wine glasses, which should not be used by ordinary people. .

"How about we try glass and see if we can make it here? You should have the simple ingredients here."

Seeing Xie Zhilin nodding, Wen Wen quickly took him back home after returning to the mansion with him. She was searching Information, quartz sand, limestone, plant ash... Wen Wen asked Xie Zhilin to look at it while searching to make sure he knew it. If she didn't know, she tried to search for various names, so that Xie Zhilin could understand it. After sorting out the raw material ratio and methods for making glass, Xie Zhilin also had a general understanding.

Seeing Xie Zhilin put what he had written into his arms, Wen Wen nodded with satisfaction.

Xie Zhilin had something to do in the afternoon, so Wen Wen didn't stay with her much. After sending him back, she started to look up how to make lipstick with color powder. She simply copied down the ratio and prepared to give it to Xue Yiyun next time with the color powder for her to try. I tried it and bought a lot of edible harmless toners of different colors online.

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