Sweet Lady (Mike Conley Jr.)

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For PureExpressions

"See I'm hooked on how you flex your style and I wanna talk for a little while..."

Kaitessa was making her way down the aisles of the grocery store, preparing for the winter weather heading towards Memphis. Even though she had been living in the area all of her life, it was her first time having to prepare alone. Her cart held everything from batteries and flashlights to loaves of bread and other non perishables.

She had planned to be held in her apartment until the roads were safe enough to travel on and felt that stocking for a week would be sufficient enough. She had always been taught rather be safe than sorry.

During her trek down the cereal aisle, a cart accidentally bumped into hers. She looked up to see a young woman, maybe a couple of years older than herself with a little boy pushing the cart. She smiled at the two of them, waving at the small child.

"Miss, I am so sorry. I've told him to be careful, are you alright?"

"No, I'm perfectly fine! It was an accident, plus who could be upset with such a cute face?" Kaitessa's words caused a blush to appear on the little boy's face.

During her conversation with the mother and son, Kaitessa was unaware of the eyes watching her every move. The man stood a ways down the aisle, pretending to search for cereal. However, he was more focused on the young woman with the beautiful smile.

He took notice of how cute she was dressed, despite the cold weather. Her boots traveling up her seemingly endless legs and the jeans which hugged her curves perfectly. Between her looks and physique, it was safe to say he was nothing short of captivated.

Kaitessa ended her conversation with the two and focused her attention back on the rows of cereal. Pushing her cart absentmindedly, it was her turn to collide with another shopper. A few items spilling from her cart and her small huff of frustration caused the man she bumped into to chuckle slightly.

"I'm really sorry, wait, why are you laughing?" she questioned and the man began to pick up her items, placing them back into her shopping basket. At that moment, Kaitessa realized who she had bumped into.

"It's cool, no harm done. Although your bag of chips looks a little deflated," he smiled down at her.

"You're Mike Conley, I'm a huge Grizzles fan. It's so nice to meet you," Kaitessa wanted to explode from excitement but managed to keep her cool in front of the point guard. His smile was to die for and she couldn't help but notice the sparkle in his eyes as he spoke to her.

"Just call me Mike, and you are?" He, like a gentleman, extended his hand to her. She placed her smaller one in his and they both felt the spark.

"Kaitessa," she breathed out, hand still enclosed in his. He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it and never taking his eyes off of hers.

"Kaitessa, that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He placed her hand gently at her side and reached into his pocket. Mike retrieved his iPhone and held it towards her.

"If you don't mind, Kaitessa, I'd like to call you some time? Maybe get you some tickets to the next home game..." he trailed off, staring at her once again. Mike was never the one to believe in love at first sight but he couldn't deny the feelings brewing inside of him.

Kaitessa took his phone and quickly typed in her contact information. She even went as far as taking a selfie for her contact picture. He smiled at her boldness but playful nature.

"Yes? You kind of trailed off there?" She looked up, puzzled by his sudden change of attitude.

"Maybe we can talk about you being mine over dinner? I'd love to take you out and this may be the only chance I get. What do you say, Kaitessa, dinner with me?" She was taken aback by his question but nodded, too excited to speak.

Mike sighed a breath of relief at her silent agreement to join him. Even without words, he acknowledged the excitement in her eyes and knew he made the right decision.

"So I'll call you tonight and we can talk about a time that works for us, sound good?" He asked, making sure she wasn't going to bail on him.

"That sounds amazing, Mike, I'll be waiting." And with that, she smiled before turning back to her shopping list. Mike bit his bottom lip, watching her walk away and swiftly did a victory dance in the middle of the aisle.

He had a date with a beautiful lady, who would hopefully, soon be his.


I hope you liked it girl!

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