Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Thank you so much, doctor. This is a small gift. Please accept it."

Jing Wennan winked at the back, and the boys filed in behind him.

The first few were carrying boxes filled with gold ingots, and the ones behind were holding boxes filled with rare treasures.

"You're welcome. Although Xu loves money, he also gets it wisely. I only take what I deserve." Xu Ni said calmly.

"And you don't need to call me the miracle doctor. My name is Xu Ni. You can call me whatever you want."

Jing Wennan and Xie Zhilin exchanged glances. Jing Wennan asked tentatively: "Mr. Xu, how is my brother now?" "

Not yet. The problem is, he has been weak since childhood, and with all the trouble, even if I apply acupuncture, there is no guarantee that this wound will recover quickly, not to mention the diseases caused by this wound." "However, I have traveled far and wide

. I once saw doctors in other countries in the west suturing patients' wounds, and the results were quite good. I wanted to learn it, but they refused to teach me. If I can learn this, I think the young prince will be saved." Jing Wennan looked at it

. After some diagnosis and treatment by Xu Ni, Jing Wenyu improved a lot. In addition, Xie Zhilin said before that Mrs. Xie miraculously recovered after acupuncture.

I thought it would be the same this time. I just asked tentatively so that Xu Ni could stay in the house.

Now after what Xu Shu said, Jing Wennan felt relieved again.

"Mr. Xu, you see my brother is in this situation repeatedly. If possible, you can stay in the Marquis Mansion to rest first."

Jing Wennan invited from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Ni did not speak. Just when Jing Wennan was worried that he would refuse, Xu Ni suddenly stroked his beard and said, "Well, I and the young prince are really destined to live together, so let's live here first." The young man took Xu Ni with him

. I went to the still empty room in Jing Wenyu's yard to clean up and settle down.

Jing Wennan watched Xu Ni gradually disappear from sight.

Then he turned his head and looked at Xie Zhilin.

"Bo Yuan, I don't know what you think, suturing wounds is really unheard of and unseen. If I hadn't seen Mr. Xu's hard work today, I would never believe it." Xie Zhilin has been thinking about it since Xu Ni finished suturing the wounds just now

. .

The wound was sutured. Although it sounds weird now, Wen Wen may know it.

Hearing Jing Wennan's words, Xie Zhilin came back to his senses and said lightly: "I think suturing might really be possible." He walked up to

Jing Wennan and patted Jing Wennan's shoulder in a comforting way, "I'll do it when I get home." Something happened, please take a rest first, and Yu'er will come to me if you need anything."

Because he wanted to go back and ask Wen Wen quickly, after saying this, Xie Zhilin left the Hou Mansion.

Wen Wen slept for a long time in the afternoon. There was still some sun outside when she slept, but now it is dark outside.

Not to mention the sun, I almost saw the moon.

The whole house was quiet. I touched my belly and made a cooing sound.

Some are hungry.

She slept too long in the afternoon and her head was still a little dizzy. Wen Wen wanted to go to the refrigerator to get a bottle of ice water.

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