Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Dian Cui, filigree and golden steps.

Wen Wen doesn't think it has anything to do with it.

People's lives were at stake over there, and Wen Wen didn't help him because he wanted to thank her.

It's just that we can't just ignore it, and not much has been done yet, so whether it can work is still a question.

Afraid of any problems if she continued, Wen Wen took a leave late at night.

The boss should be working overtime and will be back soon.

I don't know how the situation will turn out over there, but it doesn't look like it will be easy.

In modern times, the wounds that would have been very deep would have required stitches.

Wen Wen thought that they probably didn't have suture surgery there, and even if they did, there wouldn't be suitable threads that could be used to suture it.

Sighing, she felt it was indeed difficult.

Anyway, I have asked for leave tomorrow, and after this experience, I am very sober.

Unable to sleep and with nothing to do, Wen Wen began to search for information about leg injuries and fever on the Internet to see if she could find other methods.

It's getting later and later, even in summer, the temperature is a bit low because of the night.

As soon as Xie Zhilin left the house, he was faced with a gust of cool wind, which made his hair move slightly.

When he rushed to Jing Wenyu's courtyard in the Hou Mansion with the medicine, Jing Wennan was still standing by the bed.

Jing Wenyu woke up and was now slightly conscious. He opened his eyes and talked to Jing Wennan.

Seeing Xie Zhilin coming in from the door, a smile forced its way onto his pale face. He was still only a ten-year-old child, but he should know the condition of his body.

Pretending to be strong, he said: "Brother Zhilin, look at my brother, why are you so nervous? Haven't I always been like this since I was a child? Besides, I feel much better now." Even the dim light cannot hide Jing

Wenyu Pale complexion.

His normally well-behaved face also looked a little ferocious because of the pain, and his voice was a little erratic and weak when he spoke.

Although you can feel his pain and weakness just listening to him talk.

But sometimes he could see the pain and couldn't stop it. He wouldn't tell anyone, he would just bite his lip slightly and persist.

It looked really distressing.

"Yes, Yu'er, you know, tell your brother when it hurts, don't worry about us."

Jing Wennan heard Jing Wenyu's words, looked back and saw Xie Zhilin.

Thinking of the medicine he mentioned, his eyes glowed slightly.

After Xie Zhilin finished speaking, he asked Jing Wennan to follow him outside.

The two of them stood outside the house, and Jing Wennan's expression was somewhat unclear under the moonlight.

But the whole person exuded an aura of decadence.

Sighing, Xie Zhilin patted Jing Wennan on the shoulder.

"It'll be fine. Don't look like this, otherwise Yu'er will feel that she is hopeless."

After saying that, he took out bottles of three colors from his arms.

"This is the medicine I got from the house. It is very effective, but I don't know if it will be useful for Yu'er." "The red

bottle is antipyretic medicine, which can reduce high fever. The blue bottle is anti-inflammatory medicine, which can help Yu'er's wound should not continue to rot, and there is pain relief in this white bottle." "

Let Yu'er take these medicines three times a day, half a tablet each time, you must guard him, and call someone if anything happens. Come to my house."

"And this, I'll put it on Yu'er's forehead later to help him cool down."

Xie Zhilin said, pointing to the cooling patch in his hand.

Jing Wennan listened carefully and took notes, then took the medicine from Xie Zhilin's hand and walked into the room.

After Jing Wenyu woke up, it was difficult to fall asleep because of the pain. When Jing Wennan and Xie Zhilin returned to the house, Jing Wenyu still maintained the same posture as before.

He kept watching them leave and stared blankly in the direction of the door.

When he saw them coming in, he turned his head slightly and stared at his fingers.

I don't know what my brother and the others discussed, but I have never felt so weak before, and I feel more uncomfortable than ever before.

He didn't dare to ask, he just stared at his fingertips blankly.

He had lost too much blood, and even his fingertips were pale. He could even feel the blood flowing backwards, and the coldness spread from his fingertips to his whole body.

Seeing his brother like this, Jing Wennan felt a flash of heartache in his heart. According to what Xie Zhilin just said, he did not show too much despair.

He asked the maid to bring hot water and helped Jing Wenyu to take all the pain-relieving, fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory medicines according to the dosage.

Xie Zhilin is very familiar with the packaging of cold stickers, just like the snacks Wen Wen sent before.

He walked over and picked up the cold patch, tore open the package and put it on Jing Wenyu's head.

Jing Wenyu was a little curious about this thing on his forehead, and couldn't help but touch it with his hand. The moment he put it on, he felt a cool feeling, which made him feel a little more energetic.

"Thank you, brother He Zhilin." No matter how much he hurt Jing Wenyu, he still raised his head and said thanks.

"It doesn't matter. Go to sleep and let your brother watch over you. If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell your brother in time, okay? I'll come see you when I have time." Xie Zhilin touched

his little head and said.

Jing Wenyu was very obedient and fell asleep while talking.

Jing Wennan was a little curious about the medicine Xie Zhilin took, but he didn't ask more questions, and he believed Xie Zhilin, so he didn't get to the bottom of it.

Xie Zhilin said goodbye to the two brothers Jing Wennan and returned to Xie's Mansion.

I went back and forth several times tonight, and it's already very late by now.

He stood in the yard outside the study and stretched his muscles. It took a long time to walk today.

My leg injury has not completely healed, and now my leg is a little aching.

I remembered that I didn't say goodbye to Wen Wen properly when I left the house, and I was a little hasty.

Xie Zhilin returned to the study and prepared to thank Wen Wen again.

There was nothing in the porcelain basin.

It's possible that Wen Wen just read the letter and didn't reply, or it's possible that Wen Wen fell asleep and didn't reply.

But no matter what the situation is, Xie Zhilin is ready to reply to thank you now.

The fact that Wen Wen was able to get the medicine and the dosage was different from what she said before, indicating that she had carefully asked her doctor there.

"Thank you very much for the gift. It's a great honor."

Xie Zhilin was originally skeptical about the things in the porcelain basin, but all the things that appeared in it were very useful.

Food and drink can make the family happy, and the current medicine may also help Jing Wenyu.

It was so late, so she must have seen the envelope and asked someone for medicine before replying. With a sense of gratitude and guilt, Xie Zhilin wrote this sentence.

He called Xie Yi outside the door and asked him to take the warehouse key, and the two went to the warehouse together.

Just getting gold to thank Zhilin felt a little insufficient.

He remembered that there were many good things as rewards before, and he was going to go to the warehouse to pick out some for Wen Wen.

Various gold, silver, jewelry, and antique paintings were neatly placed in the warehouse. Xie Zhilin looked around.

If you are a girl, you will probably like gorgeous jewelry.

But it's not a good idea to give away everything that's too expensive all at once.

Finally, I took a filigree-point emerald gold walking stick, put it in a box and took it out.

Xie Zhilin put Bu Yao and the letter into the porcelain basin.

He didn't plan to sleep tonight, so he sat at the table with the porcelain basin and waited for a reply.

Wen Wen didn't sleep again after putting the medicine in the basket and receiving Xie Zhilin's hurried reply.

While using the computer to check information about the treatment of leg injuries, I kept an eye on the basket in case anything unexpected happened.

A small light was turned on in the room, and Wen Wen's face flickered in and out under the light of the optical fiber of the computer screen. With a serious expression on her fair face, she carefully searched for information.

Wen Wen was watching attentively, even checking, and even thought about downloading a video to let the ancient doctors learn suturing.

It was a bit funny. Wen Wen was still considering the feasibility of this idea when she heard a louder noise from the basket than before.

It's a little strange. Normally envelopes and gold wouldn't make such a loud noise.

Wen Wen walked to the floating platform and looked at the basket. There was a letter and a wooden box in it.

There is no gold...there is only one box...

could it be...that a box of gold was given?

Thinking of this, Wen Wen felt a little embarrassed. She hadn't done anything yet, so it was a bit uncomfortable to give so much gold.

Thinking so, Wen Wen opened the box with expectation.

The moment I opened it, even the exclamations of admiration were shocked to my chest.

There was no gold in the box, but it made Wen Wen even more unable to take his eyes away.

The lights haven't been turned on yet, but the flowing light can already be seen.

It's a jade filigree gold step shake.

The overall shape of the Bu Yao is in the shape of a phoenix, with dots of blue and gold intersecting. The gilt edge is wrapped in blue, making the whole thing more vivid and dazzling. The lower end of the Bu Yao is also dotted with white pearls. The intersection of three different colors is very beautiful.

There was only one light on in the room and it was a little dark. Wen Wen went to turn on the headlight.

Then he picked up the Bu Yao and looked at it carefully. The workmanship was very detailed, and no discontinuity could be seen. Under the reflection of the light, the blue was still faintly golden, and the lustrous pearls hung down below.

When the lights are turned on, the phoenix on the steps seems to spread its wings and fly, elegant and noble.

It was so amazing. Wen Wen even felt that she liked this Bu Yao more than Jin Zi.

Moreover, I have seen it on TV before, and such a move is probably worth a lot of money.

Full of joy, Wen Wen walked to the dressing table with the Bu Yao, casually pulled up her hair and inserted the Bu Yao into it.

The person is still the same person, but because of Bu Yao's appearance, he looks more noble. The gorgeous Bu Yao brings life to Wen Wen's plain face, and Wen Wen straightens up unconsciously.

It's just that the hair that is pulled up casually is not worthy of this step. If you take a photo next time, you can really pull it up.

I was confused for a long time, and suddenly I remembered that I hadn't had time to look at the envelope in the basket, but it was still important.

Wen Wen quickly took off the step shaker, placed it in the box, and placed it with the box on the dressing table.

After finishing, Wen Wen quickly picked up the letter in the basket and read it.

This letter was a bit literate, but Wen Wen understood the general meaning, which was to thank her.

But this is too serious, and I haven't had time to do anything yet.

Besides, the two of them had always talked like modern friends.

Xie Zhilin said this suddenly, and he felt a little embarrassed.

After laughing awkwardly, Wen Wen began to reply.

The author has something to say:

I am more, I am more, I am more, more

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