Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

"Wait a minute, I'm getting dressed." Wen Wen's voice was a little foggy through the thick door panel, but Gu Qi still heard it clearly.

Can I hear this... Hearing this, although Gu Qi didn't show it on her face, the little theater in her heart was almost boiling.

While visiting Wen Wen's new home, she secretly glanced at Xie Zhilin from the corner of her eye. At this time, Gu Qi's inner evaluation of Xie Zhilin was that he was a strange and handsome man in ancient costume whom he had never met before.

After the tour, Wen Wen hadn't even come out of the room yet. Gu Qi had to say hello to Xie Zhilin, "Hello, hello, what do you call me? I'm Wen Wen's friend. My name is Gu Qi." Gu Qi

herself I took a bottle of water and sat down at the end of the sofa.

"Hello, Miss Gu, my name is Xie Zhilin, and I am also Wenwen's friend."

Good guy, this friend is not simple. He started to call her Wenwen. Just when Gu Qi was thinking about gossiping in detail, the door of Wenwen's room opened. opened.

When she saw Wen Wen, Gu Qi momentarily forgot that she wanted to find out something from Xie Zhilin, and just looked at her with admiration.

"Wenwen, this skirt suits you so well. It's really beautiful. My taste is getting better and better!" Gu Qi's favorite thing besides eating, drinking and having fun is to look at handsome guys and beauties. Now looking at Wen Wen, she posted it instantly Go up.

The light yellow skirt made Wen Wen more gentle. As she walked, the hem of the skirt kept swaying, and various patterns of flowers and plants gradually appeared on the skirt. Gu Qi turned to look at Xie Zhilin again. The two of them stood together. A match made in heaven.

"Are you guys dressing up as a couple? When did you start talking about this? You don't mean it. Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?" In fact, not only the colors of their clothes match, but also the shading on their clothes. They all have many similarities, and coupled with their natural bonding feeling when they are together, Gu Qi couldn't help it, approached Wen Wen, and whispered in her ear.

"No, what are you thinking about?" Wen Wen pushed Gu Qi away who was about to whisper, and handed the water on the table to her hand, "Drink water, drink water."

Gu Qi guessed that it would be fast even if it wasn't, and smiled. He unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a drink of water, but said no more.

After Father Wen finished shopping, Mother Wen returned home quickly. Several friends also arrived one after another with gifts. Everyone helped clean up and helped Mother Wen who was cooking for a while. We arrived just after noon. , a table full of sumptuous meals was placed.

"I called He Yu, why hasn't it arrived yet?" Gu Qi saw that the last dish was about to be served and He Yu hadn't arrived yet, so she dialed the phone with some confusion.

"Okay, then hurry up. Is He Jia okay? If he's bandaged and still not okay, you can take care of him first. I'll explain to Wenwen that you can't come." "What's wrong?" He took the drink from the refrigerator

. Wen Wen happened to hear Gu Qi end the call, and felt that He Yu had encountered the injured He Jia, so he was late.

"It's okay. He Yu has already arrived at the community, but he met his brother there. It seems that his hand was burned. He just took the medicine and applied it." "If the food is ready later, he won't be able to come.

" We won't wait for him." Gu Qi put down the phone, took the drink from Wen Wen's hand, and put it on the table.

Wen Wen remembered that the car of He Jia and his group had been in front of her since she left the supermarket last time, and finally stopped in the community. After being criticized by Gu Qi today, Wen Wen thought that maybe He Jia also lived in this community.

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