Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Three Bottles

When they returned to Jing Wenyu's courtyard, the imperial doctor had already arrived.

It happened that the imperial doctor came out of the room after watching Jing Wenyu.

Jing Wennan hurriedly greeted him.

"How's it going? Is Yu'er okay now?"

The imperial doctor looked back in Jing Wenyu's direction, his eyes a little wandering, and he wanted to say something, but he hesitated and couldn't help sighing.

"You should hurry up and say it."

Jing Wennan knew that there must be a big problem with Jing Wenyu when he saw the imperial doctor's look. At this time, he was even more anxious when he saw the imperial doctor hesitating.

Because of nervousness, his hands grabbed the imperial doctor's shoulders hard, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces.

"The young prince's condition is very bad. Although the arm injury is not deep, the leg injury is a bit serious. The wound is too deep and the bones can be vaguely seen. The bandage that was bandaged before did not stop the bleeding. Now it is still bleeding out. And it's already a little feverish."

"It stands to reason that although the wound is deep, it will not bleed again after being bandaged, but because the young prince is already a little weak, he can't afford to do this."

" If the high fever continues, the young prince may not be able to wake up."

The imperial doctor was a little afraid to look at Jing Wennan, so he lowered his head and finished speaking in one breath.

He didn't dare to look at it because he thought that although the young prince's injuries were not hopeless, he was still in danger because of his original frailty and the excessive bleeding.

When Jing Wennan heard the doctor's words, he felt a little dazed for a moment, and the hands that were holding on to the doctor's shoulders dropped.

He stared blankly at the ground, a little at a loss.

Xie Zhilin also heard what the imperial doctor said, and there was a trace of worry on Shen Jing's face.

Jing Wenyu and Jing Wennan are different.

Jing Wenyu is not as healthy as his brother and can ride horses with Xie Zhilin. Jing Wenyu has been weak and sick since he was a child, and he can hardly go out in winter.

Normally, Jing Wennan was watching over him and taking good care of him, but now he suddenly suffered such a serious injury.

As if thinking of something, Xie Zhilin asked: "If the high fever can be lowered, is there a way to slowly treat it later?" The

imperial doctor nodded and said: "The high fever cannot be lowered now, but after it is lowered, we can think about it." The method is to treat it slowly, but the wound is a bit serious and coupled with the original frailty, the subsequent situation is not optimistic."

Xie Zhilin suddenly remembered the box of white medicine that appeared before.

Wen Wen had been away from her for hundreds of years, and the manufacturing process and packaging of that box of medicine had never been seen before.

According to Wen Wen's description of her world, medicine should be better.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhilin wanted to go back and ask Wen Wen if she had any medicine there.

Hope she's still here.

"Wen Nan, I remembered that I accidentally got some medicine in my house. I don't know if it's useful. I'll go back and get it first." Xie Zhilin didn't have time to say more, so he talked to

Jing Wennan and prepared to return to his house.

After leaving the Hou Mansion, Xie Zhilin hurriedly hurried on the road.

Soon he returned to the house, and the night was already getting dark.

If we go by the time of replying to Wen Wen's previous letter, she was already asleep at this time.

I quickly walked into the study and saw another reply in the porcelain basin.

He probably came back just when he was informed that Jing Wennan was looking for him, and he hurriedly replied to the letter and left the study.

I opened the letter and looked at it, as if asking if I had received anything.

Xie Zhilin recalled it briefly, but there was no such thing.

But I was afraid that I might have ignored it, so to be on the safe side I would check before replying.

He put the letter on the desk and planned to answer these questions after dealing with Jing Wenyu's matter later.

He took out the letter and wrote, "Wen Wen, is there any medicine to treat leg injuries in your world? One of my juniors suffered a terrible disaster and was stabbed twice." "One of the slashes was on the leg. The imperial doctor said the wound was serious

. It's so deep that you can vaguely see the bones. The imperial doctor said that the fever must subside first before continuing treatment." "

But he still has a high fever now. The imperial doctor has no other way. I saw the medicine you accidentally put in the bag last time. I want to ask if there is any medicine. Can the medicine reduce high fever?"

I thought there would be no reaction if I put it in, but it didn't take long for me to receive a reply.

Wen Wen was already asleep, but she vaguely felt the sound of something falling from the basket.

She got excited, and she didn't know what motivated her to get up from the bed.

He walked to the floating platform sleepily, lowered his head and took out the letter paper in the basket.

The more you watch, the more awake you become, dear fellow.

The thigh was cut with a knife and it was still exposed, so the wound must be very deep.

And judging from his description, he had a slight fever, so he probably had some infection.

According to this situation and the level of medical treatment in ancient times, I am afraid that this junior is in serious trouble.

If you want to reduce the fever, there are antipyretics at home, and the painkillers you accidentally brought there before are also useful. They should be a temporary emergency.

But it's just an emergency.

According to his description, in modern times, sutures should be required, but there is no suture technique in ancient times. I don't know if bandaging alone will be good.

Being weak and injured, Wen Wen didn't know how much antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medicine he should take for a while.

If you are afraid, you should reduce the dosage of the medicine as appropriate. If you don't know, follow the instructions and tell him there will be other effects after taking it.

In order to be responsible for the junior, Wen Wen decided to call Mother Wen first to ask.

Mother Wen used to be a doctor in the city hospital, and I basically asked her any questions at home.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was a little after twelve o'clock. Wen's father and Wen's mother should have just gone to bed not long ago.

Made a call and went out.

"Mom, are you asleep? I have something to ask you."

Wen's father and mother, who were still at grandma's side, saw Wen Wen's call in the middle of the night on their mobile phone and thought something was wrong, so they got up quickly.

Mother Wen asked: "What's the matter? What's the matter? You're still up so late."

Wen Wen thought carefully about what to say.

"It's like this, Mom. I have a friend who was injured. His leg was chopped with a knife. The wound was so deep that you can see the bone." "Then,

now he has a high fever that never goes away, and he was also weak and sick before. I I would like to ask if there is a way to cool him down first?"

She frowned and said, "Go to the hospital to see a doctor first. I am not there for this situation. I don't know the specific situation. How can I tell you what medicine to take and how to treat it? , not to mention that he is already weak, so he must know why."

Wen Wen was a little troubled when she heard this, how to tell Wen's mother that there was no way to go to the hospital.

Because they are ancient people.

However, Wen's mother's words also reminded Wen Wen that she really couldn't just let him take medicine without knowing the situation.

Mother Wen continued.

"Which friend of yours was hacked late at night? Does he have any enemies? You should pay attention." "

No, Mom, he was injured innocently." Wen Wen was a little helpless.

"Mom, wait a moment and I'll make a call."

After saying that, Wen Wen planned to write back and ask.

"We can't prescribe medicine without seeing the actual situation. What's more, he is weak and there are some errors in dosage. Please tell me about the situation of one of your juniors first." Wen Wen quickly finished writing and threw the letter into the basket


I received a reply shortly.

"He was weak since he was a child because his mother fell and hemorrhaged heavily when she gave birth to him. The body brought from his mother's womb will be weaker than other people's. He does not suffer from other diseases. This time his leg was injured. The doctor said it was because the blood was still there. Slowly seeping out, the wound has not been properly bandaged, and there is a bit of high fever."

After reading the content, Wen Wen made another call to Wen's mother.

There is really nothing we can do now. It is impossible for people over there to come to the hospital in modern times.

"Mom, he has some special circumstances. He can't go to the hospital yet. I just want to see if there is any way to make the fever go away." "

I asked. He has been weak since he was a child. There is nothing wrong with him. He just doesn't have enough blood from his mother's womb. ."

Mother Wen still felt something was wrong.

"Who can't go to the hospital yet?"

Wen Wen said, feeling reassured, "I'm in a mountainous area now, and I won't be able to get out for a while. I only have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs around me, but I don't know how to take them. "

There is really no other way. If not, Mother Wen should insist that the other party go to the hospital.

But it was impossible to go to the hospital on the other side, and the imperial doctor could not bring down the fever.

If the fever does not subside, it is estimated that he will not be able to subside soon. The fever will burn him to death, and he will bleed to death if he bleeds slowly.

"Have you contacted the rescue? Why did you go to the mountainous area?"

"I contacted you. I contacted you." "

If it is an emergency and there is no other way, just take half of the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medicine first, and we will see the situation later." Wen Wen originally

started I also wanted to say that I should eat half of it, but now I got a positive answer, so I quickly agreed and urged Wen Ma to go back to the room to sleep.

Because Wen Wen herself is prone to allergies, the medicines usually kept in her room have almost no factors that can cause her allergies, which is convenient.

Although the chance of allergy to these drugs is minimized, there are still some risks because the junior is not familiar with the allergens.

But now there is no other way.

I found powerful antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs, put red and blue sticky notes on them respectively, and wrote a letter.

"Take half of these medicines. The red ones are antipyretics and the blue ones are anti-inflammatory medicines. Then find someone to keep an eye on his condition and tell me immediately if anything goes wrong. There are also several cold patches to apply on his forehead. Come on."

The medicine and the letter were thrown in together, along with several cold patches.

Xie Zhilin stayed in the study and did not leave. He quickly discovered the contents of the porcelain basin after passing the letter.

According to Wen Wen, the red sticky notes are for antipyretics, and the blue sticky notes are for anti-inflammatory drugs.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, after clearly distinguishing the antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs, Xie Zhilin removed all the packaging.

He took a small red bottle to contain antipyretics and a small blue bottle to contain anti-inflammatory medicine.

Thinking of the painkillers I accidentally gave him before.

He took a white bottle and put it in it, and Xie Zhilin took it with him.

Jing Wenyu is still a child, and with such a deep wound, the pain will definitely be unbearable.

He hurriedly replied to the letter and went to the Hou Mansion.

Wen Wen looked a little anxious between the sentences in the letter she received.

"Ms. Wen, thank you very much. I'll go to the juniors first. I can't say more and I hope you'll forgive me."

The author has something to say:

you have to go to the hospital for medical treatment! ! ! Don't take medicine randomly! ! !

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