Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"This restaurant is really good. Next time we have time, we can go there to eat. I'm still a little interested." After

almost finishing the meal, Father Wen said with some unfinished thoughts.

After dinner, Wen's father and Wen's mother went back to the room to rest. Wen Wen washed the food boxes and plates and brought them back to the room.

I was just busy eating and didn't have time to thank Xie Zhilin.

But now is the time, by the way, I can also return the food box to Xie Zhilin.

"Thank you, Xie Zhilin. My parents happened to be at home, so I ate with them. It was inconvenient to say it was from you, so I said it was packed from a restaurant outside. They even ate it without finishing it, and said they would order it next time. Go to the store to eat."

"I was looking for a book for you in the morning, but I haven't finished it yet. I will continue to look for it in the afternoon. If you need anything, you can tell me. I have a rest today." Two

sentences , after writing it, I put it into the basket together with the food box.

Xie Zhilin's study.

Just when Xie Zhilin returned to the study after lunch, he saw the food box and letter appearing in the porcelain basin.

After thinking that there was nothing needed for the time being, the medicine I got from Jing Wenyu's yard in the morning has been used. The person who was sent just now came back and said that the situation at Jing Wenyu's side had improved, and he didn't need anything at the moment.

Thinking that Wen Wen's side should be trying out yesterday's guess this morning, Xie Zhilin was a little curious and couldn't help but ask.

"Did something happen to you before? Why did you suddenly ask me if I had received anything? Did anything else appear at your place?" There were a lot of questions, but Xie Zhilin was a little curious and wanted to know who else besides

himself Who can communicate with Wen Wen.

"It's nothing else. Just after you told me yesterday, I planned to put all kinds of things in and try them out to see if anyone else would reply." "But before I had time, I suddenly woke up this morning

. I saw a cluster of wild flowers in my basket, a small cluster of dark red and light red, quite beautiful." "

I thought it couldn't be you, so I put a bag of steamed buns in, but I didn't expect that there was another one over there. I sent a grass dragonfly."

"But there was no reply to my letter later. Do you think there is a possibility that they don't know how to read?"

It is a secret that the things in the basket can disappear and go to different places at any time. Now, No one knows except Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin.

As soon as Xie Zhilin asked, Wen Wen couldn't help but want to discuss it clearly with Xie Zhilin, and kept talking out loud.

However, there is really little information now, and Xie Zhilin is not sure yet, but what is certain is that the person sending flowers today is the other party connected to Wen Wen's basket.

"Don't worry, wait a minute. Since they have sent things back, they will definitely reply."

Wen Wen didn't pay attention to this issue anymore. Anyway, she was not in a hurry to help Xie Zhilin find books, and planned to take a nap in the afternoon.

In the evening at the Hou Mansion, Jing Wenyu's courtyard was very busy.

Jing Wenyu originally took medicine after lunch and applied it externally. Although the wound did not recover quickly, the wound improved somewhat and stopped bleeding after the fever subsided.

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