T-Shirt (Devin Booker)

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For the1973

It was Saturday night and Abigail stretched her tired limbs beneath one of her boyfriend's shirts. He was on the road again and they were spending another night apart. The college freshman chose to stay behind and get caught up on some homework she had missed due to her traveling for his previous road stretch.

This was always the hardest part for the couple. While absence makes the heart grow fonder, neither of them wanted to admit how much his travels really put a strain on them equally.

As Abigail sighed before turning another page in her massive textbook, her phone buzzed, indicating a call was incoming. She saw the face of her boyfriend and a smile spread across her full lips.

"Hey baby," his baritone silkily made its way into her ear. Devin was the only person who could make her blush without being near. The young woman bit her lip and twirled a braid around her finger.

"Hey handsome, shouldn't you be practicing?" Abigail leaned back into the plush pillows and propped her feet on the ottoman in front of his sofa. Devin chuckled and she knew he was rolling his eyes at her suggestion.

"I'm going, I'm going, I just wanted to talk to you before going out there. I need some motivation." His already deep voice had an edge she knew all too well.

"I'm wearing your shirt, isn't that enough for you?" She giggled lightly, hearing him groan on the other end of the line. His reaction caused her to lick her bottom lip, biting it softly.

"I love when you wear my clothes. I gotta go, coach is calling. I love you baby and I'll be home tomorrow."

"I love you too." The couple hung up and Abigail sighed again. She forgot how much she truly missed him when he was on the road. Not only did she miss his company and quality time, but she also missed their time in the bedroom. They hadn't been intimate in weeks and she could feel her need growing for him.

"This is not what I signed up for," Abigail muttered to herself, heading into their bedroom. The petite woman stood in front of the floor length mirror and stared at her reflection. Eyes wild, face flushed and goosebumps sprinkled across her ebony skin. She breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of his shirt.

Her freshly painted nails raked down the side of her neck, just as Devin usually did. She tipped her head back, sighing and feeling the fabric caress the curves of her body. Her thighs clenched together, imagining his hands rubbing gentle circles between them.

"Oh Devin," she moaned quietly. Her hooded gaze focused on the mirror and she saw her man standing behind her, smirking at the sight before him.

"Yes Princess?" he wrapped his arms around her, placing butterfly kisses along her jaw. His hands made their way under the shirt as he softly stroked her wet folds.

"Devin, please." Abigail's voice was barely above a whisper. He held her body close to his and she was completely enamored with him. His fingers continued to press into her, melting the woman from the inside out.

"I'll take it slow, just wait on me." Confused by his words, her brown eyes opened and he was gone.

"Oh my god, I'm losing it. Baby, please come home." Her shoulders slumped and she walked over to their king sized bed, climbing in and not bothering to turn the music off. The song playing was a favorite of theirs to make love to.

Inside on top of you, grinding inside and out of you

Baby I know what to do, baby I know what to do

Her eyes opened, feeling familiar hands gliding over her warm skin. Abigail moaned out, Devin deeply stroking her walls and groaning in her ear. Her hips snuggly fit around his waist as he continued to make love to her.

"Baby please, deeper," she purred in his ear as he deepened his strokes. He always felt amazing inside of her. He intertwined their hands above her head as he continued to love her. Each time they were together was better than the last.

"God I missed you, te extrano demasiado mami," Devin's brown orbs stared lovingly into hers. Abigail's back arched at his words, nothing was sexier than him speaking Spanish to her during their love making.

His stokes became deeper as the knot formed in the pit of her stomach. Her hips lifted to meet each of his deep thrusts and her vision completely clouded over. She was riding the high that was her man and she never wanted to come down.

"Oh Devin..."

Abigail's eyes snapped open and she realized it had all been a dream. She was still snuggled deep within the sheets, clad in Devin's shirt. The faint scent of his cologne and body wash still lingered around her.

The young woman's skin coated in a thin layer of perspiration as she laid on her back. Rain was cascading against the window and she felt more alone than ever. Abigail never knew being the girlfriend of a NBA player could be this difficult. The only thing to keep her warm on nights like this was his t-shirt and her imagination.

Moments later, she heard a faint buzzing on Devin's nightstand. Her phone had multiple alerts from Devin's recent game. Her baby had won in Atlanta and she couldn't be more proud. Even though the season wasn't going as planned, his development and play always made her heart swell with pride.

As she scrolled through countless messages, one in particular caught her eye.

I'll be landing at 9 baby girl, Papi's coming home to you

A large smile graced her lips and she saw the time was 4:03, he'd be home in less than five hours and they'd be together again, making love and enjoying each other's company. She quickly replied and turned over, falling asleep on his side of the bed. The music continued to play as her world darkened again.

I know it's late, I know it's late

And baby I can't focus, focus

I just flew in, in town today

Devin quietly entered the house, dropping his bags by the door. The usual sounds of his girlfriend's typing or singing were nonexistent. Quickly, the rookie slipped his Nike's off and tip toed around their home, wanting to surprise her.

His feet padded down the carpeted hallway until he came across their bedroom. Abigail was bundled up with his pillow and but she was moving. His eyebrow raised slightly and his feet carried him to the bedside. Slowly, he pulled the covers back and saw her still in his t-shirt and thighs pressed together.

"Devin...please, right there," he smirked as he realized she was dreaming about him. In record time, he stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed with her. He pulled her body into his and kissed her neck while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Dime lo que quieres?" he repeated the question and continued to rub her sides until she began to wake up. Abigail's eyes lazily locked on his and before he could say another word. She pressed her lips against his.

"Make love to me, I'm tired of waiting Papi." That's all Devin needed. In an instance, he was on top of her and removing the t-shirt she had used for comfort so many times.

"I will baby, let me take care of you."

And just like that, they were making love again.

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