Sex Therapy (Klay Thompson)

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So I kind of got carried away with this one...#sorrynotsorry, #FreakDaddyKlay will do that to you. Listen to the song while reading if you like :)

mrswarrior, I hope you enjoy this!

Klay huffed and tossed his bags in the chair by the door. He was simply exhausted, not only from travel but mentally exhausted from the season. He took of his hat and looked at it in awe, he couldn't believe he was an NBA Champion. Not only did he get to win with a great team, but he got to win with some of his closest friends and in front of his biggest supporter, his dad.

With all of the excitement happening in his life at the moment, you would think he'd be a lot more expressive. He was happy after the game, in locker room and on the plane ride home. Unfortunately, reality hit him and it hit hard.

"Klay! Baby, what took you so long?" whined Klay's girlfriend, Hannah. She was irritating him and putting too much of his personal life into the spotlight. Klay was a usually private person who liked to keep his life out of the media.

"We had press conferences, media obligations and things to take care of. This wasn't just another win for us," Klay said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. She had become super clingy and he was seriously reconsidering their relationship.

"But baby, I wanted to celebrate with you! I can't believe you couldn't get me a courtside seat!" she whined again and he had really had it with her. He sighed and walked towards the kitchen to grab some water. Rocco trotted over to his owner and rubbed against his leg. Rocco was great at calming him down when Hannah was showing her ass, as usual.

"Hannah, I'm not dealing with this right now. I'm tired as hell and I haven't slept all night. I just want to get some water and go to bed." Klay grabbed a water bottle and then headed towards his bedroom. Rocco followed his owner to his master bedroom and snuggled up in his blankets as Klay stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt.

Hannah entered the room, just as he was getting under the covers. "I called a therapist, we meet with her tomorrow evening."

Klay sat up and looked at his girlfriend, "You did what?"

"I called a therapist because you never talk to me! You never want to cuddle or have sex anymore, I feel like I'm losing you. You only care about basketball and Rocco!" That was the final straw.

"You better watch your fucking mouth. I work my ass off practicing and traveling, missing my family and friends because I'm living my dream. It's not my fault you don't have any goals!" he yelled before turning back over and shutting of the lights.

Hannah scoffed and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Rocco whimpered at the noise and hopped up on the bed with Klay. The pair fell asleep, resting against each other.

Next Evening

Klay hadn't seen Hannah all day and felt completely at ease. He called some family, talked to some of his teammates and took Rocco for an extra-long walk in their favorite park. They ate snacks together and even played fetch for a bit.

When Klay pulled back into his driveway, he saw Hannah's car and an unfamiliar Mustang parked in his usual spot. He got out and Rocco followed him inside. When he walked into the living room, Klay saw Hannah sitting on the sofa with another woman.

"Hey baby, this is Alessandra, our therapist." Hannah gestured to the beautiful woman sitting next to her. His mouth wouldn't move. He was captivated by her. She had long, wavy hair that framed her heart-shaped face and big brown eyes. He scanned her face again and his eyes fell to her full, pink lips. She smiled at him, almost bashfully as she stood to shake his hand. That's when he noticed her attire. She was dressed extremely professional, a black blazer and a just above the knee lavender dress.

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