PillowTalk (Klay Thompson)

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For alenaamarii

"I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure..."

Alena's body lie there, entangled in silk sheets and her lover's warmth. His nimble fingers grazed her damp skin and lips peppered her neck in soft kisses. Her body relaxed into his embrace, loving the feel of their closeness.

The pair decided to spend the last of Klay's All-Star break in his home, engaged in one another. She was ecstatic to watch him win the 3-point contest and play in the popular All-Star game but being with him in the nighttime were some of her most cherished moments. His usual stone faced expressions were nonexistent, allowing her to see the vulnerable man behind the mask.

Klay, unbeknownst to most, was an emotional being. His heart filled with love, lust and passion each moment he spent within her. But his mind was consumed with uneasiness, ambivalence and pain. He cared deeply for the woman occupying his bed but he was afraid of hurting her in the worst ways.

"Klay? Are you alright?" Alena's soft voice eclipsed the trance he found himself falling into. Between the distant sounds of traffic and smooth 90's R&B on Pandora, Klay's thoughts whirled at lightening speed.

"Yeah, just thinking baby girl," he cleared his throat, attempting to sound less shaken. Their week together allowed him to see their relationship in two different lights. He loved the way she willingly gave her body to him but he felt the pain of pushing her away when he saw the love behind her brown orbs.

He wasn't in love with her but he loved everything about her. The way her laughs echoed a melody, her flowing hair, her accent, just everything that made her Alena, that made her his.

"You know you can talk to me, what are you thinking of?" Alena's wild curls sprawled out onto his pillow as she faced her lover and friend. She tightened the sheets around her, securing her body from his view. His lips formed a small smile, adoring her modesty in a somewhat serious situation. Klay leaned on his elbow, peering over at her.

"I've been thinking," Klay stopped, side tracked by his eyes noticing her lips and the way her tongue moistened them. The little things about her always took his breath away. He leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to hers. Alena, however, pulled away and stared into his eyes.

"Baby boy, you can't tell me something and then try to kiss me. Talk to me?" The stubble on his cheek brushed against her fingers. Klay sighed, taking in a deep breath. He wasn't sure of what to say but he knew she would be hurt no matter how sincere his words were.

"Alena, you know how much I care about you-"

"You don't want to be with me anymore, I should have known this was too good to be true. I'll get my things and leave since I'm not wanted." Hastily, Alena turned to leave Klay alone in their paradise but he reacted quickly, pulling her body to his. She struggled in his grasp, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

"Will you stop? I'm trying to talk to you. Stop being stubborn and listen to me!"

"Why should I?! You don't want me here! And to think I thought I liked you!"

She moved to push him away but Klay was a step ahead of her, laying her back into the sheets. His body covered hers like a warm blanket, his scent lingering around her.

Alena's face was red but not from anger. He saw the embarrassment and sadness, pain he had caused her was on full display beneath him. Tears prickled  her eyes and her face turned to the wall. She was angry on the inside, feeling taken advantage of for the first time during their many encounters.

"Now if you'd let me explain, I was trying to tell you I care about you and lately, I've been conflicted about my feelings for you. But you were too busy running to listen to me."

Alena's eyes closed as she inhaled a shaky breath, waiting for him to continue.

"Now I know you have feelings for me and I love you but I'm not sure if I'm in love with you. I love all of the little things that make you the beautiful woman I'm happy to spend time with but I don't know how to be in love. I only know how to love your body."

Klay hung his head in shame, unable to look into her eyes any longer. He had prepared for her onslaught of profanities and condescending words but none came. Instead, he felt her fingers massaging his scalp tenderly. His head fell to the crook of her neck, waiting for her reply.

"Klay, baby, what you're feeling is normal. You've had some rocky relationships and I understand that. I do love you baby boy but I'm not ready to ride off into the sunset with you just yet. I love being around you and enjoying everything we do together. You make me happy in inexplicable ways. I'd rather be tangled up with you than going on dates or falling in love with someone else."

Alena's words further confused Klay, sending the man into an internal battle. On one hand, he knew she could do better than himself but on the other, he wanted her to be his. He couldn't stomach the thought of her making love to another man and giving her heart away to someone who would treat her better than he ever could.

"I can't keep hurting you baby but I love the way I feel with you."

"Then what do you suppose we do Klay?"

Without hesitation, Klay positioned himself between her parted thighs and nestled himself within her. She gasped at the unexpected action but moaned softly.

"We continue loving one another the only way we know how." And with that, Klay ravished her body through the dawn.

"It's our paradise and it's our war zone..."


I hope you like your surprise hon!! This was definitely one of my favorites to write!

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