Hotel Trysts (Klay Thompson)

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Hey ladies! Just a little something to keep ya warm during the holidays!


~ Los Angeles, California ~

You tossed in the warm sheets, groaning at the blaring of Klay's alarm on the nightstand. Muttering a string of curse words, you hit the annoying clock and sighed. The season was in full swing and as much as you loved basketball, you also loved the time spent with Klay. The movie nights, walks with Rocco and him trying to teach you to play chess.

This was also the first holiday you spent together, with both families, since you were teenagers. You and Klay met during a summer vacation and had remained in touch over the years. He became your best friend as you became his. He made sure you and your family attended the countless games, awards and any endeavor he was a part of. Even now, he proudly paraded you around, rather than his new girlfriend, for public events.

As you found yourself attending more of these events, you admired Klay's ability to remain calm and unfazed by the questions and cameras thrust into his face. He never ceased to amaze you with his personality and devastating good looks.

You were friends but you weren't blind. Klay was the epitome of sex on legs. Whether in a tux, his uniform or some workout shorts and t-shirt, the man was perfect from head to toe. You spent countless nights dreaming about him making love to you in the Maldives, a proposal at Oracle and even having a family with him. You wanted Klay any and every way you could have him.

It wasn't fair watching him flirt and charm other girls when you were right there, waiting for him to realize your feelings. As you both got older, the burning desire for him worsened but he never noticed. Julie always said "He'll come around," but he never did. He kept you in the miserable friend zone and thought everything between you was fine.

Shaking your head, you looked over to the man laying next to you. He was snuggled in the sheets and mouth open slightly. His perfect jaw flexed and his larger frame turned to lie on his back. The covers shifted slightly, draped over his stomach, allowing you to watch his chest rise and fall. God he was beautiful. Sitting up on your elbow, you watched him sleep and smiled softly. How could one man be both adorable and drop dead sexy at the same time?

As you took in every piece of him, your eyes caught the furrow of his brow. An erotic groan fell from his lips and a large hand tugged at the sheets surrounding you. Your eyes widened in both shock and jealousy. Another groan and the man bit his lip, panting in his sleep. He was obviously dreaming about her, which caused your blood to boil silently.

His next action nearly drove you to the brink of torture. Klay's hips bucked slightly and the covers pooled to his waist. Hating yourself, you were torn between wanting to wake him and jumping his bones right there. You had to stifle a moan as one his hands brushed against your bare thigh in the sheets. Heat rose in your cheeks and wetness dripped into your panties while you shamelessly watched him.

Trailing from his flushed face to his heaving chest, your eyes wandered down to the fabric hiding his prized possession. Not wanting to wake him, you eased the bunched material down to the tops of his thighs. A quiet gasp fell from your lips as you took in the sight. His basketball shorts strained against his erection. As thought, he was huge. You clenched your thighs together to try and alleviate the discomfort but it only made matters worse.

"Baby," you jerked back at his voice, preparing to be embarrassed. Fortunately, he was still asleep but that didn't stop you from noticing the wet spot in his shorts. Feeling bold, you slid his shorts and boxers down to not startle him. Klay's cock sprang up, hard as a rock and precum beaded at the tip. He shivered as the air hit the wet head, eliciting another moan from the shooting guard.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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