Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Wen Wen looked at the snack inventory at home, and it was obvious that it had bottomed out. She also needed to buy some fast food for her new home, so after packing up, she drove to the supermarket.

Although today is a working day, there is still a lot of traffic in the supermarket. Wen Wen bought some snacks that she wanted to eat at home these days. When passing by the first floor of the supermarket, she saw a flower shop. After thinking about it, she went in and bought some flowers. .

The new home now only has the green plants that were occasionally watered but still have strong vitality. They have never put flowers. Wen Wen bought some peonies and roses and wanted to put them in the new home.

When she finished checking out and was about to put everything in the car, she realized that there was no underground parking lot around the supermarket where she came today, and the shopping cart couldn't be pushed out first. At this time, she was a little stunned when she looked at the shopping bags all over the floor. .

"You can still carry it out for a short distance." She murmured softly.

Just as she was holding the handle of the shopping bag with each hand and struggling to lift it up, the weight she just felt suddenly disappeared, and her hands felt light.

"Sister, let me lift it for you." Wen Wen subconsciously turned her head to look at the boy beside her. His soft hair was close to his fair cheek. Perhaps because the temperature had dropped a bit today, he was wearing a thin gray sweater. There is vigorous vitality brewing under the casual clothes, as if he had just washed up, and a scent of soap wafted up.

Only after Wen Wen lost his strength did he really hold the shopping bag firmly. The shopping bag was a bit heavy, and the small knuckles he was holding turned white from the pressure.

It was He Jia. Yesterday I saw him as a child. Today, the enlarged version of him appeared directly in front of her. Wen Wen nodded, suddenly feeling like a grown-up child.

"It's He Jia, aren't you in class today?" Wen Wen shook the hand that was holding the shopping bag and asked him with a smile.

"I'm on summer vacation, Sister Wen Wen. Give me the other bags and I'll help you carry them out." As he spoke, he leaned over to take the bag in Wen Wen's left hand.

It seemed that it was really time for a holiday at this time. Wen Wen was a little embarrassed. He was not a child, so why did he act like a parent and just ask about studying?

Her expression didn't change, and she dodged He Jia's hand that reached out to take the bag, and then put the bag on the ground, "No, no, no, I can carry it myself. It's just a few steps away and I can put it in the car."

"Are you coming to the supermarket to buy something? Go quickly, don't delay your business."

As soon as Wen Wen finished speaking, a small group of people rushed out from behind He Jia, "He Jia, is it okay to run so fast? , let's carry our things to the car first. I'll wait for you in the car."

They should be his friends, both men and women. Everyone is carrying something in their hands. At this time, He Jia looked like something was wrong. , they finished speaking and walked out.

"They are my classmates. Let's get together at my house after the exam."

"Sister, don't be polite. Anyway, I have to go to the parking lot to find them later." After he finished speaking, he leaned over and put Wen Wen on the ground. He picked up the bag, looked at her, and motioned to lead the way.

Forget it, it's along the way anyway, and although the journey is not far, it's still a bit tiring.

By the time he put all the bags in the car and Wen Wen was about to give him the bottle of water after thanking him, he had already turned around and walked towards his friend.

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