Searching for Love (Splash Brothers)

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"I'm searching for my zodiac sign,
I'm on the chat line and sex is on my mind..."

It was a lonesome Friday night for the two roommates, both dateless and free for the upcoming weekend. The ladies had a long week of working in their respective fields: Amour as a well-known blogger in California and Abigail had just landed a job as a physical therapist.

Unfortunately, their dedication to being successful women came at a price. Amour had been a true testament of the known "all work and no play" story, cursing out nearly everyone in her path. She was desperate, lonely and dying to relieve some pent up frustration. The young woman tried yoga, sleeping and exercise but nothing could cure the burn within the pits of her stomach. She needed a man and would be relentless until she found the right one.

Abigail, on the other hand, acted much more contained than her best friend. She transformed her sexual desire into one of her favorite hobbies: writing. Over the past month, the deprived woman had completed nearly thirty chapters of a book she originally started for fun. Now, her beloved hobby became a daily necessity in her life.

Tugging furiously at her long locks, Abigail huffed and deleted a whole chapter before nearly slamming her laptop shut. The shorter woman curled pretzel-like into her chair and glanced over to her not-so-frustrated roommate with a raised brow. Amour stretched out on the sofa, small smirk forming on her lips.

"What's got you grinning mi Amour? I haven't seen you this relaxed since the holidays," she questioned, waiting for some acknowledgement. Amour held up a finger, signaling she needed a minute, and proceeded to type feverishly on her touch screen.

"Bitch, I know you did not just put your crusty-"

"Girl, shush," Amour's eyes never parted from the screen.

"I KNOW you didn't just shush me!" Abigail may have only been five feet tall but she had the attack of a lioness. Amour rolled her eyes, paying little mind to the woman's outburst.

"If you would calm your little ass down, I'm trying to get us some dick so we can both chill the hell out!" Amour resumed typing, biting her lip and sighing every now and then. Abigail sat there, taken aback by the blunt answer. She, like anyone, knew Amour kept it one hundred with everyone but her outspoken nature tonight was completely on edge.

"You're trying to do what?! Are you over there cyber fucking some old ass bald man pretending to be our age? Girl, didn't I tell you that is not the way to find a man?" Amour waved her off and sent a last reply, opting to sit up and finally fill her friend in.

"I'm done, so there's this app called 'Stars and Desires' where you fill out a form and it matches you with a hookup by zodiac compatibility. It asks your zodiac, sexual fantasy, favorite position and how important physical attractiveness is to you. I did one for the both of us and the guys will be here any minute. You can thank me later," Amour smirked at the wide eyed Abigail and proceeded to get up from the sofa.

"Oh hell no, there is no way in hell I'm going to fuck some stranger because an app told me to! Girl, are you crazy? Are you really desperate for sex where you need an app of all things to tell you who to fuck?! I cannot with you right now! You can do whatever upside down, swinging from ceiling shit you want to do but I'm not about to hook up with some aids infested loser who can't find his own woman."

Before Abigail could leave the room or protest further, the doorbell rang. Amour skipped to the door, winked at her roommate and opened it swiftly. Abigail's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she realized who was walking into their living room.

"Hey fellas, how y'all doing tonight?" Amour hugged the first one as his friend stood there, nervously and uncomfortable. The shorter man peaked over Amour's head and offered a warm smile to Abigail, causing her to almost melt onto the floor. However, she was much more interested in the shy man behind him.

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