Right Thru Me (Willie Cauley-Stein)

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Heeeeeeey tygaftminaj! Get ready girl!



"I'm not fucking with you right now, Will. I really don't give two shits what you think," Shaveen argued with her boyfriend of only six months. However, they've been friends for years and nobody knew the firecracker of a woman better than he had.

The two were currently engaged in another argument, their third this week and it was only Thursday. Shaveen wanted to go out clubbing for the night but Willie suggested it wasn't that good of an idea. At least, not after the last time.

"Whatever, you know I'm right. Every time you go to the club, something pops off and I'm not in the mood for this shit," Willie plopped onto the sofa, staring up at his girlfriend. She was always quick to say something smart to another female in the club and he was not about step in again tonight.

"I'm just going to dance, Will, damn! I want to let loose after this stressful ass week and just hang out with you, like we used to. Why you change up on me?" Willie looked at her from under the brim of his custom fitted. Did she really just accuse him of changing up?

"I know you better than that, you want to go and drink then dance on some random ass dude. I know you Shay and you know it's true. So before you say I changed up, take a look in the mirror baby girl." Willie got up and walked back into their bedroom. He loved her and continuing to argue would only make things worse between them.

Willie sighed, laying down on their bed and he knew what was going to happen, so he decided to go ahead and take a nap now. The man knew exactly where he'd be in the next four hours and he also knew his girlfriend was far from innocent but he'd let her find out for herself.

Later that night

The club was packed and people were lined up for blocks outside. However, being the girlfriend of a NBA player allowed her instant access to VIP. Shaveen sat by the bar, sipping on a mojito while bobbing her head to the music. She came to the club alone since Willie was still sleeping when she left about an hour ago.

As she sat there, enjoying the music, a man approached her. He wasn't just any man though, it was D'Angelo Russell and he was eyeing the young woman up and down. He sat next to her and ordered a beer.

"What are you doing here without your bodyguard?" D'Angelo's eyebrow rose questioningly and she rolled her eyes. He always teased her about her relationship with the Kings' rookie and it pissed her off to no end. Sure the guy was cute but he had no right to talk negative about her boyfriend.

"D, as much as I'd like to sit and chat, I really have to get going," she placed her glass on the bar and made a move to leave him sitting alone but he had other plans. D'Angelo grabbed her wrist and pulled her body close to his.

"I don't think so, baby girl, Willie is stupid enough to let you come out alone and I plan to take full advantage of this opportunity," he tried to pull her in the direction he was heading but she was pulled away from him. D'Angelo turned around and he saw Willie there but the man wasn't alone. Behind him was Demarcus, Klay, Seth and Steph.

"Fuck off Russell and I better not catch you around her again or it's your ass," Willie wrapped an arm around Shaveen's shoulders and glared at him. Willie escorted her out of the club as women looked at her, whispering about her being a gold-digger. Even though she was pretty tough, those comments still hurt.

"Don't listen to them, get in the car," Willie whispered and kissed the woman's forehead. She nodded and slid into the passenger seat of his Camaro. The couple drove home in silence but Shaveen knew he was thinking about the situation with D'Angelo. His hands gripped the steering wheel as he tried to breathe to calm himself down.

"Baby, I'm sorry..."

"Don't Shay, just don't," Willie cut her off and that was the end of the conversation. The rest of the ride was completely silent. His not wanting to talk only made her angry and another fight would break out as soon as they stepped in the house.

"I don't know why you're so fucking upset, Will! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" Willie continued walking towards the bedroom again but a smash next to his head stopped him. He looked to the floor and saw a broken glass next to his feet.

"Shaveen, I fucking told you not to go out tonight! I TOLD YOU FIVE FUCKING TIMES BUT YOU STILL WENT ANYWAY! I'm sick of this, it's the same bullshit every fucking time. What if something happened to you? What if I had never shown up? Huh? HUH?! What the fuck were you going to do if he fucking took advantage of you? Please tell me, I want to know!"


Willie sighed and shook his head. He was tired of arguing with her and her not listening to him. He removed his shirt and tossed his hat on the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed, knowing the fight was far from over. Soon enough, he heard her footsteps storming up the stairs and into their room.

"You're running away again! That's all you fucking do, fucking coward! You stopped caring about me the minute we started dating!" Willie clenched his fist, keeping calm. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing him riled up.

Willie stood up, walking past her and into their walk-in closet. He changed into some sweat pants and a t-shirt, still listening to her scream and cry behind him. He knew she was going to break and he was just waiting for her moment to come.


Willie exited the closet, not saying a word as he reached for his phone. He slipped his feet into some Jordan's and laced them up. His silence only pissed her off more and she was losing her mind at a rapid pace.

"What the fuck are you doing? Where are you going?" tears streamed down her face and he never looked at her.

"I'm leaving so you can call D'Angelo over. It's clear that you'd rather he be here, so I'm going to leave and let you win. You always win baby girl, so why should now be any different. I love you Shay and I always have but I'm tired of constantly fighting with you. So I'm not going to anymore. You said I'm a coward, fine, that's how it's going to be. I came to the club tonight because I knew you were going to get yourself into something and you did. You always act this way when you want attention but you fail to realize I pay more attention to you than you know. But it's all good baby, you made it clear what and who you want. I'm not going to be in the way anymore," Willie was about to walk past her but she grabbed his arm.

"Please, don't leave. I can't, I couldn't take it if you left me. I don't want him, I want you here with me. I know I do stupid things for you to notice me but I don't understand why you'd rather be with me than some model chick. I'm just a normal girl you grew up with," Shaveen sniffled and clung onto his body.

"I tell you time after time princess, I don't give a damn about those other girls. They aren't you. Stop listening to them and listen to me, you're the only one who matters and is important to me. I'm telling you this because I know you're insecure and I want you to know how much you mean to me. I've loved you since the ninth grade and I still do. You are the one for me and the only person I ever want to be with. Now if that doesn't prove my love for you, then I don't know what else to do."

Shaveen couldn't believe the words coming from her, usually guarded, boyfriend. He barely talked about his feelings or a future together but here he was, spilling his heart to her. How did he know that's what she needed to hear?

"I can see right through you baby, I always know what you need and when. Remember that," Willie leaned down and captured her lips with his. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as they fell back into the bed. Their limbs intertwined and she arched her back, making their chests touch. He placed a gentle kiss to the spot behind her ear and ran his fingers up towards her upper thigh.

He did say he'd always know what she needed, right?


I hope you liked it girl, my writer's block has been taking all of the creative energy.

I really do like D'Angelo but I needed somebody to be the bad guy. I promise no D'Angelo was hurt during the writing of this one shot.

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