Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

Xie Zhilin smiled faintly, "I just briefly mentioned what I saw at your place before. I didn't expect them to do a good job." It

really saved me a lot of worry, Wen Wen I didn't stay in the milk tea shop any longer and was about to get up and leave and walk to the second floor of the hot pot restaurant.

As she approached the entrance of the milk tea shop, she suddenly heard the people sitting at the door drinking milk tea whispering, "Isn't this the milk tea shop next to Lianyunge that opened yesterday? What kind of pearl milk tea is this? It's exactly the same as what I heard, and the brand is the same, but it's not bad here. You can queue up. The store next to Lianyunge had a long queue all day yesterday." It seems that the business is not bad,

Wen Wen paused and stepped forward He walked towards the hot pot restaurant. In a room on the second floor of the hot pot restaurant, Ye Jiqing had been waiting there for a long time.

As soon as Wen Wen and Xie Zhilin walked in, they were happily greeted by Ye Jiqing, "Wenwen, how are you? Today is not bad."

Wen Wen walked with them to the corridor at the door of the room and looked down. The people eating below were very happy and kept praising them. Wen Wen nodded, "It's very good." The

heat of the hot pot continued to rise, and the fog in the room was a little foggy against the glass windows. Wen Wen saw the people below because of Nuan Nuan kept taking off the long cloak outside, revealing the layers of clothes underneath, which were bloated and cumbersome.

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Wen Wen suddenly asked: "Don't you wear sweaters in winter here? Or cotton-padded clothes?" It was

not easy to talk outside, so several people walked into the room. It was already noon. Smelling the constant smell of hot pot, Wen Wen felt a little hungry. All the domestic ingredients had been poured down. Xie Zhilin helped Wen Wen pick up a piece of meat and then said, "We don't grow much cotton. , cotton-padded clothes are relatively expensive. Although they are also worn, not all people can wear them."

Xie Zhilin thought about the sweater he had seen worn on Wen Wen before, paused and said: "Jingcheng people almost never wear sweaters. I haven't worn it, and there are very few even in the north. Maybe I don't know how to do it."

Wen Wen nodded, suppressing this thought for the time being, preparing to go back and talk to Xie Zhilin later.

The hot pot tastes very good. Wen Wen felt sleepy after a full meal, but when she thought of going to Lian Yunge and the milk tea shop next to it, Wen Wen forced herself to cheer up.

When Xie Zhilin took Wen Wen downstairs and onto the carriage, he saw that her eyes were squinting because of sleepiness. He approached her and asked in a very soft tone: "Why don't you go back home and sleep for a while? There is no rush at this moment.

" Wen shook her head and walked to the door of the hot pot restaurant with him. She was about to turn around and talk to Xie Zhilin, but suddenly frowned.

Although the hot pot restaurant is warm, the chill can't be stopped as soon as you arrive at the door. The wind blowing in your face today is no longer just cold, but mixed with the fishy smell of duck feathers.

Wen Wen frowned and looked around, and finally fixed her sights on a group of people who were walking in front of her and had already walked out of the hot pot restaurant.

At first glance, the clothes worn by this group of people were no different from those worn by ordinary people here. However, Wen Wen followed this smell and looked ahead carefully, and finally found some clues in the two people who came to the front. .

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